White buffalo seed co is having a big sale before a hiatus, act now!

White Buffalo Seed Collective – World Famous Varieties (wbseeds.com)

The white buffalo seed co, one of the premier canadian seed companies of recent years has a great sale going on. On their IG, they say they are selling off a huge amount of new, untested crosses from their stable of genetics. tons of hazes, stuff from la mano negro, classic bc clone only’s like rene and grapefruit, old island god.

they then say they will be taking a break from the business for a while, so who knows what the future will hold.

" The new drop is live for all the folks who are crazy enough to grow untested seeds. I’m taking a long overdue break from growing and breeding for who knows how long so I won’t be able to do a proper test on anything for awhile, so rather than sit on these guys I figure I’d put them out there at a good deal and if anything turns out bad I’m happy to replace them with something tested but we’ll cross that bridge if and when we need to. Thanks again to everyone for your support :pray:"

I met c-ray years ago on unleashthegreen and he was always very generous, knowledgeable and kind to me, so i thought i would rep his company before his break. i am geting some rene and old island god stuff before its gone! 40 bux for a 12 pack of great genetics and I believe them when they say they will replace any duds out there

their potcast episodes
Episode 69 ft C-Ray & Scabby of White Buffalo Seed Collective - The Pot Cast - 03/08/22 - YouTube
Episode 69.5 ft C-Ray & Scabby of White Buffalo Seed Collective - The Pot Cast - 12/08/22 - YouTube


thanks @jessethestoner, I was just on the site trying to pick what I want most, its hard with selections and prices like that! I really look up to those guys, they are at the forefront for me of preservation and exploration!


Have you ever had the urge to say “I want one of everything



Hope everything is ok with them. They’re good people!


Affordable, untested hybrids made with reputable lines… it’s like Christmas early 🥲


So are you!


Thanks for posting, lots of nice genetics to pick from

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No Roberts creek Congo bummer but plenty of good stuff


That is cool that you’re concerned .
One Love
I’ve never heard of the place .
They do have some sweet deals .
Maybe they’re just restocking . I hate to see anybody go out of business .


They say they are taking a break from breeding and growing for a bit. Its not really known for why.

Act now, because who knows what is going to be available for the future.

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Hey @boatbum325 , in case you missed this thread.


Damn, I got to exchange a few PM’s with La Mano negro, before he passed many years ago, here on OG!! What a wonderful person!!


It was very hard to decide which ones I wanted…so I grabbed 13 packs last night lol


I enjoyed their Potcast episode and wish them the best. The seed biz for the small guy is surely following all the other industry trends and becoming really difficult quickly- the labor of love becomes harder to sustain. What I liked about their approach was focusing on the effect of the herb, not the flower time, the hype, anything else. Without the inflated price points of the prohibition era, it’s a lot of work, particularly if they were hanging on to a catalog of mothers and males too as indicated in their interview. Perhaps the most viable path other than hype and pollen chucks is a great cross that people love and can be replicated again and again, I think that’s what they were pursuing, but carrying that overhead for years, and building momentum around a given cross, so hard to predict, force or make happen even if it should happen on the merits of the product. Life gets in the way, burnout happens, and meanwhile the pricepoints trend lower and lower. All this is to say that I think their seeds are worth investing in, and what we are seeing is the beginning of a potentially massive loss of genetics when the White Buffaloes start disappearing. Now is an important time to get that library in order and carry these seeds forward to the next generation. Just like heirloom tomatoes, the backyard garden becomes key because it is not market dependent. Then when people start looking for the real herb again, the backyard is where it will be


Yall sleeping lol


Wow, nice haul @Fitzera!


I instinctively thought of you @Fitzera when they had their sale! Hopefully you find some fire in there.


i can be guilty of that …maybe

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what was the charge.that looks like a mad house selection for sure…


I was already on it lol. I went back a few weeks after my first order to see what was still kicking and whatnot and then all of a sudden I had another order on the way :joy: