Not Just Another Tincture Thread

Did you “stand them up” for 48 hours and them “lay them down” for another 24-48 hours? Supposedly this will make them close to the same consistency as the real ones and make them last a while. I didn’t know this when I made mine and they were the consistency of stiff jello and moldy in a week.


I have never made virgin gummies. Cannabis has me wanting to try. I just saw an infused taco seasoning at the dispensary. I’m not buying that from them. Instructions are to add meat and sour cream. I want to know how to do that. It could be done with rubs and BBQ sauce, too. Do any of you have experience like this? They also have an infused oatmeal. (Infused sugar/butter?) How would you try it?
My honey is off his kibble. He is weakening, losing weight, and has no appetite for anything but Oreos and a cheesecake I make. He does feel a little better while using cannabis.


Well, sugar can be infused. That’s already been discussed at the beginning of this thread. That would work for the oatmeal, or even just in a warm beverage. You could do the same thing with salt and use that for taco seasoning (actually think I’m going to do this now, thanks). I also did a citric acid extract with is good with anything that you want a tangy taste to like steak sauce or BBQ or even beef jerky (another recipe I’ve been wanting to try).


I don’t know why, it just does not register with my brain, the things that cannabis could be infused into. Making a kind of tartar sauce and having no lemon, I used the citric acid that could have been infused.
Please do tell when your jerky comes out. I have deer coming in the fall, and would like to follow your recipe.


I made green dragon with 3 parts dancehall cbd strain trim and 1part romulan grapefruit trim. Wife loves a teaspoon in coffee every morning for back pain.


@Reiko. Mind doing a double check on my calcs?

Started w 14g sugar trim, assumed at 15% THC
Soaked for a week in the freezer- 8oz everclear
200ml initial yield of GD
Evaporated down to 15ml of GD

14,000mg flower @15%THC= 2,100 mg THC
75% efficiency =1,575 mg
Evaped to 15ml= 105mg/ml


Yeah, congratulations you followed the formula correctly. Sounds very strong!


Should I be worried that 3 or 4ml in a batch of gummies that makes 30 that it may not distribute evenly after mixing? Or should mixing well be enough? I didnt mean to let it go that far!


No, but I would use caution dosing pure tincture at that strength. :smiling_imp:

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Someone in this thread was looking for gummie recipes.

Here’s a great resource just have to dig a little through it.

I also can’t remember if there were vegetarian options or not in there some where.


Cheers man, I will give it a look :slight_smile:

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Could Have been me, Thanks
I bought molds so far and was looking a while back, I am getting forgetful as I mature LOL
Appreciate the extra effort.
Man @PSam I just did two full droppers of the Golden Dragon I made last time
It seems to have aged and become stronger, again must be my mind slowly slipping away…


Good show, Stiggy!


Not sure Mr Sam
The tincture was stored in dark refrig, for quite some time , but I recall reducing it quite a bit back then too LOL
It was still very trippy, I mean almost spinny when closed eyes. then wham sleep beautiful sleep…
Could it have been converting to CBD all this time?
Then why the trippy high if so?


THC degrades to CBN. CBN has been shown to be more seditive than valium per mg. My guess is a combination of THC and CBN gave you the effects you got.


Here’s my recipe ive been using. I keep these in the fridge, they’ve stayed good for months. Ive moved away from pineapple juice bc that seems to degrade a lot faster than apple juice. I havent made this with my recent batch of tincture I describe above. Based on the strength, I’ll only be using 4ml of GD on my next batch. That little bit of alcohol amount doesnt really change consistency as far as I can tell. These definitely turn out softer than gummy bears and will melt if warmed too high (found this out by having a few in the top pouch of a soft cooler that was in direct sun, not near the ice)

Gummies recipe
1 3oz packet Jello
1/2 cup juice
15 ml green dragon
2 packets plain gelatin
~1/2 tsp kool aid packet

Ive used pineapple and apple juice both turned out great. Kool-aid isnt necessary but adds a little more flavor.

Use as much GD as you want/based on how strong yours is. Mine was 1-1.5 g oil/oz of everclear.(I don’t have a scale). So this recipe makes 2 batches per g oil. But you can play w that a lot. Just keep in mind the more everclear, the more it’ll taste like alcohol.

Get a small pot of water boiling. Get the juice boiling separately. I use a glass 2 cup measuring dish- put the dry stuff in there first, mix it. Add hot juice, it’ll start to thicken immediately, add GD, stir. This is key- put the jello/gummy mixture bowl into the hot water and keep stirring til fully mixed. If you keep that bowl sitting in hot water it won’t start hardening on you before you get them into molds.


Nice looks good newb2.0

I don’t make edibles and I haven’t tried to yet. I just remember coming across that thread and thought it had some really good info in there and there was chatter here about gummies.

I’m pretty happy with GD and topicals :+1: gummies could be an option in the future though.

Thanks for yout recipe


Not CBD but CBN if it was old, as ReikoX said. CBN is still a bit psychoactive so that could be influencing it. If it’s been in the fridge there may still be quite a bit of potency there.


OK Thanks, yes still in frig, that explains it some what
You da man


Is this to maximize potency or minimize chlorophyll taste? If the end point is evaporated oil for hard candy is the full period still necessary?