Oozle's Indoor

The youngsters look strong and healthy and that Alien Rift looks delicious :yum:


F56 today.

Alien Rift #1: A lot more orange pistils than the others. good bud size.

Alien Rift #2: The smallest of the bunch. It was shaded for most of flower by the Cherry Chem Soda. It has the classic Alien Rift smell… gassy, rubber, funky.

Alien Rift #3: This one has a different bud structure then I am used to seeing with the Alien Rifts… this is more round. It is the only one of four that has 11 finger fan leaves.

Alien Rift #4: My favorite of the bunch. The frostiest and the tallest/most vigorous. I thought it was going to be a male, but here we are. Ultimately the one I keep is up to my wife, so it all depends on which one she likes the best.

Cherry Chem Soda:
I found a couple nanners starting around F54/55. I guess it didn’t like the move. I was probably too rough on the pot when I placed it down and pissed it off. Plus there was a slight change in light schedule (about 15-20 minutes) and there is some food problems… so the combination of all the stress. I saw the foxtails and knew something was off. Anyways, no big deal getting nanners late week 8, heading into week 9. The other 2 CCS plants took a lot of abuse and were fine. I’m good at making plants mad haha.

I’m puffing on some of the other Cherry Chem Soda’s I harvested, but they aren’t totally dry yet. Great stuff so far and can’t wait to pop those Chem 4 x Lemons Larry’s.

I plan to harvest everything F65ish give or take a few days.
I’m feeding EC .9-1.0 and I will continue down until harvest.


F61 today in the tent.
I’m not sure if I will get another update before I harvest.

4- Alien Rift - 1 gallon coco
1 - Cherry Chem Soda F2 - 2 gallon coco

I mentioned last update I found 2-3 nanners on the Cherry Chem Soda middle of week 8ish. I haven’t found any more since. I found 1 sac on 2 of the Alien Rifts also, so surely an environmental problem.

The new light is a lot stronger then the 135 watt and gave that CCS some light stress. Looking back I should have raised the light when it was in the 3x3… live and learn haha. I raised the light last week and now turned it down 20% for this last week of flower.

I also had to open the tent last week at night because the humidity was high and I had those Dragon Temples right at the end. I only opened the bottom part and light proofed it I thought, but definitely could have been a leak that night. The good news about the stress is 2 of the Rifts didn’t pop any sac or nanners yet, so as long as the effects are what they need to be I will choose 1 of those two.

AR #3: I think last week I mixed these two up, but I have them labeled properly on the clones and pots.

AR #4:

AR #1:

Cherry Chem Soda:

I’m planning on harvesting them within a week. I have my veg tent full and packed and I need to transplant into larger pots.

I’m puffing on some of the Dragon Temple now. It is still hanging but at 5-6 days of dry it’s dry enough to grind and take a few rips of. I like 1 of the Dragon Temples the best out of my initial smoke tests of all the plants… but everything is still pretty fresh in the jars, so they all need time to cure.


Flowers are looking top notch! :boom:
Enjoy you harvest bro! :herb::sparkles:


Those buds look beautiful. Sorry to hear you’re having to deal with all of that humidity! It’s the dry season for me currently.


Absolutely beautiful oozle I’ll grab a seat if you don’t mind I’m new here starting a journal soon just waiting for my beans to arrive I’m in uk so heavily outlawed used to it now though anyway great looking girls I like your grow style

Kind regards terpzin


Hey, welcome. Thanks.
I’ll keep a lookout for your journal.

1 Like

My germination tent.
Strawberry Temple
Rainbow Chip
Aliens and Milk
Alien Rift clones
Pinball Wizard clones
Dragon Temple clones

Other then some environmental hazards, the plants are doing well. 1 Strawberry Temple got in a fight with the wet vac and an Aliens and Milk took a nose dive one night. Both recovered and put on new growth quickly. I’ll take some individual pics when I transplant.

So far I’ve only been watering and I used BAS Insect Frass and Coast of Maine veg nutes. I should probably give everything a little bottle nutrients tomorrow to push them until I can transplant next week.


This Dragon Temple is the tall one from my last grow. I was going to cull it because I am running out of space and I like the other DT better, but it looks so nice. It’s in a 1 gallon still and hungry. I might end up flowering it again haha…

The seedlings are finally starting to put out some new growth after being overwatered. Hopefully they are healthy enough to flower in an month, otherwise they will go in the bin.

Thanks for reading.


Harvested the plants this morning. Pretty sure it was F66 this morning, maybe F65.

This cherry chem soda was a thick plant. Lifting it to hang, I was surprised at how heavy and sturdy it was. Too bad I stressed it out and couldn’t finish it healthier looking.

That fabric pot got a lot of salt build up… not a fan of the aesthetics… maybe it dried back too much too often.

I’m glad to be done with both grows. I have a bunch of new herb to puff and I can bleach the tents, clean the fans and do a nice reset.

My next grow will be a different approach. I’m going larger pots with some soil. They are all in veg needing a transplant soon. Hopefully I can get some transplants done within the next few days and get those plants in flower in the next 3-4 weeks.

Merry xmas if you celebrate.


Dude, that plant is craaaaaazzyyyy-looking. Definitely thick. Did she just blow up since your last update? I just scrolled up to see haha, guess it was kinda hard to tell from the last pics, but yeah, crazy.


They chunked up a bit and the foxtailing might make the buds look taller? It was also hard for me to get a good picture to show its size.

I also ran 2 other Cherry Chem sodas that weren’t as large on my other grow log, so maybe you were thinking of those.

I’m happy with the other 2 Cherry Chem Soda’s I ran. It seems like there is some good stuff in the line.


They don’t look tall; they just look FAT haha. In any event, yeah, hoowee… haha.


I agree this plant looks ridiculous! Are you sure that foxtail isn’t genetic? Are these from @JAWS


Man going to have to consume this in pieces but what a pleasure to read through your thread. Was searching for Cherry Chem Soda info to see if anyone had grown them on here and Bam! Found this. :sweat_smile:


Could be, but the leaf color I thought maybe light stress. I did move the plant to a different tent early week 8 and I thought it got worse until I raised the light, but could be coincidence.

Thanks. I did 3 total and have 2 in jars and one is hanging right now. Overall I am happy with them and in a few weeks I’ll have a smoke report for all 3.

they are stacked in there crazy, not solid nugs. Cool structure for sure. It kind of looks like some black cherry soda pictures i’ve seen on the internet, but who knows haha.


Ya I’ve just recently started not blasting my plants with 100% light in veg

They seem to be much happier. :rofl:


In my 4x4:
Strawberry Temple x4
Aliens and Milk x2
Rainbow Chip F2 x1
Pinball Wizard Clone x1
Alien Rift Clone #1 and #3.
Dragon Temple Clone (short)

My plants are finally recovering from putting them in my new tent.

They didn’t like it much at first. They went from 135w blue spectrum light with a low VPD to my big tent where I had some early problems keeping the humidity up and too much light right away. So some nutrient problems, but they are turning the corner now. Maybe I should invest in a PPFD meter and use it because I seem to go to hard too fast sometimes…

This pinball wizard is still hungry, but I’ll move it over to a 7 gallon today or tomorrow.
This is one of the ones I ran last time.

Aliens and Milk. 2 plants both in 1 gallons. I think I am putting one of these in an earthbox and into my 3x3

Strawberry Temples. 4 plants. I am not sure the male/females, I haven’t looked in a couple days.

I did a small germination test on some of my Sky Lotus F2 beans that I’m planning to run next flower cycle.
I had a 120% germination rate, so I am pretty much a master breeder now.
All 12 seeds popped, but I have 15 plants. 3 seeds made twins (1 of the starter plugs has 2 plants coming out of it now). Probably a statistical anomaly as the sample size is very small, but cool to see.

Thanks for looking. My next update will be when I flip to flower.



Yeah, that is pretty cool. I’ve never looked into “why” that happens, probably because it’s never happened with any seeds I’ve planted haha, but still… It is interesting that you got so many “twins.”


I was talking to someone in discord and they mentioned possibly what I fed it. He mentioned gibberellic acid and I did feed the plants liquid karma which has kelp and other plant hormones.


Here is my 3x3 with the earthboxes.

Alien Rift clone left
Aliens and Milk right

These were transplanted 2-3 days ago. Last night I gave them a foliar of Yah-Whey (LAB product) and they look happier and a little greener.

Aliens and Milk

Alien Rift

This is my third run with the soil in 1 earthbox and second run in the other. I took out about 3-4 gallons out of each earthbox and put it in my soil mix.

I top watered a little and added 1/2 gallon of water into the reservoir. It was recommended that I don’t put water in the reservoir right away because the roots will go more into the bottom rather then fill up the rest of the box. I’ve filled up the bottom right away and had no problems, but I will listen to the person who has done these SIPs for many years. So once the 1/2 gallon is gone I will top water for once or twice then fill up the bottom.

I have each plant under one 135watt HLG quantum board. They are turned down to 50-75% now, but I will increase the intensity once the plants get settled. I’m hoping to flip to flower in 2 weeks or less.

I have to do some transplanting in my 4x4 tomorrow and I’ll actually know how many plants I am flowering.