Oozle's Indoor

Yeahhhhhh, somebody else mentioned discord to me a while back… I honestly do not get how discord works or even what it is haha. I mean, I kind of know, but it seems so weird. I joined a couple years ago because I wanted to get a pack of GDP x OMG that SHOE was selling (and that I didn’t end up buying), but I couldn’t really wrap my head around what it really is or how to navigate it at all. And once I didn’t buy those seeds from SHOE, I never logged on again, even though discord sent me fucking emails like ten times a day for months and months.

I would like to thin out my collection, though, so maybe I’ll look into it. Maybe I’ll get my girl to help me, she knows about “computer stuff” haha. I’m not even interested in making any money off of it, I just wanna get, like, half of it back haha. If I can get half back, that’d still be a pretty decent chunk of change and then I’d be freed up to start focusing on the stuff I’m super-interested in.

I dunno… We’re all slaves to our collections haha!


Cold rainy day today. Tomorrow looks like it will be warmer so I can start prepping my outdoor garden beds for the end of the month.

Smoking on Pinball Wizard this morning. I only have about half an ounce left, so no more joints only bong rips haha. I received great reviews from everyone I gave it to and I really dig this strain.

F35 in the 4x4:
3 - Sky Lotus F2
3 - Cherry Lotus x Sky Lotus
1 - Rainbow Chip F2

I gave them some bottle nutrients yesterday and that will be my last feed. I only watered in .7 EC (350 ppms) using Remo Micro, Flower, and Botanicare hydroplex. It’s not a lot and I am seeing some slightly burnt tips, so maybe I shouldn’t have gave it anything, but it’s not a lot so I hope it doesn’t cause issues. I didn’t top feed week 2 and 4 like normal, so I am trying a short cut.

Sky Lotus:
The pistils have a nice light orange color on this one. It’s probably my favorite now in terms of structure and color, but not as loud as plant #2 yet.

Buds don’t seem to be getting as big as the others, but I like the smell a lot. Stinky, sour, musky.

Still throwing nanners. There’s one or two in the closeup of the bud shot. I am checking it everyday and removing what I see with tweezers and a spray bottle. I don’t see many indications of pollination, there is probably some, but I think it’s not going to effect my harvest much… we will see.

Cherry Lotus x Sky Lotus:
Heavy Cherry/wood smell. Every time I go in the tent I get whiffs of it, very nice representation of the Cherry Lotus.

More of a hybrid of the Cherry and Sky Lotuses in terms of smell… slight cherry with some musky sourness.

Time for some coffee and get some things done around the house before the hockey game tonight.
Thanks for looking.


I haven’t updated my 3x3 in a while.

Alien Rift (Ocean Grown Seeds)left
Aliens and Milk (Strayfox) right
They are both clones. This is my 3rd time running the Rift and 2nd time the Aliens and Milk.

The Aliens and Milk looks like it wanted more calcium. This is my 4th time reusing the soil in the earthbox. I only top dressed day 1 of flower instead of my usual 3 times. After this run I am going to add some compost and reamend the soil a little heavier.

The Aliens and Milk I enjoy smoking. It is a little heavier then I prefer, so I don’t smoke it very often, but excellent to pull out at night. I am not keeping this plant after this run as both Aliens and Milk plants I ran last cycle were great, so I am confident I can find something just as good or better if I popped another seed or two.

Alien Rift
I grabbed another pack on the 4-20 sale for $60… I might look for another mother down the line. The last run was a little more lemony and less gassy/funky smelling. It’s still my wife’s favorite strain out of everything I’ve ever grown, so it’s up to her really… but she liked it better when it was funkier (I agree). Maybe it was when I harvested or something else… I’m going to let it go a couple days longer this time and still run it at least one more time.

I was gone for most of week 2 of flower, so I didn’t get to train the plants through the net, so the Rift didn’t get trained properly and a lot of open space I wish I filled. Otherwise everything else is going well.


F42 for my flower tents today.

Aliens and Milk in an earthbox in my 3x3.

Puffin on some Aliens and Milk followed by some coffee. I am harvesting it again in about 3 weeks, so I have to burn up my supply.

The 4x4:
3 - Sky Lotus F2
3 - Cherry Lotus x Sky Lotus
1 - Rainbow Chip F2

Sky Lotus #1

SL #2
Found a nanner on this one and the clone was flowering in veg.

SL #3
Every couple days I pull out a few nanners. Huge buds, not as strong smelling as the others.

Cherry Lotus x Sky Lotus
I didn’t take a lot of pics of these this week and the 2 of the first plant were blurry. I don’t feel like getting more haha… damn aliens and milk… next week. They are finally starting to swell and pistils are starting to change colors. They are probably 7-10 days behind the Sky Lotuses, which is in line with the Cherry Lotuses… I harvested them around 10-11 weeks.


It’s still early, but I don’t think I’d pop my Sky Lotus F2s again… a little too unstable. I will wait for the next Sky Walker OG cross and go from there. The Cherry Lotuses seem stable, so I’ll keep those seeds around. It was a good learning experience for my first pollen chuck and there will be more in the future.

I am still trying to figure out what I am growing this summer, so I don’t have much in veg except for some clones I was gifted from a friend. I want to do a seed increase on 1 or 2 things, but it might be too much this year.

Thanks for looking.


That blows re the Sky Lotus f2’s herming. Were the initial plants that you made those seeds from nanner-ish?

That Aliens and Milk looks crazy-frosty, definitely some “IG-worthy” nugs, if nothing else haha…


I only used 1 male and 1 female. I think the male is the problem. The female I tested after the pollination and it was great… I lost power 3-4 times once for 2 full days week 6 or 7 and it didn’t herm… low temps, high temps… you name it… so it has to be the male. I ran 2 females a couple years back and they were fine, no intersex issues.

The cherry lotuses are good still, so keeping my fingers crossed they don’t herm.

I ran some Ethiopian Flame (Ethiopian Banana x Dragon Energy) x Sky Lotuses last summer and they did the same thing. All 3 hermed a lot worse (picking nanners the whole time) but there weren’t many seeds in the buds.

thanks. I feel like anything with the Alien Tech stuff is always frosty as hell and worth a grow if someone likes indica-relaxing type bud.


I don’t think I’ve updated the Rainbow Chip in a couple weeks.

Rainbow Chip in 7-gallon soil

It’s a closer to the light than the others, so it’s getting beat up a little bit. Nice fall colors showing though.
Minty, pine, and sour smells.

Here’s an Alien Rift clone (left side) in an earthbox in my 3x3. This is my 3rd time running this plant.

Things seem to be finishing up pretty quick this run. I am planning a harvest right at the end of week 9, as long as the Rainbow Chip can make it.

Thanks for looking.


Man, you’re doing a great job.

1 Like


3- Sky Lotus F2
3- Cherry Lotus x Sky Lotus
1- Rainbow Chip F2 (back right)

Sky Lotus #1 (front right)
I’m planning to harvest the Sky Lotuses in 2 weeks.

SL #2 (middle right)

SL #3 (back left)

Cherry Lotus x Sky Lotus #1 (front left)

CL x SL #2 (middle left)

The third Cherry Lotus is in the middle and smaller then the others, but it’s going well. I have a couple clones (Gelatti bag seed and Sour Glow (Irie Genetics)) going in veg right now so that will be my summer flower run. Next month I am going to pop 1.5-2 packs worth and hopefully get them into flower by early to mid-August. I’m not completely sure what I am running, but I have my ideas.

Have a good day!


Aliens and Milk (Strayfox)
This is a clone from my last run. I’m planning on harvesting this one at the end of week 9 (F62/63).

Stinky, relaxing, feel good flower.

It is still drinking it’s 2-gallon reservoir pretty quick compared to the Alien Rift (Rift takes 3-4 days longer to drink 2 gallons).


I think yields are an overrated aspect (unless you’re a commercial grower, I guess); all that matters to me is how it smokes. I am curious how much she put out last time, though, just because that clone is looking a little, uh… spindly haha. Very nug-y.

She looks good, though! haha. Super-frosty.


I think it was somewhere around 90-100 grams last time. I didn’t write down the weights and I didn’t even weigh most of the plants. I used to be very meticulous about it, but now I see how many jars or Grove bags it will fill and go off that.

I was gone for the 2nd week of flower, so I didn’t get to train it to get some more tops, plus a broken top or two haha.

It didn’t stack quite like the other one I ran, but I love the colors and frost on all the smaller buds. I am thinking I will get 60-75 grams off this one. The whole 3x3 was kind of rushed this time and not properly trained… but as you mentioned yield is important, but it’s not something I care much about. I still have more flower then I can smoke and give away haha.



Sky Lotus F2



Another 8-9 days left on these. They slowed down drinking a lot and are fading nicely.
The Cherry Lotus x Sky Lotuses I will take pics next week when they are the only ones left in the tent. I think those will need another 2 weeks.

Smoking on some Strawberry Temple this morning.

Pine and citrus smells. Citrus in front but then it smells like dark pine mulch. I recently put down 3 yards of pine mulch around my garden beds, so I am familiar with that smell now and I get to smell that pine everyday I go outside haha.

I am not sure if it was this Strawberry Temple plant, but I was smoking it the other day and my wife walked in the room and said, “It smells like Temple…” meaning a Hindu Temple/incense. So I am guessing that’s how the strain got it’s name…?

Anyways, all 3 of the Strawberry Temple’s are excellent. Time for some coffee and and to get some stuff done around the house.


My 3x3 at F60.
Alien Rift left
Aliens and Milk right

I don’t love how I trained them and I’m not super pleased with the Alien Rift this time. It looks ok, but it’s all over the place… more veg time next run so the roots can fill out those earthboxes plus more top feeding for my next run.

When I grew this Aliens and Milk last time it had some purples, but not as much. I didn’t top dress the earthbox and I pushed it harder… 12/12 light cycle this time plus more light intensity vs 11/13 last run.

I’m planning a harvest on F63 but I will probably take it in 2 days cause I can’t help myself.

My 4x4 with some pics of the Sky Lotus F2s. I’ll take the Sky Lotuses at F62/63 and the Cherry Lotus x Sky Lotus IDK. 7 days… maybe 14.

Sky Lotus #1



So what are you saying? Do you think you like it better with 12/12 and more light or 11/13 and less light? Just curious.

I’ve started flowering on an 11.5 schedule the last few years (used to start with 11:45) and then decrease by five minutes every week (or when I remember haha) starting around week three or four. Who knows if it makes a difference? I just like trying to mimic “nature” as much as I can.

I really like the flower formation on that one, looks like those “wizard hats” that Bodhi mentioned when he was describing… something haha, can’t remember what it was right now.

Plants look good!



I feel like the plant used more nutrients during the 12/12 vs the 11/13… 60 more hours of light during flowering and that’s what attributed to the plant being more purple.

So the plant got pushed a little harder and started fading out earlier. that’s my thought anyways. Buds looks slightly larger on 12/12, but I will probably go back to 11-11.5 hours of lights on.

that’s a cool way to do it. I try to keep it simple so I don’t mess with my timers tooo much… keep my failure points to a minimum haha.



The Cherry Lotus x Sky Lotuses are the only plants remaining in the tent…

CL #1 (Cherry Lotus x Sky Lotus)
A Cherry Lotus/Fat Cherry leaner. Big buds, smells like cherries and wood, pretty awesome.
I still have another pack of the real cherry lotus, so maybe I F2 those since the Sky Lotus F2 wasn’t stable… so many things I want to do, not enough time and space haha.

CL #2

CL #3
It’s been in a 5-gallon in the middle, not getting tons of light.

The Sky Lotuses I am excited to smoke soon. One of them had a grape jolly rancher/sweet kush smell going on while the other 2 are more sour/lemon almost a body odor funk. The funky stinky sky lotuses are closer to the mom… the sweet jolly rancher smelling one took me by surprise.

Harvested the Alien Rift and Aliens and Milk yesterday morning (F63).
The Sky Lotus F2s and Rainbow Chip were harvested this morning (F64).

I have my next batch of seeds getting started in about 3 weeks. I might get bored and do another update here, but probably not until then.

Thanks for looking.


I harvested all the plants and I’m still waiting to trim up the Cherry Lotuses. The others I trimmed at 8,9,10 days depending on the dryness.

So far I am very happy and positive with how all the plants turned out.

One of the sky lotuses

For the summer I am keeping it small. I am only running these two plants in flower and start to veg my next batch.

I am running two clones a Gelatti and Sour Glow. The Sour Glow is from Irie Genetics and the Gelatti is bag seed my buddy grew and loved.
Gelatti left
Sour Glow right

Sour glow

I reamended earthboxes from my last run:
I removed the top layer and a couple gallons plus the rootball.
Then added:
1.5 gallons Black Kow manure
.5 gallons Rice Hulls (BAS)
.5 gallons Pumice (BAS)
1.5 cups Craft Blend (BAS)
1/3 cup Insect Frass (BAS)
1/4 cup Fish Bonemeal (Coast of Maine)
1/4 cup Montana Grow Silica Amendment
2-3 gallons of old soil to top off each earthbox

I didn’t like the Black Kow manure I got from lowes, it was like mud. Next time I will spend the extra money on the coast of maine compost. I am out of castings, so I will use them when I top dress next week ( a couple days before flower). I should get some red wigglers in these things as it would probably help break everything down and make it available to the plant…

In about 2 weeks I’ll start popping seeds to fill out my tents. I’ll have room for 7-9 females.


Good job man! That SL and CL1 :drooling_face:

I really like how chunky CL1 is.



It’s definitely a Fat Cherry leaner. If I ever have the time and space it would probably be worth it to F2 some Cherry Lotuses and look through those. Seems like a lot of potential in terms and yield and flavor… plus the high is really nice too.