Not Just Another Tincture Thread

Thats what I thought too. I could have gotten more, but I was getting tired shaking that bag full of dry ice :wink: This technique is a lot more demanding physically than using alcohol to make Green Dragon. Plus, toward the end, it seemed to be just getting greener in color, so I figured I was about done anyway.

Any suggestions for doing it better next time? Im NOT going to do the wet/frozen thing again for sure. I know I lost a ton doing that part.

I think maybe if I had done it in smaller batches it would have helped too. I think I over filled the bag.

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GD dragon is really quite simple especially when you make it from kief/hash. When you’re ready to make it ask away and I’ll help where I can. I’m sure there’s plenty other here who can chime in.

You can then transfer the GD to MCT or another medium of your choice like agave, honey or make an oral spray to. I’ve made my fair share of goodies now thanks to @PSam for his guidence and patince .

PSam has a video on the process too.


Yes, a little low on the yield side. Not to mention, you are only getting the capitate stalked trichomes that break off easily, leaving behind the bulbous head trichomes that the alcohol gets.


Yeah, I have done GD many times. It seems to me that has to be the most efficient way to get ALL the good stuff out of the bud, but its kind of a pain in some ways and expensive where I live. The EverClear costs me about $70 a bottle and I would have need two bottles to do this much bud.

The dry ice was only $18, and he bags cost another $25 and are re-usable - I think. How do you clean these bags? No way will my wife let me put them in the washing machine :smiley:


Grain alcohol and a pyrex pie pan.


Sorry I must’ve misread. I thought you hadn’t made GD

I know the feeling of the $70 bottle :wink:

It’s very efficient with kief just 4g per fluid oz. For that amount of kief you would need around 300ml of 190 proof its less but you need to factor in a little rinse for the batch too.

Be a nice tincture


Funny Fudge
This is a quick and easy recipe utilizing the solvent transfer. I want these come out around 15-20 mg per 1" piece, so I’ll use about 1 ml Green Dragon per piece. Perfect for making it through the holidaze.

[ul][li]2 oz. Green Dragon[/li]
[li]1/4 cup butter[/li]
[li]1 can (14 oz.) sweetened condensed milk[/li]
[li]3 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips[/li]
[li]1 cup chopped walnuts or pecans (optional)[/li][/ul]

You will also need
[ul][li]Double boiler[/li]
[li]8"x8" pan[/li][/ul]

[ol][li]Transfer Green Dragon to butter[/li]
[li]Mix butter, sweetened condensed milk, and chocolate chips in the double boiler[/li]
[li]Mix well until the chocolate chips are all melted[/li]
[li]Stir in nuts, if desired[/li]
[li]Pour into greased pan[/li]
[li]Refrigerate for two hours to set[/li][/ol]

Ingredients in double boiler

Finished fudge


So, how do you de-carb the hash when you do it that way? You cant heat the alcohol, so you must be doing it before you mix it up?

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Yeah you can decarb two ways.

Right the alcohol is used only for the extraction no heating up.

One is an oven decarb the other is a natural decarb.

IF you have the time the natural decarb is the best way as it preserves all the terpenes etc… and when I say time you would need 4 months for a natural decarb and aslightly longer for CBD around 5 months.

Otherwise its the same decarb time and method as flower. There’s no need to freeze the kief after the decarb if you’re doing the oven decarb.

Here’s @PSam video


Ah! I forgot about the natural decarb thing. @ReikoX also mentioned that just leaving it in the alcohol will decarb it eventually, but I forget how long that was - still longer than I want to wait to get hi :wink:


Yeah you only rinse in the alcohol don’t leave any material in the alcohol. Then leave it in a dark cupboard for 4 months. It gives you a full spectrum tincture.

Oven decarb is ready to go if your alcohol is already in the freezer :slight_smile:


Ninety days, apparently.


pretty sure @PSam who did all the lab tests on this in his OP in grasscity tested at 4 months for full natural decarb and 5 for CBD :slight_smile:

No plant material is to sit in the alcohol longer than the inital extraction


Is there a way to bookmark recipes in a thread this long? Looking for the gummy recipe in here requires me to go back and scroll thru most of this thread.


Click the triple dot icon under the post, and then click the one that looks like a bookmark (on the bottom far right in the pic below)

Then when you visit your profile you will see a button that will let you view your bookmarks.


Can this be used with fresh bud? Or does it have to be cured?

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I copy and paste the recipe into Microsoft word. This way I have it offline and can print up the recipes and have them always on hand.


It has to be dried, cured bud tends to have less of a green taste though.


The search function works well too. Just hit the search button and select the “search this topic” option.

I do need to make a table of contents at the first page, it’s just quite difficult to edit the first post on mobile. Maybe I’ll get some time over the break.


See, this is why I ask questions! My dumb ass was using the search function but never saw the search this topic option!