Nug Life Farms *OFFICIAL*

Crasher runtz update


ok i can manage that i need 3 feet usually from my sp6500s if ran full blast so should be perfect and if they end up any more i can lolipop to just the main buds and use my veg leds mars ts1000 x 2 one each

idk if anyone mentioned that 3rd last pic where the top is browning do i see bud rot? i would cut off those dead leafs and what ever bud is dead as that can cause mold or rot to start. if im wrong id rather be wrong and say something than not say anything and you lose more.


Idk if I would say bud rot.but as you said better off to sound the alarm I did look at the mentioned pic could be some serious light burn or bleaching them leafs are folding up pretty good …also mentioned user moved the light up as HIGH as he could ! :crazy_face:


I did right after the pic. Them poor babies grew into the light. They put me into an interesting predicament. Their kinda too big for my small tent and too small for my larger tent. I wasn’t expecting such a stretch on them as they easily trippled in size.


good to know it was just some severe sun burn! otherwise looking good. its always fun running new strains and finding out they wanna be jack and the bean stock and each day your like fml stop already! lol


Just playing around with a logo but. I must say this hybrid came out very well. I’m kicking myself for giving the mom away but hey… Its all love over here.

The phenos popping up on these are beautiful plus, keepers to be found in every single pack.

Enjoy the weekend


Think I’m gonna move the last crasher runtz seedling (the runt lol) into a 1 gal. Maybe a bit of breathing room will do some good


If any one is interested. Here’s my formula.

I use Pro-Mix with myco + perlite. 1 bag of perlite per cubic foot of soil.

Nutes… I’m old school.

Ive been using GH 3 part since 2001. basically a slightly modified LUCAS formula w/ Cal Mag as needed but I rarely do use the Cal Mag.

Just some random thoughts to pass the time.

Snowed in for 2 days now,


Smoke report: I’ve smoke all three phenos, and I have to say they are very similar in taste.
Like a coffee, spice, stinky. The high is very nice, and upfront. Very mellow. No anxiety in the high which I like! Very impressed with this strain!


Nice smoke report. How long did you flower? in terms of weeks?


I like a little less flower time but 8 weeks! Or so.


Nice, it’s all preference in the smoke department. Im gonna guess 8 weeks is probably not long enough flower time tho for the Skynet in particular.

Our T-1000 #8 mom loves to throw up some fox tails right at the end which would be like week 10.

Full disclosure. The T-1000 #8 mom used in the Skynet project has been donated thus making this hybrid one of one. I’ve vaulted a handul of these but thats it.


The next skynet I will do I’ll go to 10 weeks. My friend whose obsessed with t-1000 always goes longer! Should have thought about that. Love those fox tails.
Plus all that surface areas go for hash making!
I have all my soil ready for a run, just gotta get some money around for the seeds!


Yeah Skynet should have range of flower times between 9 1/2 to 11 weeks

There may be an occasional outlier that finishes up at the 9 week mark but just based on lineage Skynet’s flower times should range between 9-11 weeks (10 weeks would be ideal)


so about 5 days into 12/12 and i think both are males. ugh there so pretty i dont want them to be :frowning: frustrating… ill keep an eye and post pics to confirm once 100%

What size bag ? I buy the giant green bags about 4 ft tall!

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1 bag of perlite = 8QT or 8.8L

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Based on that, how would you feel about an F2 co-op run at some point?


runtz 1

runtz 2

me :sob:

all i can do now is win some packs on tue and try again next time i wont wait so long to sex. next time take a clone and sex in a cup of water