Octopot Grow System

Just cut out the bottom of a bucket, filling pictures soon to come.

And I wouldn’t recommend this for watering plants, there’s grease in the mechanism


I like that drill pump

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Have you guys ever filled the res all the way to the top?

I’m leaving on vacation for 8 days and my outdoor octoplant is in week 3-4 of flower. :smiley:

It might get warm here when I’m gone so I reckon I want as much water as I can if I’m not going to see her again for 8 days.


it says to leave a little gap in the rez for air, so I dont know if it would be smart to load it to the top, but only one way to find out. FILL’r UP!

It’s a good pump to move water from a ditch or pool but for drinking or plants, I would look elsewhere, because when I ran water though this hose there was grease on the hose and in the water.


Micro Octopots?!

I was browsing Amazon for Octopots. But even the smalller one seemed too big for my tiny 2x2 tents.
Then, I saw these cheap Auto Watering (wick) systems came up.
The diagrams looked like a 3” net pot might fit in the hole.
Two bins for $17. About $8 for some 3” net pots, and I found these 1/2 gallon size fabric pots too for $18

So. What I plan to do is cut a hole in the bag and attach the net pot. And try to use it just like a tiny octopot.

Once current grows are done, this is my next experiment!


Damn I love it it’s so cute lol

Please post how it goes


Post a link if you can, this would be good for herbs and such

And such a genius idea


I’m growing a white widow auto outdoors in an octopot. She’s currently about week 4 of flower.

I went on vacation last Friday. Before I left I had topped off the tank. Came home tonight 30 minutes ago not having any idea what to expect. The res was 100% bone dry, but the plant looked just fine. I mixed up 3 gallons of GH mid flower mix + cal mag I’ll fill the rest up tomorrow.

Pretty impressive IMO the weather here has been in the 90’s and that plant got ZERO attention for 9 straight days.


That’s pretty impressive.


That’s impressive I’ve never let mine good that long without water but good to know

The most I let it go was 2 days dry


clones have been sitting in the octopot for a little over a month now, and they arnt dead yet, although, they arnt growing either.

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That’s strange they haven’t taken off yet ! What do you think the issue is?

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Octogrow :+1:


Pics please

Did you just place cuts directly into the Octopot or did they root 1st


Syn, i know i did my two ways…clones in, and rooted plants in. For me, the rooted plants and rooted clones, so far, have out performed trying to clone in the octopot…like by allot. Atleast thats my experience so far.


I think it’s building its root system. When I put the clones in the octopot it looked like this.


A few years ago on another side I was the guinea pig and did a test case side-by-side clones not routed directly put into the octopods with their OCTO dome and clones routed and placed into the octopods the routed clones works so much better at least if you have one small roots showing and they immediately start to take hold you need a dome for a few days and you do need to spray them but they wash a response so much better

At one time I attempted to put for non-routed clones into each of my octopods and none of them took old they all died within a 2 to 3 week period of time and they suffered a horrible death


When you started your clones did they have many roots on it if so they should’ve actually taken only two weeks. Question did you fill the resor only fillled to the first Mark?
Sorry for the edit I try to use the voice recorder on my phone and spellcheck says what it likes


Yeah I thought about going straight from cut to octo, but I thought it would be smarter to start the roots then put in the octo


Yeah much smarter to start in routed that you should only fill the res to the first market gives them the incentive to travel downward if you fill the reservoir they get so much water they don’t care to hit the res

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