Not Just Another Tincture Thread

If you’re reducing it all the way to oil, the heads/tails should be fine. If you are only reducing to 1/2 I wouldn’t risk it even though you would only be ingesting a small amount.


Yeah, wouldn’t want to take even a small amount of “wet dog” :rofl:

I would think that the flavor of the cannabis oil would have been concentrated a bit to cover it, even if it was just “weedy”.


Good day all

I made my own DECARBED THC infused MCT-OIL

It was fairly strong

I had cut it with a non decarbed batch.

However I still had a bit of the pure thx infused which was pretty strong.

So what I did today - I remembered I had a bottle of CBD MCT tincture I BOUGHT

WELL WELL braniac here got the idea to mix the CBD with thc tincture ! I always here that the CBD will ease some of the some times overbaringly more unpleasant Side effects of thc.

Haven’t tried it yet but will be soon!! Ive tried each on they’re own .

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What kind of extractor would you guys suggest for rso? Something simple and fairly cheap that is easy to clean that could do maybe a pound at a time, thanks everyone :pray:


This method uses jars and the freezer to extract, but only about an eight at a time. It doesnt really scale well. A pound at a time would require one big jar and a ton of ethanol. An ounce is more manageable batch size IMO.

If you are going to be making that much RSO, I highly suggest a still of some sort to reclaim your alcohol. Maybe the ExtractCraft EtOH Pro.


I was looking at these a while back, the iso3 extractor or iso4 kilomaster, but looks like they may have gone out of business they were only like 6- 800$ anybody got a used one they want to sell?


Hi All,

I have a small amount of dry sift kief from my recent grow, 1st grow in 40 years!

My first experiments with extractions are now at hand.

I plan to extract pure kief with 200 proof ethanol, then winterize and filter the solution, then allow the ethanol to completely flash off.

My question is what ratio of pure ethanol should I use to kief biomass?
I.e. if I have 2g of kief, would I use 10ml of ethanol, 20ml, more?

Thanks for any tips!



This is quoted from a book I’ve been reading. I hope this helps. :v:t2:

“To make a kief tincture, use two grams of kief per ounce of vodka, rum, Everclear, or other al- cohol. Place the kief in a jar that can be sealed, or in a blender, and then add the alcohol. Cover tightly and shake the jar or let the blender rip. Let stand at least overnight in a warm, dark place. The mixture can be left longer if desired. Strain the mixture through a paper coffee fil- ter. Transfer the mixture to a clean dropper bottle.“

Have a blessed evening. :slightly_smiling_face:


2 grams per ounce sounds about right for kief. When I make tincture from rosin I use a gram per ounce.


Winterization makes a huge difference especially when further purging and making oil, less fillers, more potent, also much less tacky. I like your tut, very nice.



Noob to concentrates here. Need advice on winterizing.

Started with this:
It was 1.9g when I collected it off the sifter, 1.2g after a week of freezer drying. Mixed with 40ml of pure ethanol (200 proof).

So I got a bit of green dragon. What is the best way to winterize it?

It is now in 4oz canning jar, sitting the freezer for the last 2 days.

How do I best winterize? Do I need to do the filtration inside the freezer to keep the waxes from melting again? Or can I just use the buchner filter shown above if I can do it in 2 minutes or less?

What is the best way to allow the alcohol to flash off? I dont have any reclaim capability yet.

I am trying to wind up with oil for a vape cartridge.


Just read this from @ReikoX on his thread regarding winterizing:
“You do this by putting the extract in the freezer 24-48 hours after filtering out the herb, but before evaporating the alcohol. This will cause the fats and lipids to precipitated out of solution. The fats and lipids can then be filtered with a coffee filter. Reduce it to an oil in front of the fan like normal, then proceed with the decarboxylation step.”


Once the waxes and lipids precipitate out, they don’t tend to go back in solution easily. Just filter it like normal.




I am making up a batch of some Green Dragon now, using some Orange Goji F1 for the bud


An Ode to Green Dragon
I have become very fond of the Green Dragon cannabis tincture and I’d like to acknowledge the effort that @ReikoX put into this encyclopedic thread. I trust he won’t mind if I hijack this hallowed space for a few minutes to share some thoughts on the subject.

I’m gettin old and even vaping dry flower solicits a cough now and again. So, having a way to ingest my favorite herbal meds with predictable results and at any level I choose, without combustion, is a real gift.

I made a batch of epicurean tincture this afternoon using the method described in ReikoX’s post #1 above. Epicurean, because it used two worthy strains, Gorilla Glue#4, and Bruce Banner and only the finest cured bud from each. Epicurean additionally because I expect it to be a really great batch, tasty and tailored to my personal preference. Craft-Brewed so to speak.

I use @ReikoX’s GD recipe with one exception: I avoid that annoying wait for tincture to filter drop by drop through a coffee filter or buchner funnel. I just drape a corner of a 160 bubble bag mesh tightly over the mouth of my extraction jar and slowly pour the TincJuice directly into the collection jar after each alcohol wash.

That is quick & clean, just tap the bubble screen after and the depleted weed falls back into the extraction jar, ready for the next extraction. Bonus Feature: almost zero alcohol waste. I start with six ounces of Everclear and end up with 5+ ounces of tincture. Very efficient for miserly Old Grouches.

But, other than that, I do it as described in Reiko’s method. The resulting golden tincture is a nearly hassle-free base for:

  • Making any kind of edible you choose,
  • Making RSO, which is very nearly a kissing cousin to live rosin (?).
  • Or just using the raw tincture straight as the easiest, accurately dosed, relaxing and gentle of the many ways we have to enjoy our herb. A few drops in your coffee is a nice way to wake up.

One Hour spread over two days…
So, here’s today’s plan: two potent strains, six grams of dried/cured flower each, six ounces of Everclear each, Three ounces each of finished product total.

I froze the alcohol, buds, jars, earlier and yesterday, added enough cold alcohol to the ground up, decarbed, frozen bud to cover it completely. That’s about three ounces, or 85 milliliters. After a gentle five-minute swirl, the jars sat overnight. Today I’m finishing up with the final wash.

Tincture potency is all about milligrams (mg) of THC (and other good stuff) per milliliter (ml) of alcohol in the final product. A ml of tincture is about two droppers full.

So the Potency Math for each batch goes like this:

6000 mg (of herb) x .20%(THC per mg) = 1200 mg (total THC available to be extracted from your 6 grams of bud)

Only 75% of the total can be extracted using our method, so 1200mg * 0.75 (%extracted) = 900 mg (total THC after extraction).

After the second wash, that 900 mg is suspended in 170 ml (6 ounces) of alcohol so 900 mg / 170 ml = 5.2 mg/ml (milligrams of THC per milliliter.) That’s your basic GD tincture. Now we adjust potency.

5.2 milligrams per milliliter is weaker than I prefer so I put the open jars in front of a fan and let about half the alcohol evaporate for a few hours.

As the alcohol evaporates, the THC becomes concentrated in the remaining liquid. When I evaporate half of the alcohol our 900 mg of THC will still be there, suspended in just 85 ml of alcohol. So 900 mg / 85 ml = 10.5 mg/ml as the final potency.

I do a quick test on each batch to validate, and if a batch is unacceptably weak I continue the concentration. Back under the fan! And, of course, if you just keep the fans running for a day or so, you’ll end up with the “cold-fusion” version of live rosin, RSO. I’ll let the experts sort out the differences between the two, but I can testify that both are gooey blobs of extremely potent honey. I have read that RSO is around 60% cannabinoids, three times as strong as good weed.

I have found that 10-15 mg/ml of extracted THC is a good starter dose, so two or three full droppers in a shot glass with few drops of water is a palatable, reliable relaxation dose. Double that amount and it’s a wild ride, but still pleasurable unlike those “OMFG I ate too many brownies train wrecks” many of us have witnessed.

For the record I enjoy GD tincture in its most direct form; a few droppers in a shot glass with just enough water to turn the little cocktail a milky absinthe-white. If you have a delicate palate, add a bit more water so it doesn’t burn while you swish it all around your mouth and gums. Or add it to your coffee, wine, kombucha, whatever. Swallow when you’re ready and follow with a sip of milk.

In Summary: We used 12 oz of Everclear and 12 grams of good bud to make a bit over five ounces, about 150 standard doses of a beautiful and versatile tincture, in an hour of total hands-on effort.

Golden Dragon is The No fuss, No Muss Elixir of the Cannabinoid High Court! :v: :green_heart:

Thanks for listening,

Halfway there: GG is ready for a “barrel sample!” Quite the diff in color, I’m betting very different taste as well.

PS, Unfortunately for me, tincture doesn’t seem to have any positive effects on insomnia. Perhaps some huge dose would work but I’m not anxious to go there. Perhaps someone can educate us on that subject.


I go simple simple, I use a 4 hershy kisses to 1 gram of hash oil. So if you have 10 grams of oil melt 40 hershy’s kisses in bowl in microwave. 30 seconds then check and go ten to fifteen seconds at a time till fully melted. add your 10 grams hash oil stir it in. heat 15 more seconds and stir till thoroughly mixed. . Pour into molds or flat bottomed pan lined with parchment paper. put in freezer till hard. Cut in 10 20 or 40 pieces for easy dosing. Or cut in 10 pieces with indentions to break into four pieces. Half a gram of oils a good dose to start but may be too much for lightweights and a full gram will put most people to sleep for the next ten to twelve hours


Hey @FreeAtLast, pardon the question, care to elaborate on it? Including the dosing? Interested… :flushed: :hugs: :pray:


My first Green Dragon… Oh boy I’m excited… Lots to come
Thanks again and again @ReikoX
:seedling: :pray: :hugs:


Hi @ReikoX Im soon going to do this with bubble hash. I tried to search this thread and I see you have mentioned doing that as well, but I havent found much details about anything different in the process.

I see some people (on youtube or other places) say that the infusion with hash takes a month (weeks of shaking) before you can use it.

What has been your experience/results with bubble hash?