Oozle's Indoor

Okay, yeah, I was wondering about that. Obviously.

That must be a good sign, right? Right??? Haha…


My Alien Rift clone, such a beauty…

If anyone has any idea why it does this, please comment.

It has done this since seed and any time it gets transplanted it looks funky, but it never stops growing. I’m going to transplant it to a 1 gallon tomorrow… maybe that will help.

This is the 3rd or 4th time I’ve cloned and reset the mother. In flower it grows out of this. It looks like a nutrient problem, but it’s in the same soil as everything else and no other plants do this. It clones fine and grows well, but still looks like I torture it. Maybe it wants more food and a bigger pot…


I have no idea, can’t help you haha. I grew a few Durban Thai Highflyer hybrids years ago that looked like that in veg, though. They almost didn’t even look like weed plants, but, like you said about yours, they grew out of it once they were flipped.


looks like either an infection/pathogen or possibly genetic mutation where sure like you said the plant may be able to out grow it later when in full trot per say as it can outpace the issue, but when the plant is slowed down it catches up causing major issues.

Personally issues like that for me get a culling, but if your a big fan of that alien rift then you do you.


Interesting and thanks for the feedback. I’m going to play around with it once I give it a bigger pot, take some clones and use different substrates and see if it’s possible to stop this from happening early.

I’m keeping it around for a while as it’s my wife’s absolute favorite strain and I don’t want to have to buy another pack and do another hunt haha. Eventually I should do another hunt and get one that doesn’t grow like this. Thanks again.

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Another update of boring veg pics, but it helps me keep track of dates. I am not as disciplined as I used to be taking notes, so I need to start taking more notes again…

I turned the light intensity up today and transplanted some clones. I have a 135W Quantum board B-spec and it is at close to 75% now and about 26-30" from canopy.

Alien Rift and Strawberry Temple

The babies. CL x SL and Sky Lotus F2.
I’m going to transplant them into 1 gallons in a few days. Seems like they darkened up a little after the top dress.
2v 2v1

For the clones, I added some great white at transplant. I didn’t water in liquid karma this time. With the alien rift looking funky, I wanted to give it a few days before I added in plant hormones and all the other stuff in the karma.

My next run I am hoping for 5-6 females out of my crosses, then I will only need to run 2 clones (Rift and Strawberry Temple), but I have a couple more as backup just in case.


I transplanted the Sky and Cherry Lotus crosses into 1 gallons 3 days ago.
They were looking hungry in the solo cups, so I gave them a little feed with one water (600 PPMs of Remo bloom, micro, and magnifical). Today I topped everything after the pictures and watered in a little liquid karma and yah-whey.

One of the Cherry Lotus crosses is showing sex already. Almost certainly it looks like a male. I’ll leave it for another day just to make sure.
Looks like everything has 7 fingered fan leaves… some of the CL crosses seem to have broader leaves and remind me of the CL mother more.

I’m down to 1 Strawberry Temple, my Alien Rift, 1 Aliens and Milk (earthbox), and the Rainbow Chip for clones.

The Rainbow Chip I will probably toss, but it’s a backup plant in case I need an extra female to fill out my next flower cycle.

The Alien rift is sort of growing out of it’s issues…

Strawberry Temple clone

Here’s the 3x3 and 4x4 this morning. F53 for everything.

I got my veterans day OG giveaway in the mail yesterday. I felt weird signing up for it, but people spent their time and money to put together the event, so I felt signing up was the best way to say thanks… other then just saying thanks haha.

I was blow away by all the seeds I got. A lot of these will get popped sometime next year or given away to friends… I probably need to do a whole OG run, but thanks to those who donated.

The Coastal Blueberry and the Cobra Quivers are on the short list. The TK NL5 Haze is excellent and that will get run with the Haze dom seeds I have left. I can’t pop any more seeds until the summer due to my schedule, but maybe I can manage a couple plants in the 4x4 during the heat…


He looks pretty promising, though, if you were in the seed-makin’ mood haha.

That was the one that caught my eye, too. That and that Black Forest Diesel.


haha not this run. I’m done making seeds for a while. I wanted to do a seed increase on some alien rock candy by mota rebel, but I might keep them in the fridge until next year when I go through some of the new stuff I got.

I had a bad experience growing a Chocolate Diesel cross 3 years ago, so I’m a little scared of it haha. It was a fem cross from a different breeder and cut surely, but I ran 2 and they both hermed and produced a good amount of pollen and ruined the plant next to em. Maybe that means I have to redeem myself and pop these first.


I mean, those seeds say they’re “regs” right on the label haha. But yeah, I get it. Sounds kind of interesting, anyway…


Would love to see that TK NL5 pack grown out! He says that he gets a lot of incredibly potent phenos in that line. Real friendly breeder that you can email and ask questions to. Happy growing!


Right on. That was my experience also. I grew 3 females of the TKNL5 Haze (haze dom) about 2-3 years ago. One of them was the strongest stuff I’ve ever smoked (and had friends say the same). I think I have a grow report of it in a thread here on OG. I wonder if the TK dom plants will be stronger because I’ve heard the TK has lots of potency.

I didn’t want to run the last 7 seeds until I had the space to take clones and keep mothers… now I do I have to get them going sooner rather then later.

you’re right about that for sure. I e-mailed him a question because of the 3 females one was different and he mentioned it was an NL leaner. It was great to get direct feedback from a breeder and he was fast to respond too.

@Greasy Have you grown some anything from AK Bean Brains? I have a pack of Tropolope x Romulan also, but those won’t get popped for a while.


I’ve grown a few of his strains. His Blueberry Indica, Blueberry Muffin x Vintage Blueberry, Romulan Bx2, and I’m currently growing his Purple Hindu Kush Bx4. I made a big batch of f2’s with the Blueberry Muffin x Vintage Blueberry and think the reproduction turned out quite well, as many, including myself found strong Blueberry terps in the f2’s. I was just wondering where the heck his thread was on OG, and it turns out I somehow muted it! I’m a year behind in AK Bean Brains posts!


haha enjoy reading through it.

wow cool, you’ve gone through his catalogue quite a bit. Those blueberry strains he did always interested me.

I liked listening to his interview on the Potcast. I gotta get to popping some of his stuff soon.


My Sky Lotus F2 and Cherry Lotus x Sky Lotus plants.

These are about 5-6 weeks old. I top dressed BAS craft blend and castings yesterday. They are looking better, but still look a little hungry. There are a lot of red/purple stems. I think I’ve read the snow lotus having some purple/red stems, so maybe it’s genetic, but I’m still leaning towards overwater/hungry. I don’t particularly remember the mother or dad with that trait.



I culled the male (CL x SL) and haven’t been able to sex any others. I am harvesting my 3x3 on Sunday (2 days) and plan to transplant these into 7-gallon pots as soon as I have space… so 7-10 days and flower by the end of the month (15 days). I’m hoping for 6 females (3 of each).

The 3x3:

Alien Rift


Aliens and Milk

I’m puffing on some Dragon Temple today. Nice afternoon smoke sesh.


Yeah, I’ve read that, too. I remember when I actually cared about stuff like that haha, I noticed it on one or two of the SL crosses I grew. I don’t worry too much about it now, though.

Plants look good!


Sky Lotus F2 (1 female, 1 male)
Cherry Lotus x Sky Lotus
Rainbow Chip clone (tall one back right)

All transplanted into the 4x4.

I think I kept overwatering them in the smaller pots… some of the leaves are a bit puffy and some fading on the lowers. Overall I think they look ok, just not perfect.

Out of the 12 plants, I have 8 females. I am not running 1 CL x SL because space and it had 1 branch shorter then the other, alternating nodes like that. So I’m running 4 Sky lotuses and 3 CL x SL.

The two plants in the middle are in 5 gallon pots, the rest are in 7 gallon pots.

My soil mix:

I start with this base:
1.5 cubic feet Stonington Blend
2 gallons pumice
2 gallons rice hulls
1 gallon castings (wiggle worm)
1.5 cups Montana Grow Silica Amendment
4 tablespoons craft blend (bas)
2 tablespoons fishbone meal (coast of maine)
2 tablespoons insect frass (bas)

Then I add used soil from my last run up to how much I can fit in the tote… normally two 7-gallon pots and a 5 gallon. Depending on how much old soil I use, I add some more BAS craft blend. I use about two tablespoons per 7 gallon pot being reused. Is it too much or not enough… idk? I’ll find out. I think I might get compost next time and add 10-15%.

Sky Lotus:

Cherry Lotus x Sky Lotus:

I watered in some liquid karma and Gnatrol today after transplants.
I plan to flower in 8 days.

Trimmed up a tester nug from my Aliens and Milk harvest. I’m rerunning this one in the earthbox with the Alien Rift. They are transplanted and lookin good. I’ll get pics before flower.


A few days until flower.
Another veg update but they look much happier then the other day and I wanted some more detailed pics.

Alien Rift left
Aliens and Milk right

Alien Rift

Aliens and Milk

These are both clones. I need to take some snips soon. I’m going to add a net and try and fill out most of the 3x3. Last time I ran the Milk, it didn’t like to spread out, so I topped it a couple more times, so hope that will help. It is an excellent smoke, so worth the time and space for round 2.

Sky Lotus F2 x4
Cherry Lotus x Sky Lotus x3
Rainbow Chip (back right clone)
The 2 in the middle are in 5-gallons;the rest are in 7.

Foliar spray of Yah-whey 2 days ago. (.5 ounces per gallon)
Liquid Karma and Gnatrol at transplant (4-5 days ago)

Sky Lotus


I’m rerunning the Rainbow Chip from last run. I smoked a couple tester rounds of the Rainbow Chip and I don’t think I like it. Smells great, frosty as hell, just the effects are kind of meh. I’m going to rerun it because it produces well, looks and smells very good, but the jury is still out on the effects.

I’m noticing very red/purple stems especially on the Sky Lotuses. Some of these plants are putting out some funky smells already.

Thanks for looking. I’m trimming my last harvest very soon


Day 6 of flower today.

I’ll start off with the 3x3.
Alien Rift left
Aliens and Milk right.

Both are clones. The Rift is doing it’s early flower thing again where the growth looks weird. I’m not sure if it’s caused by hormonal changes, a nutrient problem, or both. Next year, I’m going to run one of these in hydro and pump up the nutes to cancel out a nutrient problem.

Alien Rift

Aliens and Milk
I grew this plant out last run. I’m not sure if I liked this one or the other Aliens and Milk I grew better (still smoke testing haha). I am not keeping this passed this run as I still have more seeds left and knowing how good both plants turned out, I am sure I can find something just as good or better in the rest of the seeds.

The 4x4:
Sky Lotus F2 x4
Cherry Lotus x Sky Lotus x3
Rainbow Chip

I was a little worried about the homemade crosses because they were slow vegging plants, but I think that had a lot to do with me overwatering them. Now they are in their new pots they are doing much better.

I am digging the structure on a few of these. I wasn’t going to take any clones, but I think the 2 on the front right might be worth taking cuts just in case.

Cherry Lotus x Sky Lotus

No closeups of the Rainbow chip. I am rerunning it, but it’s a plant that I will give most away. It looks great, smells great, solid yielder, but the effects are blah and doesn’t really get me that elevated and doesn’t last long… I have friends that like it.

Today I’m puffing on some Pinball Wizard. I am happy I reran it because it is overall a much better experience. It’s a nice clear headed high that lasts a while, lifts my spirits, puts me in a good mood and no crash.

pbw nug

I am eagerly awaiting the 4-20 sales so I can pick up a couple new packs. I am not going crazy this year, but there are 2-3 things I want to get into my fridge for the future. I’m looking at the Banana Kush release from Jaws and the Electric Mango (Green Crack x Mango Haze) from High Lonesone seeds.

Have a good weekend.


Yeah, that’s how the Pinball Wizard I grew smoked, too. I liked the high, hated the smell/flavor. Probably should’ve run some more of those seeds to see if I could find something a little more palatable, but I gave them away instead haha.

Ooh! That sounds really intriguing!

Plants look good, too! Haha.

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