Oozle's Indoor

I harvested the Sour Glow on F60.

I had it on 18/6 light schedule the last few days. I ran out of room in my other tent and figured what harm could 3-4 days of 18/6 actually do. It seemed like the plant faded faster, but I can’t really say without a control. It kind of makes sense though, more light=more energy=more plant processes.

The side branches seemed to be more dense/squatter nugs, while the branches directly under the light were a little more foxtaily.

A tester of the gelatti. It’s still hanging, but I couldn’t help myself.

I like the Gelatti a lot more then I expected. I’ll let it finish drying and cure a couple weeks before I do a smoke report, but so far I’m impressed with the smoke.

Veg Tent:

4 - Electric Mango (EM) (Green Crack x Mango Haze) - High Lonesome
2 - Ethiopian Banana x Colombian Red (CR) - Strayfox
1 - Blue Dragrongrass (BD) (Magic Bluegrass x Dragon Energy) - Doc D

These are looking much better this week. The Blue Dragongrass still doesn’t look as happy as I think it should, but overall I’m happy with all the plants.


Electric Mangos:
EM1 - Earthbox in my 3x3. Was next to the Sour Glow. I’m going to scrog it next to some Nuketowns (Irie Genetics).

EM2 - 7-gallon

EM 3 and 4

Ethiopian Banana x Colombian Red
CR1 - This plant was growing slower then the others. When I did my last transplant, I never pulled it out of the solo cup, so it was in a 2-gallon pot while still in the solo. Luckily there were large holes on the bottom, so it had a decent root mass, just not as large as it should have been. I cut most of the cup away and it seems to be doing much better now.


Nuketown (Chernobyl x Golden Goat)
Both of these will get put into the earthbox of the Sour Glow I recently harvested. I haven’t flowered two plants in one earthbox yet, so it will be interesting to see how they do.

A long post and now time for a smoke break. Have a good day!


Looking good man! SIP gang!

Excited to see how those Electric Mangos turn out.



The more I use SIP containers the more I like them. I think I’m eventually going to use only SIPs… they make growing much easier and the plants seems to do really well in them.


I remember a few years ago getting into a, uh, “heated” discussion with somebody on this site who was suggesting that switching back to a veg lighting schedule for the last two weeks of flower was somehow a thing that people should do. I disagreed haha, but yeah, you’re right, three or four days shouldn’t hurt anything.

Plants look good! Haha.


I agree with you. It’s not something I normally would do. 2 weeks is a long time for things to go wrong. Normally I dim the lights slightly towards the end, not give them more gas haha.

I had to get my transplants done and I didn’t have any extra room, so it was harvest early or let it go a few more days at 18/6. Thankfully it doesn’t seem to have done any noticeable harm.


Your garden is stunning. Those buds are so thick.

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Yeah, it doesn’t make any sense. I don’t know how I’m remembering this, but the guy’d heard about that “method” on some podcast interview with a white dude with blonde dreadlocks who was calling himself Rasta Jeff or something equally ridiculous.

Yet another reason I don’t listen to podcasts haha…

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That’s the dude who runs Irie Genetics. He said he does 18/6 at the end of flower for his seed runs and some commercial runs.

When I first started growing, I couldn’t find anyone who openly talked about their testing and breeding program. Originally, that was a big deal to me because I did a lot of testing and assessment reports for a bunch of years, so I know their importance and enjoy a good testing program.

So I like his transparency and his testing program seems excellent.
I’ve had some of the best success with his beans, so whatever he is doing he should keep doing it.

I love podcasts. I rarely listen to weed ones because a lot of them make my head hurt. So much psuedo and bro science. I’ll listen to most things with Dr. Bruce Bugbee or Dr. Daniel Fernandez though. They stick to facts and they know how to actually conduct tests in a controlled environment and provide detailed reports about their findings. There are some very intelligent cannabis growers, but there are a lot that think they are plant scientists because they grow weed.

There are some excellent podcasts out there. I’ve recently been going through Hardcore History (Dan Carlin) who has hundreds of hours talking about ancient history, there’s comedy podcasts, gaming, any interest and the vast majority of the content is free.


I’ll take your word for it re podcasts. My feeling is that if it’s that important, write it down. Plus, I’d just rather listen to music.

I’m not 70, don’t really feel like starting to listen to talk radio yet haha. My girl listens to Conan O’Brien’s podcast while she’s working and I love listening to that one whenever I go into her office to post my grow log stuff. Still… Music.

Musicmusicmusic haha.

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Flipped to flower last night for my 4x4.

3 - Electric Mango (EM) (Green Crack x Mango Haze) - High Lonesome
2 - Ethiopian Banana x Colombian Red (CR) - Strayfox
1 - Blue Dragongrass (BD) (Magic Bluegrass x Dragon Energy) - Doc D

The 3x3:
1- Electric Mango (EM) (Green Crack x Mango Haze) - High Lonesome
1- Nuketown (Chernobyl x Golden Goat)

I was going to keep both Nuketowns, but I didn’t want to overfill the earthbox. It’s had a lot of runs through it and while I am reamending it, I don’t want to push it too hard. I gave the broader leafed plant to a friend and kept this one.

These will get another week or two before I flip to flower.

I trimmed up some gelatti yesterday. It hung for about 8-9 days. About 110 grams. I had some problems in the dry tent with my humidity gauge not being accurate. I wish the lighting was better in these pics.


Damn! That’s pretty great, no? I don’t think I’ve ever gotten that much from one plant, but I barely ever do “final tallies,” so I dunno haha.

Anyway, I’m excited that you flipped, gonna be fun to see how all of this works out, especially that C. Red hybrid. All five of my Soars sprouted, but I accidentally shredded one of them when I was pulling off the seed husk yesterday haha, so I’m down to four of those. I may get back into the fridge and plant a replacement today, haven’t decided yet.

It’ll be interesting to see how those compare (if they make it… haha) to your C. Red cross, though.


I think it is the most or close to the most I’ve gotten running organics. Normally I get 60 grams +/- 10.
I did give the plant a lot of space (1/2 the 3x3), a long veg time, and it had a good amount of light (100-120 watts)

Means you should probably pop at least 2 more haha.


Congrats on the harvest - the bud looks very nice (I too find photographing/lighting the finished product to be the most challenging). The rest of your gardens look delicious as usual, chef :man_cook:

I’m going to have to get a SIP in the tents one of these days - your results have been awesome. I actually bought a raised box in the spring that I have outdoors but I’m foolishly growing hot peppers in it :smirk:



What kind of peppers you have in there?
I have some jalapenos, anaheims, poblanos, hot janes, serannos, and maybe 1 other type going outside now.

My soil plants always seem to do the best when they are in the SIPs. Makes sense… large soil volume, can’t really mess the watering up, and if you keep the wheels (casters) on the SIP, it keeps the plants off the ground and helps get some air to the roots through the water reservoir.

haha if you couldn’t tell I love the SIPs and I would have all earthboxes/city pickers, but they take up a lot of space.


Day 7 of flower in the 4x4.
3 - Electric Mango (EM) (Green Crack x Mango Haze) - High Lonesome
2 - Ethiopian Banana x Colombian Red (CR) - Strayfox
1 - Blue Dragongrass (BD) (Magic Bluegrass x Dragon Energy) - Doc D

I increased the light intensity yesterday.
Watered in some Yah-whey and liquid karma during the week.

Blue Dragongrass

Ethiopian Banana x Colombian Red
Two plants here side by side.

I will take closer pictures of the Electric Mangos next week.

The 3x3.
Electric Mango - left
Nuketown - right - Irie Genetics (Chernobyl x Golden Goat)

I think I’m flipping to flower tonight.
I added some 12 seed cover crop to the Nuketown (and most plants in the 4x4). I love how cover crop looks in a tent plus different plants put out different root exudates which could be beneficial to the microbiology of the soil. How beneficial to me? IDK but the cover crop looks cool haha.

Sour Glow
Not a lot of meat on the buds, but I still dig this strain a lot.
I’ll do more pics and a smoke report in a month or so.

Time for a smoke break.
Thanks for reading.


Is that the one in the back left-hand corner in the full tent shot you posted first? Whatever that one is, she looks like she’s gonna dwarf everything else by the time the stretch is over (not that that’s a bad thing). Or maybe it’s just the camera angle, I dunno haha.

They all look very good, though, and very promising. Definitely some cool-looking plants.

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yes. I think that Dragon Energy male is just vigorous and tall. The Dragon Temples and Ethiopian Flames got tall too.

I’ve been bending the tops and I’ll do some super cropping soon, but yea the next couple weeks will be fun.

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People keep saying that, but I’m not sure that’s the case. Who knows, though? With all of the shit that’s in that male, it seems like there’s a whole range of possibilities with those crosses.

The Malawi Gold x DE I planted a couple weeks ago look super-interesting already, even though they’re only like two inches tall. Very “Sativa,” but I think it’s because of the Malawi female, not the DE male. Or I hope that’s the reason why, anyway haha.

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Day 1 of flower in my 3x3:
Electric Mango (left side) (Green Crack x Mango Haze) - High Lonesome
Nuketown (right) (Chernobyl x Golden Goat) - Irie Genetics

I am using two 135watt HLG Quantum Boards. One is an R spec, so more red spectrum and the other one is I around 3kish color temp. I have them set at about 60% and 24-28" from the plants. I’ll increase the light intensity soon now there is only 11.5 hours of light instead of 16 hours while in veg.

Electric Mango

I didn’t remember how much I reamended this earthbox… ooops. So I top-dressed about 1/4 cup of craft blend and 2 tablespoons of fishbone meal.


The 4x4:


I’ve got orange habaneros, chocolate habaneros, scotch bonnets, jalapeños, and shishito peppers in the box. I’ve got some poblanos growing in pots as well.

I could tell! LOL. I could see myself adding something to the tent. :wink: