Nug Life Farms *OFFICIAL*

I have a quick update today. Things are looking spectacular in this small tent. I can’t get over how good these bubblegum runtz smell. I’m going to start them on just water for the last few days. They should be ready to chop this weekend. I didn’t take many pics today because I didn’t catch the lights on, but here are the couple I took.

This weekend I’ll have a full update with some better pics of the bubblegum runtz as I take em down.


Definitely looking good bet they smoke even better .


Thanks man. I’m sure they will. I hope the smell translates into the taste.


How many weeks/ dayz you run them? And looking very nice jungle spears cheers

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Got mine @NugLifeFarms420 !

Cheers and thanks!


Almost a disaster, could have been way worse. InkBird controller messed up. Been using one since last year and thought they were awesome, not so sure now. Had ac and small tower heater connected to the ink bird. Heater is a rotating one and been working fine. This morning heater wasn’t rotating and just sitting blowing in my crasher toyz.

almost :fire: them up. I’ll trim all the crispy bits off and they should make it with a good feed and water.
Heater just plugged into the wall now and working fine.
Controller could have burnt the house down.


Glad only the plants were harmed. Do you think the problem is the controller or the heater?


Yeah I was thinking the same thing. Its plugged into the wall now and seems to be working fine. I’ll be keeping a close eye on it.


I had an inkbird fail on me but fortunately it was just ghosting false readings on the humidity probe

Glad it wasn’t worse.

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There’s no way those controllers are rated for the amperage a heater at full blast will pull. Most extension cords aren’t safe to use with heaters; you need to look for 14-gauge or lower to be safe with a decently powerful space heater, and even then it’s not ideal. 14-gauge can handle 12 amps/1440 watts at 120v, and most space heaters are 12.5 amps. They should be plugged into the wall, or heavy-duty extension cords.


I dont remember what they’re rated for, I use a couple as well but I do run heavy duty cord (1500w rating, dont recall amps) to the wall and when I’m using a heater I’ve got it set on the lower of the two power options (900w).
I definitely dont like that picture of it melting.


They’re rated for 10 amps; regardless of whether they’re getting that amperage from the wall or an extension cord, if there’s 16-gauge copper wire in there it can’t reliably handle >10 amps. Bad things can happen. If you want to use it on full blast, it should go directly to the extension cord; I was incorrect, 14-gauge can handle 15 amps, not 12, so that should be entirely safe.

Just noticed your edit, and if you’re using it on the low setting and that only draws 900w, you’re fine. 900w = 7.5-8 amps, well under the rated safety limit.


Yeah, had to go to their site to find the 10amp rating. Not sure what the amps im pulling with the heater but at 1500w id assume its better then 10a. The room had outlets in it, I ran an additional 20a circuit. Plugged into the 20a seems to be fine.

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Not sure if your asking me bro. But I’m going to take them 9 weeks take or give. I scoped them last week and they were pretty cloudy. I figured this weekend they should almost be perfect for my taste. I’m not a big fan of running them to amber.

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Loving the updates guys/gals. The effort is inspiring. Keep up the good work!

@Tappy Off to a good start I see. Was that 100% germ rate on the BB&P? Also, is that a little green algae starting to grow in those clear plastic cups? Might be because the cups are not blacked out to prevent light penetration. Try a cap (5ml) of h202 / Gal of water and give em’ small flush. Should clear that right up.

@EugeneDebs420 nice and lush green. Looks very healthy

my man @DannylovesCannabis another healthy start. Cant wait to see how these turn out.

@estab87 glad your seeds made BUT your post belongs here FREE Seed Tuesdays (USA/CAN ONLY) NOT here (moving it would cool on your part)

@lostinmyhome Grape Runtz Candy is and was probably my most fav of the Runtz BX hybrids from last year. Its hard to explain, but the mom used (Grape Sorbet/ThugPug) is freaking incredible. Not much of a yielder and can be finicky about feeding her but she is worth the hassle. I didnt save any packs from the original release, no worries tho. Still have both parents… I’ll be making more very soon. The Bubblegum Runtz is all around solid. Sweet bubblegum flavor, interesting structure covered in trichs. I like! I like!

@Bow4Buck sorry about your electrical issues. good thing it was not a disaster tho. stay safe growmie.


@NugLifeFarms420 that is great news. I underestimated the stretch on the grape candy runtz, but I haven’t seen her to finicky as far as eating wise. I seem to struggle with blueberry and certain blueberry crosses. Now them bitches can be finicky. I love how the bubblegum runtz smells. Mine have a sort of old school pink bubblegum smell to them. Some mouth watering stuff for sure. I feel they have potential to be big yielded, however need some staking due to the buds weight.


Some Crasher Toyz at about 3 weeks only had one not germinate good quick growth.


The last of the Bubblegum Runtz :fire:, these 2 are almost identical and if you look back at the previous shots, there are 2 clear distinctive phenos showing well in the progeny. These are short relatively, and lack in the yield dept compared to it’s counter part but she produces some truly unique nugs, hints of rank & sweetness. Cant wait to sample these. Take care :v:


She is looking amazing!

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Day 27
6x Bab-Bam & Pebbles (Flintstones x Runtz) reg.
Just went from half-slurpee cups to 2 liters. :woman_student:
Gonna veg for another week and put into flower.
