Nug Life Farms *OFFICIAL*

I’m sort of wanting to drop some Deathrow Runtz a little sooner than planned. I may start them now and figure the rest out later. :slightly_smiling_face:

If I start them now, my current run will already be pollinated before DR is ready to flip. Just need to move a light upstairs. :thinking: It’ll be outdoor season starting by then.


Nice and frosty

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Flipped the crasher runtz and candy cake punch(she popped up unexpectedly) to 12/12 yesterday


I’m gonna be popping a cavity Crush seed in about 2 weeks cuz my current grow is in week 6 of flower, well end of 6 so basically week 7 starting on Monday so as soon as she’s done I will see how it goes…excited at the same time nervous about the cavity Crush…I’ve never had beans like these before (amazing pedigree and genetics) never had a nutrient regime and I am just wondering if I should keep doing it the way I did the first grow and my current grow and if it’s detrimental to the end product I will transition to beginning a basic nute & ferts regime especially since it’s a strain I read that it’s gets very thristy during veg and requires high levels of nitrogen but to watch out for nitro burning…also I can already hear the community cringing that I am using Miracle-Gro for the first two and here’s a few pics of the current grow in a phototron in potted soil and NO nutrients or fertilizers added just good old h2o and I use RO water for them…please let me know if there’s anything/ one who has any input on this strain or advice on how much it stretches during the flip and am I supposed to flip it at 45 days veor was that for the test group grows because I am gonna try to keep my Cavity Crush on here in the grow diary and I will keep updating the day I start germination

…Cavity Crush is actually the one strain of the Runtz that I was really interested to and now that I’ve REALLY been doing my research I’m extremely interested in the Deathrow Runtz it’s looking like some straight fire :fire: and I am just glad to be hear with all of you awesome OGer’s lets Over grow the world :earth_americas: :grinning:


Bubblegum x runtz few weeks old



How far along are they (weeks)?

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Looking good as usual @Purple_Drank604 !:+1::+1:


Do you just want me to post updates on the beans u did with the giveaways…I am just getting into the last couple weeks before harvest but didn’t want to hijack


6x Bab-Bam & Pebbles (Flintstones x Runtz) reg.
Calling this day 10’ish.
2 of them must have been overwatered and on the verge of damping off…but all pulled through.

Almost damped off…


Sorry for the two but I think that they’re looking good I’ll be popping some cavity Crush soon and I am new to the Runtz BX hybrids and I am noticing it seems to be a slow starter and very finicky but happy growing
…The Dude Abides


If they would have been given a little more water, those 2 would probably be gone…very glad they survived the flood…lol.
Besides my overwatering, they’ve been a pleasure to grow!

I can say the following is true:

  • good germination
  • easy seedling stage
  • takes abuse

There will be more to say about them as time goes on, but just those 3 points make them perfect for new growers who might not know how to care for tender seedlings.


Ill take pictures again and post date they had a extreme prune lol.


Love the Slurpee cups! :heart:

Way to reduce, reuse and recycle my friend! :+1:t2:

Also, “dampening off”… what is this process you speak of?

New grower here, learning new words and their meanings everyday. :open_book:



Damping off happens when you overwater your plants…they get soggy right above the roots and die :skull_and_crossbones:.


Only 5 popped. Still waiting on the last. Tomorrow will be day 1 of the veg time asked for by nuglife. Will update on day 15!


Grape Runtz Candy #1 and #2 (back left and back right) trimmed up and finally put into a new tent with a couple friends.


Crasher Toyz got potted up. They will be here until I see sex. The thin spindly one id guess male but the other 2 look promising. :grin:


Day 17 of flower Indiana Bubble Gum x Runtz Bx


So far one female on the crasher runtz, the untopped one of course lol and a male. Waiting on candy cake punch to show. Will post pics when lights come on later.