Not Just Another Tincture Thread

Which tastes better fruity or minty?


The cinnamon covers the taste of the cannabis the best IMO. Lemon are pretty good too if you like sour candies. I’ve also made raspberry, peppermint, and just recently rootbeer.


In case anyone wants to try what I did - mixing fresh hash into coconut oil, and heating to decarb it - there is a catch.

As the oil cools and gets solid, it separates out into two layers. A light tan color on top and a dark brownish on bottom. The light tan stuff must be mostly just coconut oil with the hash sinking to the bottom. I tried some and its not very potent, so be sure to mix well before use or you may get unpredictable/variable results.

Im surprised the hash didnt just dissolve, but it seems to work great when mixed well…


The stuff that sank to the bottom are most likely trichome husks


Yep @invisible has it right. The waxy trichome husks will leave a sediment. The same happens when you use hash to make GD. The trichome husks dont add potency, you could safely filter it or decant the rest off.


Sorry but I’ve had back surgery with complications and haven’t been able to check in lately.

For a natural decarb of high THC it will take about 4 month and can be used after 3 if you need it. If it’s older material it may only take 3 for the full process. The alcohol increases the natural enzyal aging that may take 3 years and degrade a lot. That doesn’t happen with the Natural. The high-CBD is ideal around 5 months instead of 4 mainly due to the stability of the molecule which doesn’t degrade like THC into CBN. Of course, environmental factors can play a part.

ReikoX is right when he says to place the natural tincture in the refrigerator to keep it from proceeding further but that should be done after the cure, not during. The cold will inhibit the progression and it will take a lot longer to activate but you want that inhibited. If making an inactive tincture you want to keep inactive then keep it in the refrigerator.



I hope things are better, or get better for you soon! Thank you for all the valuable info, it’s extremely helpful.


Hi @ReikoX what do you think of lecithin? I ve read it enhances the uptake of thc and cbd in tinctures?
Theres a thread on IC: Lecithin | International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums
In Germany there is a company that sells a combination of alcohol and lecithin (to extract thc) its called Lecithol:

Green Greetings!


Found some high proof alcohol

Decarbed 2 grams of shatter

Dissolved the shatter in 4 oz of the polski liquor then made gummies (no gummy pics, sorry)

Gummies were easy, used 1 oz of the green dragon. except the molds I bought were only 1ml dinosaur shapes and they’re the size of gummy bears. By my calcs, the gummies are probably about 2mg each or less. I ate 5 yesterday and got a mellow buzz, will probably try more today.


From my experiments with lecithin, it only seems to be useful for those with digestive issues. I dont usually use it myself.


This is how I usually make my tincture lately, I like to use 1 oz. of alcohol per gram of concentrate. Yours came out a beautiful color. :+1::seedling:


I did 2 oz per gram, wanted to make sure it wasnt too concentrated the first time I messed w it. Will probably do 1 oz per g next time.


I have been enjoying this thread. I will get much use from it. A bottle of 190 is ready for plants whose seeds are not even in the soil yet for my first grow.


Made lemon salt water taffy. The lemon didn’t come through as much as I’d like but they’re delicious - they stay soft and have a nice lemon and hash taste to them.

1.5g rosin ball (in a 1/2 oz tincture), tried to shoot for 15mg/per in ~70 pieces.

This stuff is a pain in the ass. It sticks to whatever hand has the most grip on it due to warmth, and stretching it takes upwards of 30 minutes. My forearms were toast.

This is after final stretch/fold.

Rolled pieces of it out and cut into individuals.

Individually wrapped!


Love it! Now I want to make some!


They look good. please let us know how they are once you have tried one :thumbsup:

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They’re great. They’re more sweet than lemon, I used more lemon essence than called for and it was still a bit weak; people recommended covering hands with essence while stretching to really jack the flavor, next time!

I’m a high doser by nature but one is perfect. If I had to spitball it I’d say they’re right around 15mg and if I want to level up I will eat one and a half. The effect because of it being a sugar base lasts around 4 hours. Really nice.

The consistency is amazing, they’re always soft and have been sitting on a shelf for a couple weeks now.

Working with sugar is a huge bitch but rewarding in the end, it’s so strange how certain temperatures dictate a totally different outcome.

edit: I followed this recipe (it says 35 pieces but that’s wrong I got 70 easy); I ditched the vanilla extract and added ~1tsp lemon and subtracted out 1 tbsp of water for the 1/2 oz of tincture and they came out fantastic.


Nice one. Yeah the sugar component helps with the bio availability and quick acting onset.

I like my GD transferred into agave and the oral spray is good as well. Thats my favourite way of consumption but this year i will try out a few different things. Something small like candy so I can carry it around and micro dose throughout the day.

I love how versatile GD is.


I like hard candies for that very reason. Plus not quite as much fat and calories as butter.