Not Just Another Tincture Thread

I would like to mix this together with bourbon and or scotch.
How much in layman’s terms do you vape off of that 16oz of everclear?
When you say evaporate, are you talking by natural means as in just letting it sit or by means of heat?


What do you think @ReikoX give me a hand here


My typical recipe says to evaporate half of it, yielding around 14 mg/ml. Which gives me a nice dose with a ml or two added to your glass of bourbon.

And I usually use a double boiler or my source turbo to evaporate with heat. You can. Also evaporate with just a fan, but it takes a lot longer IME


Yeah, agreed w @ReikoX, evap it by 1/2 and you’re at ~17 mg/ml which is a decent dose. 2 or 3 in some drinks should set you straight.

Passive evap will take a day or 2 depending on temp, surface area, airflow, etc. If you put in a shallow pan it will go much faster than in that jar.

I add some water to my rice cooker, put the jar in like a double boiler and a few hours later I’m gtg.


I have found if you take the left over weed and run it through a wash of a little bit of water you can pull more of the butter out of the plant material that is left behind


Dose size would equal what guys, a shot glass?
Does this stuff taste green?


Does not taste green if done cold like shown. Not as nice as fresh rosin bc it’s been activated/decarbed, but you still get a lot of terps without the green.

Not sure what you’re asking about size, but a standard 1 oz shot glass is 30 ml. I use a syringe to measure/dose the tincture. 1 ml would barely coat the bottom of a rocks glass


Sorry, now I read that correctly. I read dose as does, my dense ass cant read sometimes. Shot glass is way too big unless its really dilute.

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Evaporating is as easy as putting this in the rice cooker.


I keep mine in a dropper bottle. One or two droppers full is a dose for me. Two droppers full is roughly 1 ml. A teaspoon is 5 ml for reference, its not a lot.


i evaped mine to under a tenth, will it be to potent to dose correctly?

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It all depends on your tolerance, you can always add more alcohol if it is too strong. Titration is part of finding the dose that works best for you. Start small and work your way up.


So, you literally just dose with the tincture? curious how well this would work, as I’m going to try this out with the butter machine.


Me, yes I dose with the tincture. Pure tincture burns though, my favorite way is to add it to my coffee with some sugar and cream in the AM. :yum:


So, I’m curious here. I just pulled down a few plants, they’re not totally dried yet. Do i have to wait till they dry to decarb, or can i use as is and make my tincture/edibles? Does it have to cure first??


I, personally, believe that it tastes better if you give it some time to break down the chlorophyll (cure it) before making the tincture. That being said, if you are just going to make capsules, you could quick dry it in the oven since you won’t taste it in the capsules.


Nods, I want to make tincture/edibles so I’ll let it cure for a bit. Never been into capsules. Thanks @ReikoX!!


Yes, it comes out darker than what some of you guys are posting but its strong. I’m not big on cookies and all that anyway. Just give me the tinc! Haha Yes I’d suggest a good fruity juice chaser with it. Good luck!


Okay I have a question probably a couple can’t figure out why I have two different strength Tinctures. I made two separate batches with the exact same herb exact same amount of Everclear and I have two different strengths. I reclaim my alcohol with a mini distillery, is it possible the alcohol in the second batch is not getting as much of the THC out of the plant? Or is some of the THC from the first batch left in the alcohol making the second batch stronger? I didn’t have either one tested but there’s a noticeable difference in the strength. Any ideas?


Different parts of the plant can have different levels of THC, popcorn buds vs top buds for example. It is unlikely you have THC left in the alcohol after using a still. There is a possibility the ethanol content is lower after distilling it, maybe thats why?