Not Just Another Tincture Thread

It’s 151 proof, so either don’t reduce it (making an overall weaker tincture) or reduce it all the way to oil, then add back the 151 proof grain alcohol.


So, why reduce all the way, and then add back the same (lower) alcohol type you used to extract with?
Is it because when you evaporate the initial alcohol used to extract with, the alcohol evaporates first - and the water content doesn’t really evaporate, thus making the ratio of water to alcohol even greater? So, evaporating it all (which…I assume evaporates all the water too, right? Even though it would seem you’d need a higher temp.?) then adding the same type of alcohol back you have at least a better ratio of alcohol to water in the tincture?


How much did it cost you? 750mL bottle?

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With tax $50. But it’s at my fingertips.

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Yes, it’s an azeotropic mixture. Meaning the lower boiling point items (alcohol) evaporate from the mixture first.

With 151 proof, it’s about 25% water. So you may be able to get away with reducing it my 50%. But normal 80 proof is 60% water! If you reduce 50%, it’s all water.


Thanks, I sorta get that!

Really green dragon! Is there a problem with the chlorophyll?

Ok, I do get that. Thanks.

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Im sure its personal preference, but It tastes bitter and it doesn’t get you high.

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I get that! I made the fresh frozen for that reason. I have a buddy with Parkinson’s, and read THCA may help alleviate some symptoms, and another friend with some bad sciatica, and he doesn’t like to get high. Geezers are so persnikety, lol!

I used Sunshine Daydream, which wipes out my sciatic pain… vaped, smoked, in decarbed tinc, or in edibles, doesn’t matter, works on me.

I’m still waiting to hear if it relieves any Parkinson’s symptoms. It does help my friend with sciatica, but not enough. I used popcorn. Bud next time.

I take it sublingually, and, interesting to me, it has a sort of sweet flavor… after the burn, lol! I tell every one “you get used to it,” I think I have a callous under my tongue.


Hey @LzBoy, here’s a nice little write up by @ColeLennon. Great beginner guide with pictures! :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks @blowdout2269
No seedling mat. Going to try with the dbl boiler tomorrow
Everything is in the freezer chilling :seedling:


What happens if i leave my jar outside with a coffee filter on top to reduce without heat, instead of reducing the alcohol with a burner. I found where i can get some 190 proof but i dont really have any ventilation for the reduction steps. I dont want to piss anybody off by cooking it off in the kitchen and dont wanna look like breaking bad with a burner and glass jar in my back yard. Any advice ?


Not sure if you have any room under the floorboards for some CBD dominant plants but those may work better for your friend’s sciatica, especially so if you decarb it first.

It doesn’t smell too strong if you just place the jar in front of a fan with the air moving over the top of the tincture, I usually do this in a room with the windows open and the door closed.

EDIT: Screwed up my second block quote, fixed now and thanks @ReikoX


Just like @ElGalloBlanco suggested. I think I discussed it further in my “natural decarboxylation” section of the guide.


Don’t use a burner with an open flame!
Lol, just thought I should mention this. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I noticed this but i might have asked my question a bit wrong.
So if i dont want to wait the 3-4 months, i can decarb, make green dragon, then do this fan trick instead of using heat to reduce all the way down into tincture/RSO


I have an electric stove lol. Im more worried about my fiance freaking out lol

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Thanks for the reminder, I actually have some CBD tinc made up, d’oh :slight_smile: Doesn’t help mine, but may help his.

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Meh, just open a nearby window and run a fan.

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Yes you can. That being said, the reduction smells a lot less than the decarboxylation. :wink:

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I know your friend doesn’t like to imbibe in cannabis but I have found that tinctures made with 8-10 grams of CBD flower and 1-2 grams of regular THC flower offer a good mixture for medicinal purposes without the “high” of using THC only flower. That is considering you don’t take too much at once. You could always mix in some of your THC tincture into the CBD tincture as well, about 15-20% THC to 80-85% CBD. Anyway, just a thought.

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