Not Just Another Tincture Thread

That’s very interesting. Does it taste very sour?


Yes it is indeed sour. Like those Atomic Warheads candies.


I think the fresh herb tincture is going to be the greenest thing ever. Had it in the freezer for an hour or two and does taste a lot greener than the GD I made from dried herb, but it is also really sweet. Amazing. I think I’ll let it soak a few days and shake once a while.


That sweet taste is amazing isn’t it? It surprised me too

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Yes, totally. And it should get even better once I reduce the tincture. Awesome!


Mine got a little more spicy, but the sweet taste reduced out a bit. It was there still, but the piperine was definitely the strongest flavor after reducing :thinking:


So this should also work for non decarbed tincture by just adding citric acid then? That would be awesome!

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Let’s find out. I used a tablespoon of fresh herb tincture and a tablespoon of malic acid, because that’s what I had in the house. Stirred it well, let it sit for a few hours. Part of the ethanol evaporated, I put a fan on top to do the rest. Left me with greenish malic acid powder.

I mixed it with half a tablespoon of sodium bicarbonate and two tablespoons of sugar to create cannabis sherbet powder. Which I will snack now for science.


I like that idea, let me know how that works out!


This is kinda not really pertaining to “tinctures” but I have a question.

I have seen multiple recipes for lip balms out there. While they aren’t that complicated, I like Carmex and have used it for years, it works. The question I have is, is it possible to infuse Carmex with either cbd or thc?

It was very fizzy. I ate it all, did not make a drink with it. I got a mild, pleasant buzz out of it. Should have used only half of the sodium bicarbonate, it was not sour enough for my taste.

I’m out of acid, but I’m going to redo this with more material soon with
-a closed container and longer soak (for the acid to decarboxylate more)
-citric acid (higher acidity than malic acid)
-reduced tincture (higher THCa content)
-less sodium bicarbonate (more sour)
-less sugar

I would like to have a product that works in small quantities so I can just keep it in my mouth for a bit and get the cannabinoids absorbed. That way I could activate parts of my tinctures on demand whenever I feel like it.

Using it as a fizzy drink enhancement could be a bonus, but I’m a bit scared of edibles (drinkables?)

I’ll let you know when I make the next version.


Yeah, you could use a solvent transfer (see the beginning of this thread) or just use low heat and stir in some CBD distillate, rosin, rso, etc.

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What about flower or kief? Can’t get anything higher than 90 proof so that is tough. The only solvent I use is PG/VG for vape. Would that work, or would that make it too liquidy?

In afraid that would be too liquidy. Lower proof alcohol can be used, but requires you reduce it all the way to an oil. That can be added to the warmed lip balm.

Since it for a topical, a QWISO would also work.

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In that case I would do everything normally just heat the tincture at low temp to evaporate?


Yes, there are instructions for that in the first few posts.


Thanks, will go back.

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Great to see another version of the original thread here and also good to see Psam in here too :slight_smile:


So, I just finished my first run of making dry ice hash.

I started with aprox 2900 grams (wet) of @ReikoX Ghost Toof#2 x SBR (Sugar Black Rose). About half of it was put in my freezer for the last three weeks. The rest of it was left to dry in shallow containers in my grow room (around 66F and 50% humidity).

I started by using the 160 bag on the frozen stuff from the freezer. That didnt seem to work too well. I think because I didnt break up the bud enough. It still gave me a good bit of hash, but it was pretty green.

Then I switched to the 120 bag and did some of the dry stuff that had just been in the trays, but not forzen. That worked much much better. It was easy to break up and made a much more tan product. Plus, I seemed to get more hash in the end.

Anyway, I ended up with a total of 35 grams of hash. About half of it is more or less tan colored and the rest is more greenish,

It seems to me that doing the bud after it has dried some works much better than freshly frozen, but that may be my inexperience too.

Anyway - now to the questions. is 35 grams of hash a reasonable yield from 2900 grams of wet bud?

I plan to dissolve most of this in coconut oil. I will heat it to 220 F for 20 minutes or so, then cool and put into capsules. Im going to reserve some to make green dragon, but Im not sure how to do that yet.

I will have a “smoke test” report later…


Just over a 1% return, I don’t think that is good really, I get a minimum of 10% making RSO.