OG Michiganders Unite

He’s a 2nd generation breeder. Only fucks with landraces and doesn’t cross anything, just keeps the genetics alive. His pops spent his life collecting seeds of landraces I’ve never heard of from places I’ve never heard of. Died from cancer and his son carries on the legacy. 12-16 weeks average flower time on every single strain he puts out cause they’re legit landrace strains plucked from the source in the wild.

I’ve got his 73 Durban (red pheno, waiting on green pheno), 70 Colombian Gold, 2016 Highland Nepalese, and 2017 Pakistani Chitral Kush :grin: germinated one of each for viability for a preservation run, gonna flower if any females over winter so I’ve actually got 12-16 weeks to be able to flower

The last PP i saw was in '01/02 in when I lived in Midland. So this one guy we knew ripped off one of my friends big time, his dad had an old van stored at the side of a storage facility he owned, inside it he grew the pinconning paralyzer in 5 gallon buckets. It was like the worst greenhouse you ever saw… Super gross. But anywho they got stolen as payback for what his kid did. Those plants got grown out in my buddies apt on the floor in the same buckets in front of a sunny window. As far as I know that was the last of the PP in Midland until late '05 when I moved away.

It had very thin sativa looking leaves, but smaller plants. Nothing stood out about the smell of the PP we used to get, but it had couch lock for days. You’d smoke a Doobie and just lose all motivation to do anything but watch tv, snack or maybe play video games.


Guessing it would have to pass the taste test before he could do much bank. Not hard likely to get a few favorable reviews from a few.

Sounds like Herijuana from what I’ve heard of it’s description but not sure the leaves are thin.


It’s definitely not hard for those hawking “RKS” seeds to get more favorable reviews than critical reviews, especially if they discredit and/or block anyone who says differently.

That said, if these guys plan to keep whatever they’re planning to sell as “Pinconning Paralyzer” as flower only through their dispo (whether it’s the real deal or not), they better pray they never sell any seeded flower.


pretty sure the real originators of pinconning ,where in standish, motorebel has a pinco hybrid btw


Seems like a well kept Pinconning purple Paralyzer F7 that made that cross from Larry Myers friend, Bud, as of last year. Probably f8 by now cause it didn’t seem like they had any plans to stop…

Apparently Larry’s son Lane is the person who’s been best kept in the loop as to where the strains are. Saw lots of posts of people claiming to be growing it in Northern (northern to southern Michiganders, bay area) Michigan over these past few years. Supposedly someone in Standish has it too, I visit Standish often and will be doing some digging every time I’m there from now on. Maybe hit up some old friends.


I have a buddy in Detroit area who knows a guy growing monkey paw. I’ve been begging for a cut or some seeds for months now.

Edited typo


that cut of paw i was supposed to get was sick, had some kinda bug problem was weird though as there were 23 other plants there and not one sick, I too have people looking for seeds, and i met aguy at that med 420 party says his uncle was in on the original paw. Supposedly he is looking for the seeds and will let me know also. Hoping.


sounds like the same dude that @Instg8ter ran in to - good luck

I have had 3 different supposed cuts of monkey paw, with no luck. I had paw back in the day and I know it well. I have come to believe that many old SE Michigan heads just recalled that strong strain and started calling whatever strong strain they came across “monkey paw”


Hello fellow mitten heads. Roughly Ann Arbor area for me.


Welcome to the mitten club bud!


Thank you :blush:


Hi everyone! :wave: In the thumb :+1:t2:, where I am.


Hi Bob! My husbands family was from the Lapeer/NB area.
:green_heart: :seedling:


Do any Michiganders need some free Monster Rooters or square small 2" or so rockwool plugs or PVC pipes and connectors for a scrog net? I have surplus grow supplies I don’t plan on using that I don’t want to go to waste, if you need em they’re yours! Pickup near Flint


If anyone is coming up to Cannacon Chicago stop by our booth#818. We will be bringing a bunch of fire. Peace and stay lifted.



I know we were kind of floating the idea around last year about getting a meet up going for the michiganders(and anyone else that would want to attend) and it seems like it may be a good idea. I was thinking mid november? Itd be cool to get the ball rolling. Chime in if interested!


Would love to! Would depend on where it was and when though. But would be pretty awesome to get to actually meet some of you guys irl.


Agreed. I think we have enough time to figure out what would work for mostly everyone.


You guys can sign me up.

If the timing is right and the wife Ok’d it (she thinks @anon93244739 is gonna catfish me tonight when I go over there😂) I could potentially offer my home near Flint as the meeting place