OG Raskal Seeds

That’s a gem right there should give them a pop! Way cool @Xr5K

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there are still some packs left at GLG of the Fire Alien Bx I did 2 seasons ago in the greenhouse. Momma was a beast and we hold that cut pretty close. I lost her to pm in spring of 2022 but 2 friends still have her so I will be working her again when I can fit her in. The Bx1 seeds have been producing plants very close to the mother in growth, structure, flower expression and very potent . All the feedback from growers has been excellent. There is only less than a handful of packs left.
I need to get to the White Fire Alien soon too but I put those off when i heard rumor of OG Raskal returning to breeding but have seen nor heard nothing since…


That’s the strawberry fire alien I just got.

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I haven’t heard anything good about ordering seeds from that guy. Has something changed?

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We should cross these beans bro.
White fire alien urkle cough sounds like a gem

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Yes, you’re right, that sounds very good;) :slightly_smiling_face:

what guy?
if you are talking about GLG . as in @Great_lakes_Genetics … they are one of the best seedbanks in the business, run by some of the most trustworthy folks I have dealt with online. That’s why I drop my seeds there. As for OG Raskal , never dealt with him personally so have no idea. I just know the packs of Fire Alien grown out in my garden produced excellent plants… no complaints.


Apologies, yes Great Lakes is a fantastic source for quality gear in my experience. I misunderstood you to be referencing Greenline I believe, GLO. Awesome prices but terrible shipping turn around.

Thank you for correcting my error. Is it possible to scrub that post all together? I would feel terrible if someone overlooked GLG due to my mistake.


Hey brother you still have those “The White S1’s” ???
I have tons of fire to trade …!!! :v:t3::bearded_person:t2:

hate to be the bearer of bad news but brother @djsf has moved on to the next existence and is watchin over us all here at OG from beyond.
R.I.P Scot @DJSF - Overgrow.com