Oozle's Indoor

F28 in the 3x3.
Gelatti (bag seed clone) left
Sour Glow (clone) right


Sour Glow:

Veg tent:
The snapdragon is starting to bloom.
The rest are doing ok. I probably need to feed them again in a couple days.

My last couple nugs of the big Strawberry Temple plant I harvested in March or early April. They are about 10-11 grams each, not all bud, a good amount of stem. They still have that orange bubblegum smell and taste. I have to pop some more Temple crosses soon, but a friend wants me to grow a Jack cross next, so I will have to wait until the fall.

Thanks for looking and stay cool!


Which Jack cross? Just curious haha.


I only have 2, so it’s either Lavender Jack or Herer Hashplant. I’ve seen a lot of great looking Lavender Jack plants, so I am leaning towards that one. Plus I’m/they’re wanting a more uplifting smoke and I think I will have a better chance at finding something like that in the Lav Jack vs Herer HP.


Ah, okay. I liked the Lavender Jack sample I tried from another grower here a lot. Nube posted some pretty thorough Herer Hashplant reports on the first Bodhi Seeds Thread, think there were like four or five different plants he reviewed. I remember he found at least one that was pretty “up.”

I have two packs of the Herer Hashplant myself, so, selfishly, I’d like to see you plant those haha, not too sure when I’m gonna get to them. It probably won’t be too too long, though.


good to know. I’ll take a look at those reports before I pop more beans this week. Maybe I do pop the hashplant ones haha…I’m down to a half a pack of those (gave some away to a friend). I’m waiting another few days so I don’t have too much going on at once.

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I mean… I won’t complain haha. The Lavender Jack was really good, too, though. I don’t think you can go wrong with either.

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Here’s the link to the thread: Bodhi Plant and seed guide (Part 1) - #111 by nube

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F35 in the 3x3:

Gelatti left
Sour Glow right

I’ve been really busy this week, barely in this tent, but thankfully the earthboxes are like growing on autopilot. I’m topping off the reservoir with my well water every 4-6 days or the day after the reservoir goes dry. I might do another watering of gnatrol this week because the soil/earthboxes will be reused… this is my 4th-5th run with these earthboxes and I do some reamending before each run.


Sour Glow (Sour Diesel x Afterglow) Afterglow (Clementine x Arise)
I am digging this plant a lot. Vigorous, very sticky, and smells like lemon warheads. The clone in the city picker is taking off.


Blue Dragongrass (Magic Bluegrass x Dragon Energy) - Doc D
Ethiopian Banana x Colombian Red - Strayfox
Electric Mango (Green Crack x Mango Haze) - High Lonesome

It’s been about 5 weeks since the start. I’ve been waiting to transplant these to induce some root stress to maybe help them sex faster and slow them down, but today I have some free time and I don’t like how some aren’t super healthy.

Finally transplanted them into 2 and 3 gallon pots
Topped them all
Watered in Yah-Whey (LAB)
Great White applied to roots during transplant

I culled a couple males and some I’m still not sure about.

Blue Dragongrass -
I only have 1 of these left. I had 2 males, 1 was small and runty, and 1 never made it passed germination.

Ethiopian Banana x Colombian Red -
5 remaining. I think I have at least 2 females. I guess I didn’t take a pic of 1 of the 5.




Electric Mango -
4 remaining. 1 Male. I got fancy and put an ‘M’ in the pic.






It was a lot of work today, but it’s mostly done. I still have to clean the fans and carbon filter.
I am planning to flower them in about 3-4 weeks. I will give them 2 weeks in their new pots and by then I should be able to sex everything so I can transplant the females into 7-gallon pots.


Gelatti (bag seed clone) left
Sour Glow (clone from friend) right

The humidity has been getting pretty high at night 65%-70%. I opened up some side vents and the front zipper, and added a couple blackout curtains. Hopefully there won’t be any light leaks, but at this point I am more worried about mold and mildews then a couple nanners. I am thinking the Gelatti will be ready right at about F60-63 and the Sour Glow will be another 10-14 days after that I think.

Gelatti -

Sour Glow -
I like this plant a lot. Very smelly and sticky. Any time I touch this plant to remove fan leaves my arms come out so sticky. Hopefully the buds fill out a bit.

Veg tent -
Plants are listed in the post above. I am going to try and sex the rest of them in a few days.
The Sour Glow is the bigger plant in the city picker and the Gelatti is in the back. I’m not sure I’m keeping the Gelatti after this run… I have to harvest and smoke it first before I make any decision of course.


Blue Dragongrass (Magic Bluegrass x Dragon Energy) - Doc D
Ethiopian Banana x Colombian Red - Strayfox
Electric Mango (Green Crack x Mango Haze) - High Lonesome

I got some better pics of the veg tent today.
Most of the plants look a little hungry. I will give them some bottle nutrients (EC .8-1) tomorrow when I water.

I culled 2 males today. I am still waiting to sex a couple plants.
10 plants remaining.

The big plants in the city pickers are the mother’s for the Gelatti and Sour Glow. Not sure how long they will stay around yet, but I need to reset them soon.

Blue Dragongrass -
1 remaining. Still no sex parts. It has the jagged leaves I’ve seen on the Dragon Temple and the Ethiopian Flames I’ve grown, so I am thinking that is a Dragon Energy trait passed on. I really like all the Dragon Energy crosses I’ve had. I’m keeping my finger’s crossed it’s a female.

Ethiopian Banana x Colombian Red -
3 remaining. 1 female, 2 unsure. I culled 1 male today.


CR3 This female has branches that aren’t the same size, one arm is longer then the other.

CR4 - Culled Male

Electric Mango -
2 females, 2 unsure.




Puffing on one of the Sky Lotus F2s I harvested a couple months ago. I like it, but I was hoping to find more of the berry type thinner leaved plants… but I only had 1 male and female for the pollination.
Maybe I check out some of the goji razz stuff eventually.

Time for a smoke break.


Oh, that’s cool. I don’t have any concrete evidence to back this up, but I feel like that’s a good sign haha.

Those nugs look pretty tasty.

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Gelatti (left)
Sour Glow (right)

I’m not sure how much farther then F56 I am going to take this one. I am still having the occasional humidity problems (60-65%), so I’ll check the weather and figure it out from there.

Sour Glow
Everytime I pluck some fan leaves my arms and hands come out sticky and stinky. I am digging this plant a lot so far. Lemon warhead smell. At least 3 more weeks.

The Gelatti earthbox isn’t wicking completely to the top. I watered the top some to make it not as hydrophobic and it kind of worked. I noticed that my reamed soil is very dusty/it has lots of pumice and rock dust. When I mix my next batch I will skip any additional pumice and add peat, compost, and the rest of the amendments.

Veg tent

I will give them another week in these pots and transplant them to 7-gallons once I am sure of all the sexes.


Hi everyone.

F55 in the flower tent.
Gelatti - left (bag seed clone from friend)
Sour Glow - right (clone from friend)

I made some adjustments to my lung room, but if I can’t keep the humidity below 62ish% at night, I will harvest the Gelatti tonight. I wanted to go 60 days, but I’m not trying to play this game with the humidity. The Sour Glow has a bit more time left and when I harvest the Gelatti the humidity in the tent will be easier to manage (of course).

Veg Tent -
I need to transplant these into bigger containers, flip to flower, and increase the light intensity.

I am 99% sure of the sexes now. The females I have are:
4 - Electric Mango (EM) (Green Crack x Mango Haze) - High Lonesome
2 - Ethiopian Banana x Colombian Red (CR) - Strayfox
1 - Blue Dragrongrass (BD) (Magic Bluegrass x Dragon Energy) - Doc D

Blue Dragongrass (BD) -
Tallest. It reminds me a lot of the Dragon Temples I grew. Taller, lankier. It will probably need some supports.

Ethiopian Banana x Colombian Red (CR) -
2 females, 1 male. The male is shorter, stockier, thick looking fan leaves.

This female has one arm shorter then the other (alternating) and even fan leaves on the same node alternate in sizes.

CR2 - female

CR3 - male. Very thick looking leaves. too bad it’s a dude.

Electric Mango (EM) -




I don’t know what I am doing with the Gelatti in the city picker. It started to flower, which shouldn’t be happening… I have my lights at 16 on/8 off.

Maybe not enough light because it was getting shadowed by the other plants and the Sour Glow I culled? Root stress? Maybe the Snap Dragons flowering is triggering some hormone response in the Gelatti… ha prob not but cool to think about.

I have to figure it out soon because I need to transplant everything into 7 gallons and start flowering in the next week or two.

Snap Dragons


She looks pretty done anyway, at least in the pics. 55 days, 60 days… What’s the difference? Haha.

Just kidding. It always bothers me when I have to chop things earlier than I was anticipating due to any factor other than the plants being finished earlier than I was anticipating haha. They must be super-solid nugs, at least, right? I mean, 62% humidity isn’t that high.

Maybe it’s just the camera angle, but the “waviness” of that one is pretty cool-looking.


I have been bending the two tops down everyday to try and promote some side branching, so I think that is the “waviness” you see.

You’re right, it’s not budrot city, but anything over 60% for long periods gets me a little nervous. I’ve gotten bud rot a couple times over the last few years and it’s never fun.

I was able to keep the humidity under 60% last night.
Who would have thought lower my dehumidifier to 45% vs 50% would have made such a huge difference…
My only gripe is it costs a lot more electricity, so I won’t be keeping it that low for too long. The more the dehumidifier runs, the hotter the room gets, which makes the AC run more, which makes the dehumidifier run more, which makes the AC run more… haha. So I will harvest the Gelatti tomorrow morning.


Haha, I understand that vicious cycle, although I have the opposite issue: the more the AC runs, the drier it gets, the more humidifiers I have to run etc etc, but none of it makes a difference. It’s still 91 degrees and 34% humidity, in the summertime, anyway.

When did growing in the summer become such a bitch? Haha.

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The Gelatti in flower is so purple! Nice contrast next to the Sour Glow.

Strange, indeed, about the other one flowering under those light conditions. :thinking:

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I killed it. I think it was lack of light. The bottom branches were farther along then the tops. It’s a cool plant, but it’s not something I want to keep running.



I’m with you there, a little “close for comfort”.
For peace of mind, I run a little USB fan 24/7 just to mix the air a little… because I worry about pockets of higher humidity forming in the canopy… :roll_eyes:
…is it doing anything?.. IDK but “so far so good”… :+1:
