Oozle's Indoor

Day 1 of flower tomorrow.
I cleaned the plants up and top dressed 1.5 gallons of soil and 4-5 tablespoons of fishbone meal (coast of maine).

Gelatti (left) clone from a bag seed found by a friend
Sour Glow (right) Irie Genetics. clone from friend
Both plants are in earthboxes
before defoliation


I added a 2nd light to the tent. Now I am using 2x 135-watt HLG quantum boards at about 50% each and 24" from canopy.

Started my next run. I’m hoping for 6-7 females out of 16 seeds. Planning on vegging these for 6-8 weeks and flipping to flower towards the end of summer.


Oooh! All of those seeds sound super-promising. I always wanted to get that straight Magic Bluegrass from Doc, but I missed out on that one somehow. Hopefully you’ll find a lot of Bluegrass leaners and no DE ones haha.

Those others sound very good, too. I’m on the fence abut when I’m gonna chop that Ethiopian Banana hybrid I have growing now, but it’s gonna be really soon. Do you know where Stray got the Colombian Red that he used in that hybrid?

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I did a little bit of research on it, but it was a pack I wasn’t planning on popping. I was going through my seeds and it kept calling to me haha. I really enjoyed the 3 Ethiopian Flames (Ethiopian Banana x Dragon Energy) and the Colombian Red sounds interesting.


I liked the one Soar female I’ve grown (out of eight seeds planted haha), Bodhi’s C. Red x OMG, but that was a female Colombian Red, I guess haha, so who knows? Either way, it sounds like a really interesting hybrid for sure. They all do.

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Electric Mango sounds like a winner! Is that a 3x3 you’re flowering in?

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yes for the Gelatti and Sour Glow.

The other’s will get flowered in my 4x4. I like to flower 6-7 plants in the 4x4. 6 plants in 7-gallon pots and 1 plant in a 5-gallon seems to fill out my space well.


F8 today for the Gelatti and Sour Glow in earthboxes in the 3x3
Gelatti left
Sour Glow right

I’ve been doing some bending and twisting to try and keep the tops even and low. The Gelatti seems to be flowering fast.

I didn’t mention it, but last week I watered in a 1/4 tablespoon of Big 6 (BuildaSoil) and Gnatrol. The Big 6 is micros and humic acid. A couple days ago on the next watering, I added 1 ounce to 2 gallons of Yah-Whey. I might do some more Big 6 or Yah-Whey on the next top off, but I might just see how it does with the top dress and reamend.

The seedings are doing ok. I killed 1 and a couple are a little stretchy. I have them in old soil and I added about 30-40% coco. I stink at watering small plants, so I am trying more coco to help me give me more room for error.

That’s 1 snap dragon in a city picker. I had it in a small cup and didn’t want to kill it… so here we are.


Looking good, dude!

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Gelatti bag seed clone (left) and Sour Glow - Irie Genetics (right).

The Gelatti is about 15-16" away from the light. I’m trying to wait as long as I can before raising it the last 6", but it’s showing some signs of heat stress, so tomorrow I guess.

The Sour Glow is smelly. I did twisting of some stems today and my fingers were sticky and stunk. It looks like it’s going to go 70 days at least.

I didn’t do any top dressing or anything this week, only water down the reservoir. I will top off the reservoir tomorrow or Wednesday and I will add some Yah-Whey and maybe some more big 6 micros and humic.

The seedling tent light is off and they are doing well. Other then me leaving them in darkness for 16 hours yesterday… oops… . I popped a couple beans of some Bodhi Peach Hashplant and Irie Genetics Raphael (Strawberry Fields x Blueberry Cookies). Unless something unfortunate happens, that should be all the seed popping I’m doing until the fall.


Looking good. What’re the genetics of that Sour Glow again? I like the look of her fans. Actually, the fans on that Gelatti look intriguing, too, but, you know… Fuck GSC haha.

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East Coast Sour Diesel x Afterglow

Afterglow is Clementine x Arise. Arise is a Golden Goat x Daybreaker OG. My buddy says this one is a much more sour leaning plant, so it will be nice to see how she finishes.

haha yea, I’m normally not a big fan of stuff that is heavy GSC, but it was free and my buddy seems to like it a lot, I figure why not.

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Oh, wow, that definitely sounds like it could end up being really tasty, even if she doesn’t end up super-sour. Lots of “fruitiness” haha in that Arise, with the Tangie and the Lemon Skunk and the Golden Goat.

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I gave the small plants a water with some Yah-Whey (.5 ounce to .5 gallons of water).

BD = Blue Dragongrass (Magic Bluegrass x Dragon Energy) - Doc D
CR = Ethiopiana Banana x Colombian Red - Strayfox
EM = Electric Mango (Green Crack x Mango Haze) - High Lonesome

Looks like I killed my other seedlings (Peach Hashplant and Raphael). I put them right into solo’s after they popped but I guess too far and/or too wet. I will go back to starter plugs. Now I get to pop more seeds, yay!

The 3x3:
Gelatti (left)
Sour Glow (right)
I raised the light as high as I could. I’ll do some more bending but I should be ok.
Watered in Yah-Whey 1 ounce:2 gallons, 1/4tsp gnatrol, and 1/4 tsp BIG 6 micros and humic.

I visited Jersey and my buddy gifted me some of the Sour Glow I have in the tent. It’s great. He say’s it smells a lot like the Sour Diesel he used to get a bunch of years back. It’s a sour lemonhead kind of thing and different then what I thought Sour was going to smell like. There is some Golden Goat/Arise smells on the back end too. The other Sour Glow plant he grew was more like the Afterglow strain. It smelled like Arise with a bunch of orange; good but I like the Sour plant better.

He also gifted me some Peach Hashplant and Pinesoul. Solid bud, but they both leaned towards the dad’s and he has to pop the rest of the packs to find something more similar to the moms.

Now I get to look over my seed list and pop enough for 3-4 females.

Have a good one.


Blue Dragongrass (Magic Bluegrass x Dragon Energy) - Doc D
Ethiopiana Banana x Colombian Red - Strayfox
Electric Mango (Green Crack x Mango Haze) - High Lonesome

Watered in about 500 ppms (EC 1) of remo nutrients. 5ml/gal magnifical, micro, grow.

Blue Dragongrass

Ethiopian Banana x Colombian Red

Electric Mango

Once my Gelatti and Sour Glow clones rooted, I put them directly into the city picker. They struggled for a couple days, but now they are looking better and putting on some size.

F21 in my 3x3.
Gelatti (left)
Sour Glow (right)

Gelatti left and Sour Glow right


Sour Glow

I’m smoking on one of the Cherry Lotus x Sky Lotus plants today. Lots of cherry smells that provides a feel good, relaxing high. Taste is cherry and wood.

I mentioned a couple days ago I my friend gifted me some bud. I really enjoyed the Sour Glow and Soul Mate (not pinesoul like I said). The Soul Mate had me talking to myself and left in a great mood.


What’s the plant that isn’t in a solo cup in that first pic? Just curious.

I’m so stoked to see how those turn out. I mean, I’m stoked for all of them, but that Ethiopian/C. Red hybrid… Yeah. Haha.

When I was trimming the Banana Soap last week, I was picking up on big-time floral/lavender smells, which I guess could be considered “soapy.” I’m not sure if that’s a feature of that Ethiopian or what, but it smelled good.


That’s the Sour Glow. I put the cut directly into the city picker after it rooted in a starter plug. I have the Gelatti on the other side.

I think it’s from the Ethiopian Banana. One of the Ethiopian Flames I grew had a strong lavender smell. I liked that plant a lot. The “bones” of the plant I kept in my closet for 1-2 months cause I was lazy and didn’t get out to compost it and it still had a heavy lavender smell.

I have to do some more research soon on that Colombian Red he uses. I’m guessing it is a pretty long flower time? 13 weeks? I’m planning for 12-13, but longer will be ok. I am not rushing these plants like I did my last 2 runs.

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Yeah, I need to research that Ethiopian Banana, kind of curious to see what it’s about. The only things I’ve read are what zephyr had to say about his EB/OMG’s. That was enough for me haha, but I really oughta check out some more stuff.

One would hope. The only C. Red thing I’ve grown was Bodhi’s Soar, but I’m positive that that one leaned heavily-OMG, at least as far as plant morphology and flower time were concerned. But yeah, I’d imagine that the C. Red combined with the Ethiopian Banana would result in some relatively longer-flowering stuff. Fingers crossed for you! haha.

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I also hit one of the Ethiopian Flames with some of the Sky Lotus pollen and ran them last year. Two people said “One of those plants were the strongest bud they’ve ever smoked.” Not sure if they’ve changed their mind since, but I am a fan of the Ethiopian Banana. I’ve seen people say it has a lot of CBD in that cut, but even if it does it still is a great smoke.

I’m even more excited for these Ethiopian Banana x CR’s now!


Zephyr’s said that the EB x OMG works great for his medical condition. I dunno if that’s because of a high CBD content or what, but there could be something to that.

He’s also said that it gets him high as fuck haha, so… All’s I know is that that Banana Soap I just trimmed looks a lot better than any of the “high CBD” nugs I’ve seen back when I was going to dispensaries.


awesome. I’m excited to see your smoke report on it.