Oozle's Indoor

I wasn’t going to update this tent again until flower, but I transplanted everything except one and I’m getting ready to make the switch to flower in 10-12 days.

In a few weeks I will probably make a separate journal for this tent.

3 Strawberry Temple - 7 gallon pots
1 Rainbow Chip F2 - Still in a 3. ran out of soil. will transplant tomorrow.
1 Aliens and Milk - 7 gallon. I also have 1 in an Earthbox in my 3x3.
1 Lemon Jeffery - 5 gallon
1 Pinball Wizard clone - 7 gallon

Soil Mix:
1.5 cubic feet Stonington Blend
1.5 gallon Rice Hulls
1.5 gallon Pumice
1.25 gallons Castings (Wiggle Worm)
1.5 cups Silica Amendment (Montana Grow)
4 tablespoons Insect Fras (Build-a-soil)
2 tablespoons Craft Blend (Build-a-soil)
Great White used at transplant

Rainbow Chip

Strawberry Temples

Pimball Wizard. Slowly recovering. When I took clones the node spacing was very tight. I’m thinking it might do a lot better this round.

Took some clones of everything.

Some early thoughts on the back Dragon Temple (Dragon Temple Tall).

Dragon Temple Tall:

This was the back plant and the buds have a more golden color to them compared to the other Dragon Temple. A good amount of bigger buds.

Smell: Tropical, Lemon/Lime, haze(?). Incense and woody that transfers over to the taste and coats the mouth. The other Dragon Temple is more tropical and translates into a better flavor/taste.

Effects: This plant increases my heart rate slightly and after the first 10-15 minutes I want to go up and get things done. The high is more clear headed once it settles, but very racy thoughts. Makes my thoughts run over each other in my mind… pretty awesome. I do prefer the other plant, but I have been smoking both almost daily for the last couple weeks and I still really enjoy it.

I have some comments from some friends on all of my recent harvest, but I’ll do the full report on the other thread to keep it all in one spot.


Dude, for real, that’s a sweet-ass nug haha.


Here is an update in my 3x3, the Alien tent.

Alien Rift (clone) - Left
Aliens and Milk (strayfox) - Right

I added a net and plan to flip to flower in a week. I’m not trying to fill out every square in the net. I only have 270 watts max during flower, so if I can get 100-150 grams off each plant, it will be a success in regards to yield.

Here is a pic of the Alien Rift I chose as my keeper. I need to take bud shots soon for my smoke report.

An observation on both Aliens and Milk (1 is in my other tent) is they have high apical dominance. All the growth wants to go to the top, there is almost zero bushing out. Even when I topped, the side branching grew very little and the two tops branches shot up.


But it wouldn’t be bad if you did… haha. You never know!

How come you set the sips up like that? Is it just because you wouldn’t be able to reach the “fill pipe” or whatever it’s called if you’d have set them up with the actual plants sorta opposite each other?

Plants look good! Haha.


Mainly the fill pipe and access to top feed. I can’t get to the back of that tent.

After I installed the net, I said damn, I should have offset these plants. haha. so yea if it were a perfect world I would have a do over.


So I decided to try something because there is space and I really like the Dragon Temple and looking at all the empty squares… I tried to tell myself it would be ok, but here we are… adding another plant a couple days before flower…

I added a Dragon Temple clone to the earthbox of the Aliens and Milk. Probably not a good idea since they have different finishing times, but I don’t have to worry about for 10 weeks haha.

I cut off the bottom of the pot so the roots can expand. A fabric pot would have been better for this. My only concern is the height of the pot might cause some wicking problems. I will find out soon enough.

I know they stretch, so I will give the Dragon Temple 2-3 days to settle and flower we go.

Some fungus gnats, so I will use gnatrol tomorrow and if they are still annoying I will order some nematodes again… that combo worked wonders last time.


It’s been 7 days since the transplant and they settled in nicely.

Tonight they get 12 hours of darkness, so tomorrow will be Day 1 of flower. I always wait until after the extended darkness before I start counting my days of flower.

3x Strawberry Temple - 7 gallon pots
1x Rainbow Chip F2 - 7 gallon
1x Aliens and Milk - 7 gallon. I also have 1 in an Earthbox in my 3x3.
1x Lemon Jeffery - 5 gallon
1x Pinball Wizard clone - 7 gallon

I want to give a shout out to my pinball wizard (I know it can read) for finally greening up and not being pissed off. This pinball wizard really doesn’t drink much at all. I’ve watered maybe once since the transplant and the pot is still heavy.

Pinball Wizard

Tomorrow I am top dressing with Castings and Fishbone meal.

Rainbow Chip

3 Strawberry Temples

Lemon Jeffery

I was worried the Lemon Jeffery wouldn’t be worth the time/space, but it loves its’ new shoes. I should get a couple nice colas out of her.

Aliens Milk

She’s hitting the gym pretty hard. I did some trimming and I am finally getting some side branching, but everyday I have to readjust the plant yo-yo’s and smash the tops down with my hand.



Top dressed all plants with Castings (1/2 cup) and Fishbone meal (2tbspn).
Each earthbox got 1/2 gallon soil, 1/2 gallon castings, 3 tablespoons Fishbone meal.

Alien Rift clone left
Aliens and Milk (Strayfox) right
Dragon Temple clone front right

Looks like I will be able to spread the plants out for a few more days, then I’ll start letting them go up.

The dragon temple didn’t really mind the transplant. It was sad at the end of each of the first 2 days, but then it looked fine. I was worried about the soil staying wet at the top, but it seems completely fine.

3x Strawberry Temple
1x Rainbow Chip F2
1x Aliens and Milk
1x Lemon Jeffery
1x Pinball Wizard clone

I’ll get better pics of each plant next week when I trim them up. They seem healthier and happier now they are settled in. I was a little worried about how dark/blue some of the lowers were last week, but the new growth looks good.

I forgot to mention I am running my lights 11.5 hours on/12.5 hours off. Why? Because why not… haha. Maybe it will hurt my yield slightly, but I’d rather the plants not stress and maybe it will help the soil biology keep up with the growth… more importantly it fits my schedule better.

Thanks for reading.


F13. I think I was off by 1 day last week.

Alien Rift clone left
Aliens and Milk (Strayfox) right
Dragon Temple clone front right

Cleaned up the plants. I may need to remove some more of the larger fan leaves on the Aliens and Milk on the right.

The Alien Rift’s leaves were growing a little crinkled and funky. I added some of the Big 6 from BAS and Yah Whey to the reservoir and it seems to have helped. There is some orange spots on the leaves, looks like a slight calcium deficiency but not quite. It happened to the plant in veg and early flower as well last run when I was using straight coco.

My next batch of seedlings have been soaked. I’m running some of my own stuff this time. Cherry Lotus x Sky Lotus and Sky Lotus f2s… only 6 of each. I’m interested to see the Cherry lotus cross because 1 of the females I hit with pollen had a huge main cola compared to the others… so a cherry flavored sky lotus or maybe a sky lotus with huge buds…


Looks like the Dragon Temple caught right up to the other stuff, huh? That’s good haha.

Oh, awesome. Looking forward to that!


I was worried about it, but seems I’ll get 3 nice tops out of it.

I’m a little nervous, but now I have two tents going so if one becomes a herm/pollen fest I still have some head stash haha.

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3x Strawberry Temple
1x Rainbow Chip F2
1x Aliens and Milk
1x Lemon Jeffery
1x Pinball Wizard clone

Defoliation today and watered with Liquid Karma. I was surprised how fast they went from sad to happy after the trimming.



It looks like I have to clean up the lowers a bit more. I will give it a couple days before I do any more leaf pulling.

Aliens and Milk (front right):
I kept the tops down with plant yo-yos but she is a fighter and wants to push all her growth up, not much bushing.

Rainbow Chip (middle right):

Pinball Wizard (back right):
It looks much happier this run. It doesn’t drink a lot. I barely have to water her.

Lemon Jeffery (back middle):
Chugging along

Strawberry Temple x3 (left side):

I plan to top feed some more castings (1/4-1/2 cup) and fishbone meal (2 tablespoons) in the next day or two and in a week water in some more Yah Whey.

I will probably make this 4x4 it’s own journal next week so the information is accessible easier… which reminds me I have to finish up the grow/smoke reports for my last run. I never love taking pictures of the finished buds. I can never get the lighting right and takes more time then I want.

Time to pack a pipe up of some Dragon Temple.


. [quote=“Oozle, post:192, topic:107324”]
I never love taking pictures of the finished buds. I can never get the lighting right and takes more time then I want.

Wow. I thought it was just me. I feel exactly the same way :upside_down_face:

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My Sky Lotus F2s and Cherry Lotus x Sky Lotus

So I killed 11 of my first 12. I tried a different way to germinate and they all dampened off except one.
I put the plants directly into the larger containers with a 50-50 coco/soil mix. I normally don’t use a humidity dome, but I got the big brain idea to use it. The plants popped up and then got mushy heads and stems. Not enough air exchange, I should have opened the vents up. Cool thing is the one that made it might have a higher resistance to molds or maybe just lucky.

It was a good lesson to learn and it only cost a little time. I didn’t use a humidity dome this time and I was 11/11. These were sowed in coco and then transplanted into my soil mix with a little more coco to lighten it up a bit.

F28 in my 3x3… the headstash tent.

I have the Dragon temple clone in the front right.

Alien Rift clone left
Aliens and Milk right
Dragon Temple front right

I still love the Dragon Temple. I’m keeping my fingers crossed I can reveg it as I want to keep it around for a while. The Alien Rift is a no brainer keeper in my house, so that’s going stay for as long as I can keep it alive… maybe these are my first fem project in a year or two… easier to keep seeds in a fridge then a plant in a tent.


I usually put a dome on the tray during lights-off, but take it off when the light’s on. Seems to work pretty well. I’ll also put the tray on a heating pad thing during lights-off, but not always. I lightly mulch the “starter pots,” too, even before the seeds are above ground, which seems to help with a sort of “even” moisture level. Or whatever haha.

Plants look good!



ohh good idea. I will go add some straw now.

I would only open the dome once a day. I think I even skipped a day and didn’t get any air exchange… so I bleached the dome and did a reset and thankfully these look like they will make it.


The seeds’ll push through the mulch as long as you don’t go crazy heavy with it or anything. Once they’re above ground, then I’ll add more, but I think that putting a little mulch on there actually helps with, like, the “shedding the seed shell” thing, in addition to not having to constantly mist the top layer of the soil.

I still mist like five times a day, though haha. Or as much as it looks like it’s necessary, kinda just depends on the weather here. One day humidity’ll be 65%, the next day it’ll be twelve percent, kind of a pain in the ass…


The seedlings.

Sky Lotus F2’s. These weren’t open pollination, 1 male and 1 female. I loved the smoke and wanted to do a seed increase, so here we are.

Cherry Lotus x Sky Lotus - These were from 1 plant. I seeded 3, but this was my favorite female. Just chucking some pollen… I was doing the seed increase on the Sky Lotus so why not hit a bunch of stuff and see what happens.

Sky Lotus F2


I’ve been spraying them daily with some water to help strengthen the stems and make sure the top stays moist. Temps are 65-72 lights off and 70-80 lights on. I’m trying to keep a low VPD, so humidity is normally 55-60%+.

I gave them some Yah-whey today (1/2 ounce in 1/2 gallon water) and added some Coast of Maine food.

Here is the 4x4 early week 6.

My plan is to transplant in 10 days-2 weeks into 1 gallons. Then whenever I have the space they will go in 7 gallons and an earthbox or two. I am planning to re-run the tall Strawberry Temple in the back left of the 4x4 and probably one of the Aliens and Milk and the Alien Rift again. I have space for 7-8 females, so it depends on my male:female ratio on the Sky lotus and CL x SL plants.


Do you do that right before lights-off? Or just whenever?

I really like the way that one Sky Lotus seedling is looking, the one that you took a closeup of. Cool-looking leaves for sure, very, uh… defined haha.


I’ve been doing it whenever right now because I have the light intensity turned down pretty low and its like 30 inches away. If the light intensity was higher I’d do it right before lights off if possible. I’ll probably stop spritzing them every day soon and go to Yah-Whey once every week or two.

That was the only one to survive the first batch when I dampened them all off.