Oozle's Indoor


The flavor and taste on mine is ok. Smells a little hoppy and something else I can’t describe… my wife is no help either haha.

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I was out of town for 5 days and the plants made it. I had someone water twice while I was gone.
I gave them a big defoliation today and a much needed watering. I “cheated” and watered in EC .8 of remo nutrients and some liquid karma today to help recover from the big defoliation. I’ll probably add a little bloom booster mid flower, but that should be it for the bottle nutrients.

Sky Lotus F2 x4
Cherry Lotus x3
Rainbow Chip

Temps 80-82
RH 50-60. Most of the day it is closer to 60, but you know how it is haha. I will try to lower it to 55% this week.

Before and after defoliation

The front right 2 sky lotuses I cloned

Back left Sky Lotus, it reminds me the most of the male

Cherry Lotus x Sky Lotuses

Rainbow Chip (clone)

I’m taking a toke and water break, it was a lot of work this morning. I still have to do some minor adjustments in the tent today; check the light heights, move fans around to have better coverage… that kind of stuff. The 4x4 was running at 70% light intensity last week. I will increase it to about 80%.

I was waiting for the 4-20 sale, but I didn’t want to miss out on these packs and glad I did because they sold out a few days later. I picked up Breakin’ Haze and Electric Mango by High Lonesone Seeds. Fall can’t come soon enough!


Whichever of the Cherry Lotus x Sky Lotus in that third pic of them is, she looks super-intriguing, with those narrow leaves and all. I mean, all the plants look good haha, but yeah, that one definitely looks very interesting.

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Happy 4-20.

Today is F20 in the tent.

Sky Lotus F2 x4
Cherry Lotus x Sky Lotus x3
Rainbow Chip (back right)

Cherry lotus x Sky Lotus

Sky Lotuses

So far I am very happy with the structure and vigor on these plants… seeing frost this early is probably a good sign too.

I’ve been having some higher humidity in the tent during lights off (60%-65%), so I decided to finally clean my carbon filter. It was very clogged as you can see… nasty stuff. I should have done it between grows but I was lazy.

Isopropyl alcohol and paper towels worked great. I will give it another cleaning in a couple days, but the amount of airflow coming out of the tent is much better and the humidity has become manageable without a dehumidifier.


Man… I know I’ve already said this, but I just love the way that Cherry Lotus hybrid looks. Have you grown that one before or not? Sorry, I haven’t committed your grow log to memory yet haha…

Pssshhhh… I didn’t realize that I didn’t do that before the current grow until I’d already flipped everything last week. And now it’s too late haha. I’m definitely not gonna take all of the plants out just so I can remove the pre-filters and shit and throw them in the washing machine and whatever.

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I wiped it down without taking them out. It seemed the dust stuck to the paper towel when I wiped down the filter. Now if I had a cover on the filter, that prob wouldn’t work. I’ll see tomorrow if there’s dust in the tent haha.

Thanks. No, this is my first time running these seeds I made last spring.

I ran a pack of the Cherry Lotuses by themselves and hit 3 of them with a sky lotus male because why not? I chose this female out of the 3 I pollinated because it’s structure and size blew the other’s away.


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Here are the male and females in the plants I’m running now.

Sky Lotus Male

Sky Lotus female:

I ran these plants in 1-gallon coco and all my plants didn’t look good at the end. It was my first time doing coco and running small pots… my feed schedule wasn’t perfect, so they looked rough the last 2 weeks.
I ran the clone in soil and that plant looks much better as you’ll see in the pics later in the post.

Cherry Lotus:
Back right is the Cherry Lotus. Thinner leaves, lots of fingers

Week 9
Front plant is a different cherry lotus. Also I was wrong when I mentioned I pollinated 3 Cherry Lotuses, I only did 2 and 1 sky lotus, so 3 plants, plus a couple others but those aren’t important now.

Plants were harvested 42-43 days after pollination.

Here is the Sky Lotus in soil:
Week 1
Sky Lotus left plant
Cherry Lotus right plant (not the one I pollinated).

Week 3

Week 5

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

I did some stress testing this run, not on purpose it’s just how she goes. I lost power 3 times, once for 2 days at the end of week 6 of flower. Cold temps (low 50’s when the power was out). They looked hungry at the end too, so I have since made some adjustments.

A long post, but these are the plants I’m running now. Seems like that Cherry Lotus has some cool leaves and it is transferring to the female plants like Minitiger mentioned.(I didn’t know if you wanted to be tagged in this long post haha).

I’m glad I wrote this all down in 1 post for the future.
have a good one.


Dude, have you seen my grow logs…? Haha. It’s fine, you can tag me if you want.

That’s a good-looking male you used. Not that I’ve ever made any seeds, but whenever I see pics of males that people are using to chuck with, I always visualize them as if they were a female plant. That Sky Lotus male looks like he’d be a good female haha, good internode spacing, lots of flower clusters etc. No wonder your hybrid is looking tasty.

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Smoking on some of the Dragon Temple from my harvest in December.

Second smoke after a 2-3 day T-break and man this is really awesome stuff. If anyone reading has any Dragon Temple seeds, I would pop em right away. Fast moving mind, kind of trippy, motivating happy. Heck it got me to write this post and then I’m gunna go for a walk and I didn’t even finish the bowl yet haha.

I killed the clone and decided not to reveg the mother because I have 7 more seeds, so I will look through those. It might be smart of me to F2 them just for a seed increase… maybe that will be my summer project.

That was my thought process as well, but I only had 2 to chose from, so thank you bodhi for smashing good plants haha.


F27 today in the garden.

3 - Sky Lotus F2
3 - Cherry Lotus x Sky Lotus
1 - Rainbow Chip F2

Pretty good week. I had to cull one for being a herm.

I wish I took a better picture, but there were a few nanners and one bigger one coming out of the top of the bud, so I culled it. I’m keeping hope the rest are stable, but F2ing an OG hybrid…

One other nanner was found in the tent (back left plant), but not really any discolored pistils to indicate a pollination. Everything else looks good so far… not ideal but I’m hoping the one I cloned stays stable… it reminds me the most of the mother.

Sky Lotus:

This is the one that reminds me of the mother. It has a unique sour/pungent smell already.

I found 1-2 nanners on this one, but I’m going to let it go and just check it every day.

Cherry Lotus x Sky Lotus
Cherry and hardwood smell. Reminds me of a couple Cherry Lotuses I grew. These might be the real winners of the crosses I made. I still have another pack of Cherry Lotus seeds, if these aren’t stable the original seeds might be worth going through again.


Today is a Pinball Wizard day. My wife really likes it, she gets very creative… I like it too of course but other people’s input is good haha. I went to go grab one of the last packs on GLG, but they were gone. Not a huge loss as I still have 3 seeds and wouldn’t really get to it until next spring, so I’m hoping by then Bodhi will have a new SSH x XXXX. A SSH x Lavender Lemonaid maybe… that would be awesome. Otherwise, I will stick to the temple crosses as those are excellent in my small sample size.

Pinball Wizard nug

That’s it this week. I’m finally over Covid, my smell is coming back, I can start smoking again and hockey playoffs.
have a good weekend.


They look good! Lots of frost already for it being only day 27. I really like the look of that #1 Sky Lotus, especially. That’s one Bodhi hybrid I’ll always kick myself for not buying.

Sucks about the nanners. I found some sacs on one of the Banana Soaps last night, but I’m pretty sure that’s my fault. I did something very, very stupid a few days ago haha, kinda surprised that was the only plant I found sacs on…

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ouch, leave the lights on or not close the tent?

The Sky Lotus I loved the first I smoked it and wanted to make more. I figured the Triple Goddess would be close to the Sky Lotuses.

I’m hoping he does another full on release and Sky Walker x New Male might be nice. I like the Snow Lotus stuff though.

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Mhm, me, too. For the most part haha.

Full-on release of what? The Sky Lotus? That Snow Lotus male is long gone, but maybe he’s got some more of the seeds in the freezer, like the way those Mountain Temple seeds just appeared years after I heard there no more of them.

I use a window covered with panda film to cool the room during lights on, just open it and put a box fan in front of it, close it during lights off and pull the blackout curtains across and it’s pretty much pitch black. But I didn’t close the window a few mornings back, only pulled the curtains across the window. I dunno what I was thinking or just how bright it got in there, but I’m sure it was prettyyyy, prettyyyy, prettyyyy bright haha.

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ouch. hope it turns out well and doesn’t effect them too much.

no. I meant a “full release” with whatever new male he will be using in the future. I saw he had some new Lavender Lemonaid stuff, but I’m hoping he does the same thing he did with the hashplant, snow lotus, and wookie by crossing it to a bunch of females in his stable, to include the Sky Walker OG… maybe another Temple cross too haha.

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Ah, okay. Yeah, that’d be cool. I really haven’t been paying any attention at all to that kind of stuff lately, since I’m done buying seeds, but I wonder if he’s still searching for males that work as well as the three that you mentioned did…

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Smoking on some Strawberry Temple (plant 2) out of the steam roller. Some citrus in the jar, but when ground up it smells like irish spring soap. Pine, menthol and some soapy fragrant smell.

This one isn’t as mind stimulating as my favorite of the 3 I grew. It speeds up the mind slightly and there is a more body relaxation calmness to it. Very good. I think Temple is one of my new favorite strains in crosses. At the end of the month I’m going to pick up a pack of the Air Guitar (Temple x Wookie) over another pack of the Strawberry Temple (I still have half a pack left). Strawberry Temple is good, but I’ve heard the Mountain Temple is excellent and since Wookie is an Appalachian cross, I could probably find something great. I’m happy Temple isn’t one of the strains that are gone in 60 seconds when they get released.

3 - Sky Lotus F2
3 - Cherry Lotus x Sky Lotus
1 - Rainbow Chip

Watered in Yah-whey yesterday. 10ml per gallon.

Middle plant on the right.

Here is a Cherry Lotus x Sky Lotus I haven’t really taken pictures of yet. It is in the middle in a 5-gallon bag. It seems to be farther behind the others, but cool jagged leaves. The stuff out of the Cherry Lotuses is interesting.

I started up my veggies for outdoor yesterday. I am going to wait until June 1st. Last year I lost a lot of veggies because I got a freeze the last week of May. I knew I shouldn’t of rushed it, but learned a good lesson haha.

Some peppers, cukes, tomatoes, beans… the usual suspects… A couple Snapdragons too. The Snapdragons I might keep in the tent…

Have a good one!


Both of the Temple crosses I’ve grown so far (Tree of Life and Mountain Temple) have ended up being some of my favorite weed ever, so… Yeah, I think that was a good cross Bodhi made haha. And the TOL was made with the Temple male, whereas the MT was made with a Temple female. Extrapolate from that what you want haha.

Yeah, you’re really making me think, like,”Just get rid of 80% of your stock and start making your own seeds and grow those…”

Plants look good! Haha.


it’s not a bad idea at all. I am going to try and do 1 pollination a year over the summer and see where that gets me… I’m thinking of doing a seed increase on the Dragon Temples this summer.

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If I knew how to sell off my stock, I would do that. I can’t do it on strainly, looked into it a while back, but you have to have three “recommendations” or something before you can post seeds. I don’t even know what the recommendations are or how you get those, but I’m assuming it means you have to make three purchases or something, which, yeah, no haha.

Also forgot to mention the Wat Pho, but I’ve been so hooked on that #3 Cheese Haze plant of Holy’s that I haven’t even tried those yet haha…

Sure, why not?

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If I were to sell any of my old beans I’d probably do it through discord. I used to be in some breeders channels and there were always auctions and stuff going on. IG and Strainly I stayed away from because it seems like there were a lot of scammers.

exactly haha