Octopot Grow System

Both “TAP” and “RO” have added calmag in it, RO has more macro stuff in it to replace what TAP would have. The Part A and Part B, is ment for a more controlled nute package.

The TAP and RO are your shotgun blast with proper nutes and calmag for your water supply.

The back of bag, grams per gallon is ment to get your EC to 1.0, you need to add more to reach 1.6-2.1 EC.

I found that having a EC of 1.7 will bring “MY” tap water to 6.1 ph +/-.

I usually feed Epsom every other watering/feeding (i feed each watering) in half doses.

this is my hand written per gallon and per 14 gallons +/- grams.

Sounds like your having a hard time keeping the Ph in check and its going up and down per feeding.

Your not adding enough TAP, your EC is probally 0.9 or 1.2 you need to bring it up to 1.6-2.1.

Using any Ph product be it up or down, you need to wait a minimum of 10 mins after mixing before you get a stable read.

Once your in a good spot with how you have everything, I would recommend getting some

to use as PH up instead of the blue bottle which is 8 bux and you go through it in 2 months.

This is my understanding of the jacks nute line for anyone who might be interested.


Thanx for the quick reply. I didn’t even realize that the strength changed the ph so much. I’ll play around with stronger ratios and see if that sorts me out.

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More nutes, lower PH.


that looks like a good deal! 200 for the autofill version. is it worth the extra 50?

@Syn what do you think? got a 3x3 tent. autofil? yea or nay?

If you got the space, go with the autofill. I hand water all mine, takes about 15 mins every 7 days.

my 4x4 with 4x 6 gal octopots.

A 3x3 will fit 4x 6gal octopots, BUT IT’LL BE TIGHT!

I’d say hand water, it doesnt take long. (you dont have room in a 3x3 to put a res and a holding tank)

My “Mean Green”


Thank you. The space has me worried frankly. I have a 10 gallon rez outside the tent right now and 4 of these.

But they’re only 1gall each. Wondering about the genuine article.


I was thinking about running a couple as a passion project.
probably needs watering every day

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screw it. early birthday present from me to me. 4pack with strapped upgrade ordered.

jacks TAP, finish and ultraviolet delivers tomorrow…i’m gonna drop a seed in water.


I gave this a quick check, and even when I’m around 1750 ppm I’m over 8ph, retested after half an hour. It must be our water is very different. I’m going to look into getting my water tested, and maybe switch to RO. Anyway, thanx for the tips. I actually wanna do octopots too, but think it’ll be a disaster until I get my water figured out.

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oh man, you wont regret it, if you need help hit me up.

that doesnt make any sense, more nutes you add the lower it brings your ph

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I would replace the plastic for a 5 gallon fabric bag


1 gallon, the base of the planter is 9 inches

you might be able to push a 2 gal, fabric


Looks good my friend

Plants seem happy

Great job :+1::+1::+1:


couldnt have done it without you :-*

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Just a heads-up, nothing to freak out but when you go to feed your plant for 2 weeks with the UV itll turn your leaves yellow. Don’t stress because after two weeks your putting it back on TAP and the yellowing will go away.

UV is ment to kick the plants ass into making flowers on the 12/12 swap


copy that. so my idea was to start the seed on a solocup and transplant @ 2 weeks. can I start the seedlings on TAP ? what would you say, 25% strength?

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are you using coco or something of the like?

or are you going to run promix or the like?

well since im waiting for a response,

coco will need nutes though the whole process whereas if your using promix or something like it, itll have nutes good enough for the first month of growth.

So normally what i do is i put a drop of superthrive in a liter of ph’d water and use that for the first week, but now that i have jacks clone, ill run that in a couple days when i scratch a seed.

I want to see what the “hype” is on the “clone” nutes

i run seeds and clones though a rapid rooter plug

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Ideally Coco. I also have vermiculite, perlite and 2 forms of Gypsum (granular and solvable from buildasoil) was thinking a mix of the above.

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Youll have to use 60% Coco Coir with 40% perlite in your mixture, and make sure you pack it nice and tight.


You’ll be feeding nutes every watering as well. (i do it with promix, so dont feel bad for running coco)


You will have to feed from the start

Like @Syn said

Good luck