Not Just Another Tincture Thread

I wonder how i could find out? I used 1 oz. In each tincture of mostly good buds, nice mix popcorn,mids, and tops. No shake, or trim. I wouldnt think it would be that noticeable a difference. But maybe.

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@ReikoX can u use abv for tinctures?

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You probably can, but I would just do an oil extraction with AVB.


Copy. Probably would taste yuck.

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hey thanks, my tolerance is very high but the wifey not so much. I will test it first, also i have read of water curing first to rid some of the cloro. sounds like alot of work,has anyone tried it? if so was it worth the effort?

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Yes its covered in the first dozen or so posts. It is a lot of work, but they were some of the best hard candies I’ve ever made.


lol mighta been where i read it

hot or cold water?

With your setup I would think that a small amount would be likely.
THCA has the lowest boiling point of 120C & your extract tincture would be about 80C.
I wouldn’t think it would a significant amount though.



Was watching this vid, lots of good info in these “living web farm videos


Can’t get 190 proof in Cali anymore, had to settle for 120.
Thx @ReikoX!

Once this cools, ohhhh I shall dose myself .


Please do if you get a chance, I have failed at gummies a couple times. I tried once with fresh fruit which ended up as a waste of tincture because they were totally barf worthy!


Either tonight or tomorrow my man, I got the process and recipe down pretty well at this point. Everyone who tries them is very happy w the taste, texture, and results. Its high time I share my insights w the OG clan!

In the meantime, heres my rough recipe for reference:


So, the tincture I made last night was 28g/16oz alcohol.

(.2 x 28000mg x .75)/473 ml = 8.88 mg/ml

When I reduce this (I didn’t measure how much I got in actual returns, will do that before the reduction for notation purposes), Do you just reduce by half (eyeballing it as you double boil it?)

Ideally, I’d love to end up with something a little thicker, but that can still be used in a dropper.

This seems like (to me) that in order to have a massive dose, you would need to start with a lot more product.

For my first run, good place to start. The hubby about had a heart attack when i just ripped the plant out that i had just hung and used priomo buds for this.

I figure, go big or go home, right?! LOL


Thank you brother! This is definitely my next edible batch recipe!


You can eyeball it, most canning jars have measurements on them, so I use those markings.

You can reduce it pretty low, but since you used 60% ethanol instead of 95%, you are going to have issues due to all of the water. I would suggest reducing it all the way to oil, removing all the water. Then add back alcohol to the desired potency.

It was briefly discussed in this post:

Alcohol tincture is surprisingly bioavailable. It is not the same as eating it IME, but closer to the effects of smoking. A 10-20 mg dose is surprisingly potent. Start slow before going to a massive dose.


So, follow up question - do you measure the overall strength of the tincture AFTER you’ve reduced it?

Seems to me that the strength (potency) wouldn’t change, just the dosage amount right?


Yeah, stupid California and low apv pppppfffffbbbbbtttttttt

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YES after! So if you, for example, reduced it to 200 ml, it would be ~21 mg/ml.