Not Just Another Tincture Thread

I honestly don’t know. If you have some non-medicated MCT I would do a trial first.


Sounds like a plan Stan! lol


The sugar doesn’t hold the oil very well and you have to gently fold it into your sugar mix instead of stirring furiously. I’ve never been able to get it right myself and have always had oil that didn’t absorb. You should use lecithin in the oil. MCT or other oil should make no difference.

BadKittySmiles of GrassCity fame says that 1 cup of sugar will absorb about .5oz of oil, 15ml for the candy and any more will just sit there. That’s what happened when I tried it with an oz of oil. I poured off the leftover oil and used it elsewhere. It was a little sweet but good nevertheless. If you add your oil as you’re increasing to hard crack stage then all the oil will incorporate but you lose a lot of your potency from the high temps.

Now, if you want some crazy strong candies you can do as I have done. A couple of times when I was still experimenting I used both oil and tincture. Once the temp got down to 270°F I poured in my oil and quickly folded it in a little then poured the GD in there and stirred like crazy. All the action from the alcohol boiling off helped get the oil dispersed evenly as well. I had to stop making it like that because it was just too strong for most people. yeux3


When making candy with an oil it’s best to concentrate that oil as much as you can because of that absorption limit. As ReikoX says, do a virgin batch for practice.


Thanks for the info @PSam great info I have to do some figuring on amounts the concentration of the hemp oil is 5000mg per 60 mls or 83 mg/ml so at this point I need to figure out how much candy is made if I’m looking at it right 15 mls at 83mg/ml and say 140# mold would 1247mg total /140 looks like about a 9mg piece of candy what’s the recipe total volume or did I miss it? lol

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If I recall correctly a batch of candy using 1 cup of sugar is about 200 grams and my finished candy nets me about that much afterwards along with whatever sticks to the pan. If you use 15ml @ 83mg/ml, 1247mg, and you retrieve 200g of finished candy then each gram of candy will contain 6.2mg of CBD. If each candy is 4g then each piece is ~25mg. When you do your practice batch check the weight of the candies from each different mold set. That will help you determine your initial concentration and make any needed adjustments.


The Man The Myth The Legend My Friend @PSam
Nice to see you buddy


So the hemp oil in the bottle is made with hemp isolate so so would there be any net loss of of actual drug ? At this point I could just use the pure isolate in powder form and not have to Dick around with the oil portion .

Has anyone worked with isolate does it dissolve in any media easily?


That’s the route I would take I know the isolate will work and you should have pretty reliable dosing.


You know, I’m not really sure that the CBD is going to be greatly diminished it it’s taken to the hard crack stage. The temp at which it becomes volatile is much higher than THC. Isolate would be easier than messing around with the oil.

It dissolves readily in alcohol and oils/fats. You should have no problem with it.


Hey Old School Nice to see you.
Miss you


Sweet thanks for the reply that is going to lead me into my next question about activation of CBDA happen to know if the tip of your head of temp and Time to convert CBDA in regular bud?

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IME, CBDA and CBD have the same effects. No reason to decarb because the CBD isn’t psychoactive. And isolate is generally CBD not CBDA.


Has anyone use ABV (vaped already) herb to make tea in tea ball?
How much herb should I use per dose?
I made a cup with 2 tablespoons but its so good


Crap. I forgot I left a jar of frozen weed and shine in the freezer last night after the 5 minute shake. Was supposed to get strained after 2 hours, it’ll end up at 24 hrs now. Should be good and potent, but also likely really green w chlorophyll. Oh well, should be too much of an issue.


How was the flavor?
I’ve been washing mine (french press) and freezing - I’m regenerating my alcohol tincture supplies right now. I want to do an extraction this week.
I found 4 or 5 washes got the ‘vape stink’ off the ABV. I’m wondering if I’m wasting my time…



G I have made many tinctures using PSam method (same as R uses)
All with new herb and everclear 190 using freezer method, always has come out golden brown . if Green then soaked to long.
OK now the ABV (already been vaped herb) I took the plain ABV approx 2 tablespoons and use a tea ball in large cup of hot water , steep for a few minutes and some honey, I added a bit of milk too
I must say one of the Best cups of tea I ever drank, no bitter or burnt taste , well worth trying if you Vape and have left over Pooh. LOL
Not sure on the dosage but i seem to be feeling a little floaty now Nice feeling/
I woulds say you only need to do the one wash and toss the weed , the goods stuff will be in the alcohol now,
I was very surprised that there was no funky smell to the tea at all. smelled minty.
OH wait you are washing it with water than adding the alcohol wash. interesting.
My herb has been vaped to 390 F so not much THC left if any I’m sure just CBD’s.
Can we say sleepytime tea…


If you want to remove the green/chlorophyll, after straining it, place the liquid in a clear jar and place it in the sun for about an hour. Works great!


Nice kills the chlorophyll

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Sorry, I fkd up, :upside_down_face: I was washing in water with the french press to get funk off the ABV. Then I’ve been freezing it.
I first heard of your method around '74, that is authentic ol’school! :+1:

My process is a little more brutal, I run it through the Magic Butter machine with 180+ alcohol. I found it best to run at night and let it settle until morning - very clear output.

I was questioning about the taste of your tea, which I see you like - so now I’m wondering if I should leave some of the ‘funk’ on for flavor. I’ll tell you, for the first couple of washes, the funk was strong! I’ll try that on the next pass.
