Not Just Another Tincture Thread

I came looking for ideas of what to try with what’s been soaking, next. I decided on cannasugar.
Now, I have chronic fatigue and Fibromyalgia. We had a really active day, and my brain thought about using Splenda instead of sugar. I forgot all about how sucralose is puffed up with a carb added so that it can be measured like sugar. I was letting it air dry, and thought the oven would speed things up. What resulted was a tar/glue on the bottom of the pan.
I put the pan back in the oven for 15 minutes, 200 degrees. Clouds were formed.

I pushed my fingers through them for fun and placed back in the oven. I am going to get a kind of powder, after all.
Trying to find just simple instructions for a Canna-sucralose left me with nil. I even looked After I put the pan back in the oven.
After another 5 minutes I was able to scrape the pan and get the crystally powder.

I really thought that I had ruined this product. Maybe I did. I’ll try some tomorrow with coffee. Is this even kind of the way Canna-sucralose is supposed to be done? This is all so new and I do feel pretty dumb.


I don’t think you have buggered anything, I think you are breaking virgin ground here. Collect data! meas. and test potency.

You are on a roll big D - roll with it!



Will do and, thank you. I think I might get another little grinder just to give this product and some canna-sugar a whir just to try to make sure things are evenly incorporated.


I’ve done it with no problems.


Thank you. I’ll do the generic Splenda on a griddle or an electric skillet next time. I would like for it to keep as much of its original volume as possible. It will make it easier for the recipient to know how much they are using. After crumbling, there was just less than 3/4 cup. I wish your post would have come up when I was searching. It could have reduced some anxiety!
I make some canna sugar and tried a little on strawberries with some regular sucralose. A very, very slight taste of the cannabis was there. If I used sugar in this way often, I probably would not notice. Gonna check out some more of your recipes. Sweet goes over well at this house. I really hope to put more information here to use.


I have been experimenting with putting the pot back on the heated element while keeping the thermometer ~275°. “Quickly” was causing me to be sloppy and impatient. Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast.


I vape my weed to approx 390F sometimes a lil less on final vape
Are you doing higher ? Might be almost combusting and giving an after tatse
My ABV pooh was light brown in color and when tea was done steeping it look like tea
If you have a teaball try some right out of the ABV box and see, I used Honey for flavor too.
The Tea is nice with 2 table spoons of vape pooh but next time I may double it up to see.
Gave me a nice mild relaxed feel with 2 tbsh


I usually have to put it back on the heat to get the last of it out. Then I make a tea with the last of it in the pan. :grin: be careful with that though. :joy:


Ok, I’m running 190C so that’s 374F (I turned it down on recommendation in another thread) My ABV is bronze brown so we are pretty similar.
Well, I’m prepping what I have to extract CBN (and anything else that might be left in there). Next time I’ll process without the doing the wash for comparison.
I’ll try tea as soon as I vape enough.

I’ve been getting great mileage on my buds lately. Mind you, I have been scarfing down one of my homemade chocolate squares a day (my 4:20 break :star_struck:)



OK I will Bite How are you making the C-squares
are you using the ABV herb left over also? I have seen people make Firecrackers with it .

Oh 390F is the highest I will go after that I get nothing but hot heated air, I am mostly right down there at 370degs myself, I enjoy 342 degs the best, I vape until 370 then sleep and if I wake up afterwards I have gone to 390degs but it starts to taste toasty


My wife developed the chocolate square recipe.
The chocolate squares are using an alcohol tincture (1/3 C of tincture plus 1/4 C cannabutter). 500G of 70% chocolate and a can of Eagle Brand condensed milk. The tincture goes in last.
The cannabutter is a recent mod to improve the way the chocolate melts in you mouth AND improves the uptake (THC binding to the fat I think). It was voted unanimously as a significant improvement. Tuned down the sativa high and added a mellow floaty body feeling.
I’d be happy to detail you the step by step process if you wish. I’m madly in love with them :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :star_struck:



Maybe you could put on a thread for all of us.


They do sound Wonderful, I have to be careful on my amounts of chocolates I eat
My wife would love em Thanks


If you’re into sugar-free and want a sugar type product then I recommend coconut palm sugar. It’s all natural unlike splenda and low glycemic. It makes some mean cookies and everything else. It infuses just like granulated cane sugar. I made Stiggy some cookies a few times. Ask him about it. cligner|nullxnull


I actually bought some of that once, and we liked it! Can’t remember what I made…but we liked it. He really likes coconut, and I think I layered that up for ingredients in a cream pie. Infused, that would just be a dream. That will definitely go on here, the coconut palm sugar infusion. We use Agave nectar, too. I was just reading a bit on that. Thank you, PSam.


I keep being asked if I make gummies by friends, being a vegetarian I haven’t, because of the gelatin, but just discovered there is vegetarian gelatin, so I will be attempting making some very soon. I have RSO oil so will be looking through this thread to see how that would be used in the process thanks for all the info guys, going to save me some work searching.


The gummies I made were terrible and had a very short shelf life. I know others have had better luck than I have.


We found out it is best to avoid the sugar free recipes (they sweat). The vegetarian gelatin did not work for us either.

One pack of regular Jello and one pack of gelatin works best for us.



Yes You did, and they were Spectacular as Jerry’s Seinfeld Girlfriend said about her upper body parts LOL.
But seriously they were delicious as well as potent, Thanks again Sam
You are always the Teacher


Thanks for the heads up G, I guess I can make them with meat gelatin and not eat them. Just stick with my RSO on chocolate or peanut butter for myself :persevere:

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