OG Michiganders Unite

I will certainly take your info seriously. I had suspected as much about inland but I’m glad to have the opinion of someone with a similar experience - moving from Illinoise to Michigan.

Would you hazard a guess as to how far inland the lake’s tempering effects go? Can’t be more than 10-15 miles. What do you think? We can live with the cold but the hot days with humidity drive us loco.

Thanks for the info buddy. I hope all is well with you.

Kev :v:t4:

Seed cellar has decent prices if you pick them up you usually get unadvertised freebies, some brands of seeds are outrageous,but others pay the price, so theres no need to be realistic

btw hemp is Cannabis Sativa hemp seeds sell for less then 30 bucks for 8 lbs of seed,

I grew up 6 blocks from the lake michigan shore in manitowoc wisconsin. Trust me, with the breeze thats always coming from the lake its really nice to be near it.


mlive has an article (3M sues Michigan) on water quality and the gov’t today. in the article is a list of places where water quality is out of the new state standard. “160 places” (behind a paywall)… this is in reference to PFOS and PFAS if you care about such things. Apparently you have to be a subscriber to see that article though.


It looks like searching “3M sues Michigan” brings up a google result with the full article.

Apparently MI isn’t the first state 3M is suing to invalidate the state limitation on PFAS/PFOS in water supplies. 3M has a lawsuit in progress in NJ and already lost a similar lawsuit in NH. 3M is complaining about the cost for water supply filter upgrades to reduce/eliminate contaminants including PFAS. All you have to do is follow the trail of lawsuits/cash settlements to see why 3M is pushing on this.


they will just move(3m) to a state that will be more friendly, offhand the only 3m buildings i know of are in Midland, home of dow chemical and corning.

I lived in midland for many years, its a beautiful place to raise a family. But if your in your 20’s its no bueno. Thats why I moved.

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I worked in Midland for a few years. Liked Pi’s Chinese restaurant

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I was thinking about that place last night.

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Where’s my fellow Michiganders at?

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Woot woot!! Detroit

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@sct2020 After I sent your seeds in the mail, the day after I was literally less than 2 miles from your house at a job site, could’ve dropped em off myself :joy:

Is there very many of us on here? I tried getting a couple buddies from a Michigan grow group to come cause their discord is dead but they weren’t too interested I guess. Hippie Cannabis Genetics said he’s been lurking for the better part of a decade though


Well @Instg8ter was near flint, but disappeared. @G-paS for sure (she’s awesome btw) , @Seamonkey84 I think is in Ann arbor area like me, I think we have a few others up north and lake Michigan side too


I’m in Maine :crazy_face:

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Must be @monkeyman, for some reason I mix you guys up lol

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Mid/ northern here, Benzie area .

No one has still heard from @Instg8ter ?

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He’s MIA as far as I know. I just hopes he’s alright, so weird to just disappear in the middle of that giveaway. I had just gotten asked to send my addy and then boom. Gone.


Me too man. Freaking odd. Hopes he’s OK tho


Yeah, fuck the giveaway. I liked his comments


last post I saw he was going to meet someone for a swap. Never heard whether it was successful.