Octopot Grow System

I was actually looking into that and completely forgot about HF. Thanks for that!

This is what i was looking for!!



I use a 37 gallon tote for a res and a fish tank pump to transfer water a garden wand also helps your back ( donā€™t bend over so much

I also have a 5 gallon set up for when all plants are at different feed


yeah i got a 14 gal tank in my tent right now, hopefully itll be enough.


Iā€™d tried one of those pretty slow Iā€™m sure I could piss more that what that pumps in 2 min


well anything is better then filling a watering can and doing it that way


1/4 horse sump pump garden hose and wand is what I use ,actually mines a 1/2 horse with 3/4inch hose bit over kill but minutes to refill vs a hr to water.


I keep a 30 gallon trash can of water in my garden room, then use an auto-siphon leftover from my homebrewing days to fill a 5 gallon bucket. Itā€™s not the fastest, but it gives me time to mix nutes, cal-mag, and pHdown while it is filling.

When the bucket is full I set it on a step-stool, then use the auto-siphon again to push the liquid from the bucket to the Octopotā€™s reservoir. An automotive funnel helps keep the 1/2" tube where it needs to be.


I am seriously interested in theseā€¦ browsing ebay now.


go direct, its cheaper.


free shipping in the US

One of the MAIN reasons why I want these, is I donā€™t have to worry about water runoff, and having to pull the plants to water them.


Over the years thereā€™s a few thing Iā€™d like to share with you all you octofiles lol

Tips that help ( or at least help me )

When filling use a empty 5 gallon bucket with the bottom cut out as a guide it keeps the bag straight

Living soil works but not sueded for reuse

Best to use sub- straight pro mix , coco ext
Make sure thereā€™s at least 25 % perlite in the mix
I use pro mix hP and I donā€™t feel it needs extra perlite ( this also has no nutritional value)

Feed every time you fill the res

Let res empty between fills

Ph every time you water

When starting plants

Clones work best when roots first show and use a dome till established ( takes 14 days to hit res )

Mature plants , root prune before transplanting
( if you root prune itā€™ll take 10 days to hit the res)

Use mycorrhizae in root zone when transplanting

From seed (feminized) , start seed in solo cup 1.5 weeks before roots circle at bottom of cup ( need to use dome till establish) roots hit res 14 days

First watering 1 gallon from the top ( this is the only time you ever water from the top

Till roots hit res only fill res to the first level ( makes the roots grow towards the water )

Once roots establish fill res every time it usually give you a week with out watering

Plants can stay a day or so it res is dry ( I donā€™t do this )

Hopefully this helps



I wish I could upvote that post more than once!!! Great info there!!!

I got lazy over the winter and wasnā€™t cleaning out the Octopots post-harvest. I ended up growing plants in 3 gallon pots instead. Now I have too many plants in different stages of life and it takes FOREVER to water. The next nice spring day we have, Iā€™ll be working outside to dump the old soil and roots and scrub the reservoirs so I can start using the Octopots again. Watering fewer, bigger plants once per week sounds so much more appealing than dozens of small pots every 2-3 days!


I am digging the small coco-hydro reservior auto watering system Iā€™m currently using (ala @MrSparkle), but is still requires some technology (automation and timing) and regular maintenance (checking drip heads, they sometimes stop working).
Plus, Iā€™m also not sure Iā€™m getting the biggest yields I can, because I use such tiny pots.

These things are totally low tech, and pics of yields look amazing.

So, gonna order 2 of the 3Gal Octopots to experiment with.


As I remember more things Iā€™ll post them here

In all of my threads here Iā€™ve listed many things all by trial and error hopefully my fuck ups help you to avoid an issue

There are photos on how to fill , building support netting( scrog). , low budget res all sorts of crap
These Octopots give you the ability to increase you grow ( yield) but itā€™s very easy for the plants to take over your tent

A friend grew 1 plant 9 oz with buds the size on a base ball from an Octopot thatā€™s what got my interest (@Gardenartus wherever you are)

On another site I did side by side experiments on rooting directly into the Octopot with a dome 1 out of 4 took so its best to show roots first

Ok enough rambling
Sorry for the thread hijack





Really nice tents!


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Iā€™m so excited to get my octopots




Loving it so far!

the 6 gal rez is massive!


Things are getting real now can you post a side picture of the 6 gal res?


I have a 37 gall tote I use as an additional res

They are so well made and easy to use

Good luck bro


6 gal
18 x 18 x 5 1/2

3 gal
12 x 12 x 5 1/2

Both units, with bag, stand from floor to top of bag, 23" and some change 1/8" +/-

(im using strapped bags)

I guess youā€™re supposed to fold the top 2 inches down so to top of bag from floor would be about 20"-21"