Not Just Another Tincture Thread

The way I do it is:

  1. 10ml of VG/PG/Mix for every gram of flower (can’t say for resin or keif). I do a 80/20 mix of VG/PG (don’t like the throat hit from PG but it does thin it a bit).

  2. Put amount of flower in a glass canning jar and cover with VG/PG and stir well.

  3. Place jar in pot and fill pot to just above level of VG/PG with water. (Note: you should place a cloth or small metal rack under jar to raise it from the bottom of the pot) and bring to a boil.

  4. Once the water starts to boil, set timer for 2 hours, keeping the water at a rolling boil and stirring every 20 minutes.

  5. Let it cool down a bit and strain through cheesecloth or muslin.

I have never found the need to decarb before as the time and temperature should do so, or the vaping temp will take care of it.

The other way to go is to put flower in a jar, fill jar with VG/PG and let sit for 6 months, shaking/stirring every few days.


Such fun!

OK, this is not useful to me:

I am meditating on how to incorporate this into new candy without bringing the THC back to 300°. What if I make another batch and hold it at 270° on the way down, mixing this in?
Worth a try, make some lower potency candy with just this melted in. The proportions of sugar and Corn Syrup will be off. Let the next mess begin!


Aside from the taste and titration tests it was a no brainer. Used brown sugar for kicks and added the crack-up back in, stirring till it hurt. Sugar/syrup quantities do not appear to be rigid.

Another way of reincorporating the shattered candy would have been to melt it separately. More pots to clean though, and, as usual, cleanup is my least favorite part of the project.


I finally got to try this out. Turns out using it with coffee filters just didnt work well at all. Coffee filters are just a tad too small, and just plug up too much. Maybe Im shaking the mason jars with bud and alcohol in them too much. The funnel did speed it up some, but it was still slooooooow.

I found the best combination of speed and filtering was using two different layers of material. The first layer was just some fabric batting. I put that in the filter first. Then I used some 75 mesh screen from a bubble hash bag on top of that. It went much faster than coffee filters and ended up clear enough for me.


Made hard candy yesterday! Looks great! Will try one tomorrow… Little scared. Dosing is not my specialty there’s a lot of oil in these suckers.


Well, start with a quarter piece and wait an hour, check the effects and ‘tune it in’.
‘Mileage will vary’ depending on what you have eaten recently too.



Thanks G. These are hard candies so dividing is tricky.
I ate one of the lower dosage ones on an empty stomach at 8:30AM. 2.5 hrs later no effect. May try a high dosage one but curious as the tincture was perceptible at 2 drops (on a Smarties) and I added about 20ml.


The two drops on a Smartie - might have had a sublingual uptake component (much quicker). It would with me because of the way I eat Smarties… :relaxed:

Tolerance makes a big difference for me (mine is rather high). I gave a chocolate square to a friend (total noob) so I briefed her as above. She ate 1/8 and was on cloud 9 for the rest of the day, I wouldn’t have felt a thing…



Yeah, this was first thing off a one-week tolerance break. I sucked it to nothing in the shower on an empty stomach. So probably some combination of buccal, sublingual, and liver processing… Still, coming up on 3 hours and only a barely perceptible removal of edge. May be a sleep aid but no help for persistent itches.

I think I might smoke some Jungle Spice now.


If you followed my recipe, two pieces makes a decent dose. Because they are sugar based, and not fat, they tend to hit faster and not last as long.


The source for this oil was my slop jar. And the candy was from the remix. No way to assess potency.
I had the tincture, titrated it and reduced it to 1-2 drop dosage for the PEZ/Smarties.
I have this on deck:

Current perceptible dose is 2 dropper loads, about 40-50 drops.


This is the last of my green dragon for right now… its so dark light does not go through it… I divided a half gallon of ever clear with 4 ounces of gorilla glue ground up in Mason jars, then let sit for 2 months. One shot and I’m truly inebriated. This tincture is a really nice way to quickly get a good amount in your system… Typically I take a shot a day, I also find chasing with water completely takes the overwhelming alcohol taste from the shot. Another tincture I make is a combination of coconut oil and dabs. Instead of taking them just drink a small vial… I put usually 1 gram of concentrates to every 2.5 grams coconut oil. Then heat the whole mixture to activate it(if it is not reclaim, which will already be activated from previous vaporization) make sure it sizzles a little. Then fill your viles. These usually end up putting me to sleep. They are awesome to have around if in need of a nice couch lock. Keep in mind, I smoke a lot and have the tolerance to handle a shot… some people may need a tincture dropper full and be good…


You could always reduce it down by using double boiler to reduce the alcohol level
Then you too could use the dropper


Its fine taking as a shot for me…@stiggy


So I just pulled the trigger on one of these magical butter machines don’t even have it yet but was thinking what I want to try and make some MTC oil tincture out the gate! For say 6 oz of oil final product how much bud and/or trim , gram wise would one use for this amount ? I purchased some commercial CBD OIL 5000mg/2 oz really great price IMO and it has helped my mood and insomnia immensely for being on it for just two days it also has dropped my BP down which I think was elevated by my anxiety and depression that Iv had for the last 5-6 months. … feeling great finally!


Ok let’s talk Candice molds… who uses them what brands do you like and hold up over continue usage ? Been looking around a bit here and there @ReikoX do you have some good recommendations?


I picked up some silicon ones from amazon that friends have had great success with
I have never gotten to use mine yet.
Little pot leaf ones and gum bears too. I think they were approx 13 bucks prime


@ReikoX , @PSam was wondering if a OTC a high CBDHEmp oil consisting of MTC oil could be used in a hard candy recipie? Not familiar whether not the oil would mix with the ingredients in a typical hard candy recipe? Thoughts? Would a emulsifier be needed?


I just use these little heart molds I got at the dollar store. They hold about 9-10 ml each so it makes measuring out a batch pretty easy.


You cant add a whole lot of oil to the candies, there is nothing to soak it up. The flavorings are oil based, but you only add about 2ml per batch of that.


So your saying an once ( 30 mls) of MTC based CBD oil would be to much?