Nutrients on a budget?

Yeah I tried to look up Plant Prod, it was hard to find places that sold them and their site was hard to navigate. I hate the ‘send inquiry’ buttons on sites: just tell me the prices right off the bat. Where and what do you purchase from them?

Yes I am just scared to do that, plus I just imagine it would smell like rotting food scraps. I read an article on here with someone using their urine to water their plants with success. They may work and be cheap, I would just worry about the plants more I think

It only smells bad if you overwater, otherwise it just smells like a forest if you hold your nose very close.

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Website??? Don’t see the offer at !! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@misterbee you just go to the product page and then put the 3# bag in your cart, with the code MEGACROPPROMO it’s just the cost of shipping, $10


GOTCHA!! 'Preciate ya, Bro, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I would definitely recommend the Nectar For The Gods sample kit from Oregon’s Only, it’s expensive shipping ($65 for me on the East Coast) but totally worth it, six quarts of product plus two smaller bottles. I use it instead of making teas sort of, not as primary nutrients, and the kit has lasted me through a few grows, with really nice results. Highly recommended given the discount off retail and the fact that the quart bottles give you a chance to really try the stuff out, either as a main line of products, or as supplements. I don’t think I’m going to keep using all or even most of the products in the test kit, but it definitely got me thinking about some new approaches to stuff, mostly calcium-based nutrients and using aminos in my soils.



I used to use fox farm but I switched to dry nutes since they’re simpler to use. I use flora flex now. You can get a whole set of nutrients for $55 with bloom boosters and foliar feeds. If you just want the veg and bloom it’s like $30 for both veg and bloom. Free shipping on nutes through their website, cheaper here too but they’re also on Amazon if you prefer. One pound of each lasts me about 2 runs on 6 plants.

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I’ve heard it mentioned that Worm Castings and Bat Guano will do Most of the work needed.
This was my first summer Bringing Bat Guano into play, mid-grow. I cannot comment on efficacy, but it sure made Amending and Teas become events


Worm castings are good stuff but I ran out and haven’t bothered to get more :joy:

I try to use as few inputs/variables as possible these days.

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Some other sample kits that might be good for someone on a budget, especially microgrowers:


Thanks for those Links…

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No problem man, I figure if nothing else maybe someone with a 2x2 on a budget will try some and give us some feedback about some of these products. Some of them are definitely proven fire, like the Neptune, Xtreme, Impello and Cultured Biologix, some of those look quite interesting but I’ve never heard of them before

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Its great to see people as yourself, taking action, just to help others make better, informed decisions.
And not waste money right out of the gate


IDK how I didn’t say it in this thread before but NEPTUNE’S HARVEST MY DUDES! Super old school and good stanky stuff, fish and kelp liquids and also fish bone and crab/lobster shell meal. I can’t use the fish hydrolysate indoors because I don’t do scent control on my tents and my partner hates it, but it makes my yard and garden :muscle::muscle::muscle:. All those other brands that are like “no fishy smell” well this is the opposite, pure glorious fish stink, good and digested but still gnarly.


The way I look at it there are so many good plant products out there, especially in the organic agriculture world vs just “weed nutes” that people should really never get stuck with some snake oil magic stuff. I respect the hell out of the Jacks 3-2-1 plus epsom growers, if I was doing salts I’d be at the local farm store in a minute buying that 50lb bag.


25lb. $60.

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I’m in Canada… not familiar with Jack

let me look at Epsom “stuff”. Curiosity has me.

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@MissinBisson here you go:

People use Jack’s, Epsom salts, and a cal-mag (or maybe calnit?) and that’s it, I think it’s cool.


I am a Dirt digger as well. Thx again.

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