Old bagseed grow

I ended up staying in town here’s more pics

of them. Just repotted the tall one, short one will be repotted tommrow. Plan to veg them out another month or so. First pic is the one that was struggling, looking alot better now after repot, all the big fan leaves fell off, but she’s bouncing back.



These are getting big fast. I added a couple more fans. Astringent chemical smell with the stem rub.



Looking healthy and green…:herb:
Keep going bro…:v:t4::alien::green_heart:

Ya these have been a breeze to grow. Just letting them do their thing. I think they may all be female. These have had more vigor than expensive purchased seeds. Here’s all of them together.


I just can’t get over the leaves on this one. I’ve been growing over 20 years, and I have never seen leaves like this…very distinctive. I’m hoping somebody recognizes these fans, very serated.


I’m smoking bag weed today! :joy: :100:


Still plan to switch over to flower next week. My 2 faves.


I really like the looks of that short squat one. Which is the one that has the loudest smell? Hopefully you’ve got a few cuttings set back, I would love to have one to cross with a MMXX I’ve been keeping my eye on. Super loud plant, and has that same structure.

Those aggressive toothy leaves look a lot like Azad Kashmir. Chances of it being that are near zero. But it may be a relative from that area. Like a Hindu Kush type plant…

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Top up that pot with a good inch or so of soil.

Okay will do. It’s got a strong smell for veg, chemical bug spray type odors. I have a crush on this one, I can’t stop looking at it lol . Still waiting for sex on 2 of em. Ya I’m def taking clones, these are very promising so far.



Got em all in 5 gallons for flowernext week. These plants reek too. Whole house stinks.


Still waiting on 2 to show sex. They alllook very different which is cool. I’m assuming a random male must-have pollinated the crop.


Here’s my brother’s plants…his are very sativa looking.


Plants really stretching out…already 2x their size in a couple days. I can def see some sativa influences in them now. They all started short with big leaves, but that’s changing. In yhe past I’ve had sativas do this, and once flowering initiates they stretch out. They are all in 5 gallons too. I’m thinking the best one is a male, and I hate to toss him. I’ll probably save some pollen if male bc this plant has a very pronounced smell. All 3 have the exact same afghan chemically rubber smell.

I’m willing to bet there’s some afghan in these. All
plants have been such a pleasant surprise, and I’m glad i have more seeds to sort. I never imagined in a million years some random ass seeds would be on par with expensive breeder seeds. I wish cannabis had some sort of DNA profiling lol to determine lineage. Ill keep the pics coming as they transition over to making buds. Lastly I’ll be working on these the rest of the year, and hopefully I find something cool. Props to whoever originally was growing these.


Got 2 confirm fems. Had to toss the serated one, the odor was too strong. I could smell it all the way in my driveway, and I don’t need 5-0 at my house. Here’s the 2 fems. The tall one is a very pretty plant with neon green color.


Here’s the keeper of the bunch. Other ones are still stretching out.



Middle plant is really moving fast. 2 left ones have a very strong smell like cat piss…ammonia astringent odor exactly the same. These 2 are def related, othee one has a fruity insence smell. All plants have stretched about 3x, and still growing. I’ve raised my light 4 times. Generally in my setup plants only 2x their original size bc I keep the lights right on em, not the case with these ladies. Still plan to keep the best/ most unique one bc ihave about 30 more to sort through.

I’m probably going to wait until middle flower for more pics as this thread seems to have lost interest. If anyone wants me to keep updating g frequently just let me know, and I’ll post every couple days.