Not Just Another Tincture Thread

Glad to see you.
Yes it is, 40 years lol


Is the absorption loss that high, or are you double infusing? We lose ~25% on average using the crock pot method.

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I just use a magic butter machine. There is high absorption. Lot of material left over.


I’m currently in the middle of another attempt at making some strong cannabutter. Mostly to make cookies. I probably won’t know for a few days whether it worked or not though so I am wondering if any of the edible experts here can tell me if I’m doing anything wrong.

I am using old shake/popcorn nugs that I forgot about in a drawer from over a year ago. I decarbed a qp at 240f for 40 mins like it recommends in this thread. I put a lb and a few spoons extra of butter and about 750ml of water in a double boiler and was going to leave it for 2 or so hours before taking it off the heat and cooling it for a few hours or overnight to get rid of the water. I wanted to use less but there was too much weed to just butter. I have never used water while trying to infuse just gentle heat so maybe this was the part I was missing to infuse huge amounts of weaker plant material into a small amount of butter.


If you want to make really strong butter, I would suggest first making a tincture, then using a solvent transfer like described at the beginning of this thread.


I tried that before probably over a year ago. I think it worked but I remember the 94%(highest in the area) is really expensive (around $100 for just over 1l) so wasn’t really economical for me. Especially because I am using shake. Quebec (where I would normally get it from) is under a mandatory curfew and my province is under “stay at home unless for necessities” for the next month or more so the likelihood of me getting to Quebec anytime soon is very unlikely.

Edit: it sucks because Calgary actually sells Everclear 95% for much cheaper but it’s not legal in my province so that’s also out of the question too unfortunately . Makes no sense.

edit #2 lol. It’s actually for sale online on the LCBO which is my local store. I wonder since when? prob this year. Maybe I’ll pick up a bottle sometime after all. Still 100 bucks but isn’t 15-20 mins away and across a bridge. I wanted to try that solvent transfer for making sugar I thought that was really cool that you can infuse into things that aren’t fat or alcohol.


I got your gift today. You are the best. :heart_eyes:


Had a bunch of random tincture in different jars, didn’t label my estimated strength on any of them except 1, assuming I’m around 30-40 mg/ml in each. For good measure I added 1/2 gram of kief and made a big batch of gummies. My one patient asked me to increase potency for her MS, helps w nerve pain thru the nite. After this batch, I’m going to try and carefully document and label each tincture batch so I can hone in on what works best for her. Ive got that gummy recipe down now, just need to dial in strength/potency a bit more…

Decarbing an oz of old flower I had so I can start making another batch of green dragon.


You doing a step by step tute?


Wasn’t planning on it but I guess I could…


I’ve been grinding my herb before decarbing and am wondering if I really need to. Are there schools of thought on whether it is good or bad to do this?


I decarb first then break it up.
It shouldn’t make a difference, whatever is the easiest way for you. :sunglasses: :+1:



Yeah I do a rough bust up of the material prior to decarb. Dont really worry about it too much, when I do the jar shaking in the cold alcohol it seems to break the material down a lot.


I’ll see about getting this going tonight. Decarbed Bud and everclear been in the freezer since Saturday, should be able to pull the tincture off tonight. However, @ReikoX has the tutorial for making the green dragon in this thread, so not sure I need to do that but I can post the process when I make those delicious gummies!


I recently picked one of these up, any advice? And, lots of material left over?

I decarbed about 30 grams last night as well. Threw it in the Fx Infuzium with 1 1/2 cup of everclear for 4 hours(overnight). Strained it out this morning and have been buzzed all day getting stuff done. Its strong, keeps me going and not smoking. I used only a sativa Lemon Thai a few batches ago and that had me jittery wired, it was pretty intense. Ha


You turn that into edibles or are you using the tincture as is? Any idea of your dosing?

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I’m a fan of the tincture by itself. I made infused coconut oil last round and made cookies, put it in hot cocoa, etc. and it was really delicious but just doesn’t effect me the same as the everclear. I jus take little swigs now but I use to measure it out. 30ml was a strong dose in the morning that would last much of the day. A couple 10-20 ml doses is about perfect to stay productive and in a good mood during busy days.


@ReikoX basically restating everything in your first few posts that you put together as your tincture how-to. Hopefully that doesnt bother you, I learned everything in here from this thread, but it was requested I fill in some info here with how I do it.

Got my oz of decarbed, frozen bud in a jar with my frozen grain alcohol

Added 1 cup- 8oz of the frozen alcohol to the bud and shook for 5 minutes.

Put the jar and bottle back in the freezer for 2 hrs. After it sat for 2 hrs, shook for another 2 min. Then used a coffee filter set in the lid of a quart jar to strain

Frozen jar after shaking for 2 min. That shit is cold!

Strained bud

Filtering alcohol thru the coffee filter

First run material- nice golden color

After filtering the first cup of alcohol off, I then added another cup of alcohol to the material, shook for another 5 minutes, and filtered exactly the same way as before.

Heres the 2nd run after shaking, started filtering some, but took this pic after the material jar had time to settle.

The 2 cups (16oz) of grain alcohol yielded 1.5 cups (12 oz) of tincture.

Here’s my calcs:

28 grams of bud- 28,000 mg total material
Assumed 15% THC- (Conservative) 4,200 mg total THC
75% conversion via extraction- 3,150 mg

Without ecaporating the tincture down to a smaller amount of alcohol, I’m sitting at 8.75 mg/ml. (3,150 mg THC / 360 ml) = 8.75 mg/ml

For my gummy recipe, I like to use about 30-50 ml/standard batch. My standard batch starts w a 3 oz package of Jello and yields ~90 square gummies or 30 of the larger hearts as shown in my photo in the earlier post.

So for the strength I’m going for on these, I plan to evaporate the alcohol down to 100ml or less, and make 2 standard batches. That should yield me a strength of about 17.5 mg/gummy, yielding a total of about 180 gummies from the entire amount of tincture I made from 1 oz of bud.

Step by step on the gummies I’ll try and put together tonight, assuming I can get this evaporated down quick enough. I plan to use the rice cooker to make it go faster.


Now here is a person who can follow directions. It looks like a lovely color. :+1: