Not Just Another Tincture Thread

Ohhhh, well glad I asked, I was about to be hospital territory, LMFAO


You can always take more, you can’t take less once you dose. :grin:


i made some and forgot when i got a phone call, it ended up being about like 90 weight oil


nods, i’m going to put it in the double boiler (that im getting today) and reduce it down to oil…should be interesting.

thats what i did lol seems to go slow at first , but then sped right up when the phone rang

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It’s the inverse of, “a watched pot never boils”. :rofl:

Okoe Dokie Reduced to 3.5 oz.

.2 x 28000 x .75 = 4,200 ÷ 104 = 40 mg/ml

Uhhhh, so like 2 ml is a rocket launch…?!


See how that looks milky, that’s the water still in it. Notice how it is separating at the bottom? You need to reduce it and add more alcohol back to your desired potency.


Copy, thanks @ReikoX :v::peace_symbol::call_me_hand:

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Do I add the alcohol in then cook more, or add in an pull off of the heat?

Edit- the question answered itself . lol


Added back 2oz of ever clear then took off the heat amd mixed it till it looked like it was consistent :ok_hand:

.2 x .75% x 28000 = 4,200 ÷ 60ml = 70 mg/ml

Edit - 1st dose, 1 ml. We shall see…holy cow, that everclear - definitely need a chaser, even with that tiny ass amount. Yeeeehaaawwww


Getting all of my supplies ready for a double batch of gummies:

2, 3oz packets of Jello

Koolaid- I’m using 2 half packets from previous batches. Ordinarily id use cherry Jello and cherry kook aid, but having the blue raspberry lemonade kook aid in these batches will color them a little darker and I’ll know this batch from the one I made last weekend.

Knox gelatin powder- you can just use 2 envelopes per single batch (4 packets or 1 oz gelatin for this double batch). They’re kinda expensive and were getting harder to find, so i opted for the 2 lbs for $20 on Amazon, vs. $14 for 32 .25 oz packets at the grocery store. Good deal imo

Apple juice- 1 cup for double batch
Tincture- it’s reducing further, I’m going for 70-80 ml for the double batch. That amount of tincture is from 1 oz of flower so estimating 3,150-4,200 total mg. I’m shooting for 180 gummies so they should have a strength of 17.5- 23.33 mg per gummy depending if you assume the THC in the flower is 15% or 20%.

Necessary supplies
Jar to heat up the apple juice
Glass bowl (I use that measuring cup)
Dropper to get the liquid in the molds
Syringe to measure the tincture
Pot to boil water in
Gummy molds

Getting started

I like to get the water started heating on the stove, then I mix the dry ingredients- the Jello, kook aid & gelatin

I then measure out the juice and it goes in the microwave to get hot

I like the dry ingredients to get warmed up as the water also gets closer to a boil. Dont know if this is necessary, but I mix in everything warm/ hot. I get the dry ingredients hot then also the juice and the tincture. I’m going to do all the mixing from here on in that glass measuring dish submerged in the hot/ boiling water.

Hot tincture goes into the hot juice to be mixed first. Be careful here if both of these are hot, the pure alcohol of the tincture hitting the hot juice tends to bubble for a second. I so this step to make sure the tincture mixes in evenly. The straight alcohol into the dry mix will cause weird things w the Jello/gelatin so the juice dilutes it and helps mix evenly

It’s normal for there to be some separation when adding the tincture to the juice. @reikox would these be the plant fats that could be removed if a winterization step was done after evaporating? Either way, its not a big deal if the next few steps are done correctly

So adding the juice/tincture mix to the Jello, gotta give this enough time in the double boiler for the Jello mix to “cook” a few minutes as you stir. The plant fats/oils really only mix in well after a good few minutes of cooking and stirring. I usually stir for about 5 minutes when I know its all mixed well and hot all the way thru. Ive not done this step correctly and the gummies kinda separate and they get this dark oil, sticky layer that floats to the top.

Before its mixed well and cooked

After cooking and stirring for 5 minutes or so:

Now time to fill the gummy molds. Bring the hot pot with the bowl inside to keep hot and make sure the Jello doesnt set til after they are in the molds.

Another important thing- put a tray under the molds. Ive messed up a couple batches trying to move the silicon molds without a tray underneath.

Start filling using the dropper

Once you’re done, let them set for 30-45 minutes before transferring to the refrigerator. Youre good to pop them out of the molds after a few hours.

This double batch didnt make the full 180 gummies I expected. I evaporated the tincture down to about 40 ml, thats about what id normally use on a single batch. So that decrease in liquid yielded less total gummies. Fine w me bc I was trying to up the strength on these anyways, so fewer gummies from this batch just means they’ll be a little stronger. An extra 1 oz or 2 of juice wouldve gotten me up to 180 gummies as these molds are just shy of 2.5 ml, so id have gotten 12 or so more for every oz of liquid I’d add.

New estimated strength on these is 20-27 mg, right where I wanted to be.

Anyways, thats it. I’ll edit w the finished product in a few hrs once theyre fully set. I hope this helps people out- I havent seen a great tutorial on gummies yet here on OG.


Absolutely superb @newb2.0!

This will be my next adventure!!!


How was your tincture dose yesterday?

5 Likes I took it at 10 last night, next thing I know, its 615 am.

Winner for the nighttime sleep aid.

Haven’t slept without tossing amd turning in years.

What a delightful mini-coma!

Definitely not a daytime use situation, but I’m super thrilled to learn how to make our own meds!!!


Nice job! Glad you liked it. Lol It is some great sleeping! I enjoy dosing in the mornings as well and going for hikes or kayaking when the weather is fitting. If your up and moving its an energetic talkative buzz but if you sit down for too long it can be lights out. :v:


Now that looks more like it should! Looks potent!


Oh it was. Best sleep ever!!!

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Hahahah - oops. Ended up with 1.5 oz. Not sure where the other .5 oz went but voila!


You guys are making me wanna try gummeies/tinctures and RSO again. All my previous attempts didn’t end up potent enough for the wife.