Off Topic Complaints


No. I love little old ladies. I’d go get it for her. I’m talking about pretentious, inconsiderate a**hats :slight_smile:


I would steal mayo from a little old lady. What’s she gonna do about it?

Add it to my collection.

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Our helpers start out at $15-16/hr doe (other company’s are 12-14) for running an edger and blowing the houses off. Put in the time and effort and you’re at $17/hr in a few months. A lot better than what other companies are paying, for doing the same work. They get paid for drive time. Which most companies in our area don’t do and weekends off, no matter what. I’ve never worked a weekend the two years I’ve been at the company I’m with.

The place i work at isn’t your run of the mill lawn service. Our boss takes care of us.


i hired a guy once whose job was to bring weed to work. he didn’t do much else and that was fine, the weed was killer.


$15 an hour equals $2400 bucks a month which is the cost of a one bedroom apartment around here.

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That sucks

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It gets worse. Different scenario: young couple making 100k total a year.

Given interest rates the biggest mortgage they could afford (too big in my opinion) is 400k. The cheapest of houses here is around a million dollars.

Forget about “saving for a down payment,” you need 600k cash in hand to even get started.

Neither of these are me and there are other bad scenarios but these are both the financial reality here.

Really what I’m arguing for here is a living wage and I have little sympathy for any employer not progressive enough to provide one.


Yeah, I sure wish I’d have recently got a “cost of living raise” lol.

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Fucking money is nothing worth anymore… Time for a reset :roll_eyes:

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I hate when I lose the “who can let the garbage form the biggest pyramid until somebody caves and takes it out” game.


before taxes, so no, it really doesn’t.


I was trying to keep it as simple as possible but you’re right.


Its not any different here. Young people need 4 roommates in a 2 bedroom apartment “roommates never work”. You can’t buy, aren’t any to buy. I seen a 2 bedroom 1 bath bungalow in Springfield sell for 350K 5 years ago that was 120K. I’m staying right here at my dad’s. Only son. I’m going to live here until I die. I lived in my truck for 2 years. I know that hell. This shit is kicking peoples asses and breaking souls of hope. Don’t get me started.
I’m keeping this place. That way I have a place for my daughter to come if she needs it. Family needs to stick together. Why people in Japan live in places in shifts of 12 hours. Hispanics have been bunking up together for centuries. Times are changing.
Plus I’m never giving up my outdoor grow spot for the gauntlet. :sunglasses: :metal: :100:


This fuckin smoke is really messing with my sinuses. Might need to whip out the N95.


I hate when I blow my nose too hard and it rips the Kleenex and I end up with mucus on my fingers.

It’s only going to get worse:

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That reminds me of an off-topic. Who here wipes until they don’t see poop? “checks the toilet paper” I’m a wipe and check pooper. :poop:
That reminds me. I need TP.

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There’s another way?

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Baby wipe or a Bidet?


Your wife’s nice linen tablecloth


Or the left hand like the muzzies do… Countless possibilities when you think about it