Oaxacan x Peshawar by upstate grown by Drgreensleeves outdoor full cycle

Woowhoo it’s raining finally:)



That’s really what it’s like:) I’ve danced a many a jig amongst my plants in the rain :slight_smile: or at dusk / twilight right after spraying a tea ! With all that life on everything it’s like pure energy radiating/humming and dance with me like and sometimes it’s like I can feel gratitude it’s super cool! :slight_smile:


Where’s a good source for seeds for companion plants? Like hairy vetch , calindula , and others I perfer multipurpose medicinal plants but food is good too:) @Rogue thanks my friend


Around here they recommend Alyssum as a companion plant because it draws in predatory insects like wasps.


I get my seeds from Belgium or Holland, they don’t ship outside of EU tho.
Perhaps try Etsy, so many different things you can find there.

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I already have st John’s wort mullin yarrow wood sorrel pig weed marigolds tomatoes rattlesnake beans carrots canna lilly green beans sorghum grass plantain violets prickly lettuce sassafras lambs ear milk thistle and like august or so I have some diakon radishes dinosaur Kale beets white radishes winter oats and a few others:) @Rogue it’s a work in progress ps slow and steady wins the race :slight_smile: I also just made a fresh stinging nettle JLF


But that’s really just considered a trap plant which is a type of companion plant but I prefer ones that have other benefits like for instance chamomile (planted within rhizome area mycorrhiza makes this area much larger) has an influence on terps :slight_smile: I haven’t tried it yet but want to just haven’t gotten to it yet but I have heard positive results:)


@Upstate i found some purpling on one of the self topping males not the shorter one though but it’s still pretty nice I also have a few shots of the shorter one

Shorty 2step :slight_smile: I’ve found a couple abnormal growth /mutations

See the back side of stalk got 2 nodes side by side I get a better picture but it’s 3 branches and suckers I’m having trouble finding the right word for that lol

Another little mutation

Node spacing :slight_smile: PS the purpling one has a completely different smelling stem rub and it seems a bit more oily :slight_smile:


Woowhoo so the 2 that got pretty beat up from bugs , turns out both are female :slight_smile:

I’m really not sure what happened to photo but I’ll take some more this afternoon


And @Upstate I want to make these males smaller so the females are not restricted but I haven’t decided if it would be best to keep lowers or keep uppers ? Any suggestions? Thanks

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I seen this on IG and it made me think of @Meesh :slight_smile: I hope you like it


In old style cameras, when a Flash is attached, and the Shutter speed is faster than Sync-time of ~ 1/125 sec, you would get Half-lit images…

Not sure about this one Dr… I’d blame the lighter


Woowhoo! I woke up to rain glorious rain that’s lasted at least 2 hrs I hope till at least 6-7am but it’s slowing down now! Do you believe that? It was raining it’s ass off and as soon as I start talking about it it slows down smh I think mother nature is picking on me ! She thinks this shit is funny! Lol :slight_smile: but yup it’s almost stopped now lol


I got a little more sleep with a little more rain :slight_smile: so it worked out I reckon :slight_smile: a couple of them are leaning due to inline winds :slight_smile: but they didn’t loose a leaf :slight_smile:


Cutting the tops off will delay flowering as the side branches catch up, cutting the bottoms off will give a smaller profile but keep the earliest flowers - I just did this to even up flowering times of the males - the earlier ones got their tops off and the side branches left are roughly at the same stage as the later males now, so the early and late males get even distribution of pollen, otherwise the early males will dominate


Bugs know potent pot. Slugs too. True connoisseurs.


Watching this thread now. Thought I’d already done that. Sorry I missed so much. Plants are looking stellar! Cool red streak on the stem of that one plant. :sunglasses:

I like this one😁


Update! Amazing plants! … Happy little plants ! :slight_smile:


I still can’t get over this only 2.5 months!! In the ground! And they tower over every other plant in the garden , absolutely amazing thank you @upstate for your hard work and dedication to this plant! Bro you are an inspiration to us all! Thank you my friend