Oozle's Indoor

Heck yes it does! :raised_hands:t6:

That Sour Glow looks tasty. :yum:

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F15 in the 4x4.

3 - Electric Mango (EM) (Green Crack x Mango Haze) - High Lonesome
2 - Ethiopian Banana x Colombian Red (CR) - Strayfox
1 - Blue Dragongrass (BD) (Magic Bluegrass x Dragon Energy) - Doc D

I’ll top dress some fishbone meal (1/4 cup), compost (handful), and soil today. I really need to get more castings…
Increased light intensity from 60% —>70%.

F7 in the 3x3:

Electric Mango left
Nuketown right (Chernobyl x Golden Goat) - Irie Genetics

Electric Mango

Have a good one!


Ethiopian Banana x Colombian Red (CR)

CR #1
I didn’t measure it before the flip, but I think this was around 16" and now 39".

To the left of the tape measure is CR #1. The right is CR #2.

The prickling of the fan leaf edges makes makes me think, heat stress. I didn’t think this is a hot spot in my tent as the plant is in-between the two lights… I’m going to hang a thermometer near this plant and see what’s going on.

I think my hand/skin color in the pics makes the camera saturate things green instead of the blueish gray color in some of the other pics.

The 4x4

F15 I topped dressed 1/4 cup fishbone meal.

F17 I watered in Yah-Whey (15ml per 1/2 gal). I am almost out of it and I will grab some more for my next grow cycle.


Flower day 18, she’s probably gonna keep going for another week or two, considering the genetics. Not that that’s a bad thing… haha.

Could just be a weird thing she’s doing in early flower. I’ve seen it happen and then they grow out of it. Or, yeah, maybe she’s just hot haha.

Plants look good!

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right on. I looked closer at some of the other plants and they have it too. So maybe me looking too hard at my plants for problems that aren’t there haha.

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Haha! Right. Exactly. They always seem to turn out pretty okay, herms notwithstanding haha. They’ll be fine.

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F21 in the 4x4
3 - Electric Mango (EM) (Green Crack x Mango Haze) - High Lonesome
2 - Ethiopian Banana x Colombian Red (CR) - Strayfox
1 - Blue Dragongrass (BD) (Magic Bluegrass x Dragon Energy) - Doc D

Blue Dragongrass

Electric Mangos

Seems like I could have flipped a week earlier, but overall I am happy with how they are filling out the tent. I think I need to increase the craft blend and fishbone meal when I reamend my soil next run. I used about 30% of what BAS recommends, so I’ll probably bump that up 1/2 cup per cubic foot (25%)… that will increase my cost about $2 more per cubic foot. That plus an increased amount of fishbone meal will put me at about $6-$7 per cubic foot to reamend.

Smoking on some Sky Lotus today.

A friend ran 2 of the f2’s I made and he liked them a lot and had no intersex issues. The sky lotuses I grew were a hit in the friend circle down south, so I’ll go back through those next year. This year I’m not keeping any clones and I’m going through as many half packs as I can until the summer.

Thanks for reading and have a good one.


How come you use both fish bone meal and the BAS craft blend when you reamend? Isn’t there something in that BAS stuff that’s already high in P? Just curious.


I do it more for the calcium. I could probably switch to Gypsum or something like that, but I’ve never used it before, so I’m not familiar with it. I just ran out of the Coast of Maine fishbone meal and heading to the grow store next week, so I’ll look at different options.

The craft blend seems to work good by itself, but I feel like the plants want more calcium early flower. I also only amended the soil at about 1/3rd the recommended amount, so maybe if I gave it more craft blend I wouldn’t have to use the fishbone meal.

I could also just use some cal-mag twice early flower and be good, but I’m trying to do it through the soil.


Ah, okay. Yeah, maybe just adding a little more of the Craft Blend would do the trick and you could skip the other stuff. I go pretty light when I re-amend with it, too, although not quite as light as you. I don’t think? haha. I usually just throw a couple cups in the bins, probably definitely less than the recommended amount, but whatever.

Don’t do that haha.

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F15 in the 3x3.

Electric Mango left
Nuketown right

I might cull the Nuketown. It looks great, but I am running out of space for the Electric Mango. I can even see some shadowing in the picture, it’s not getting a lot of light. The cover crop looks great though haha.

The Nuketowns are feminized and I half a good amount of those seeds left, so they will be easy to fit in my grow again. Plus I gave 1 plant to a friend that looks great. I just helped them set up a grow tent, so they should have that one in flower in the next couple weeks.

I could do some supercropping, but I’m not sure it will slow the Electric Mango down enough.

Time for a few tokes, then a smoke report for the Sour Glow.


Sour Glow Smoke/grow report

Sour Glow (Sour Diesel x Afterglow) Irie Genetics
Harvest F60
Yield: 105 grams

Week 3 of flower

Week 5

Week 9

Smell/Taste: Smells like a lemon warhead plus some other citrus smells and a little funkyness on the back end. Tastes like the end of a lemonhead candy. When a lemonhead is almost finished, it has a slight lemon/candy taste to it… not sour/mouth puckering but a sweet lemon candy. Very nice and coats the mouth.

Effects: It feels strong, long lasting, and gets me elevated. Euphoric high that makes me feel good, with muscle relaxation. My eyes get very dry after smoking this plant, so eye drops are a must. One bowl in the bong will last basically all day until night time when I let loose a little more haha.

I was gifted this plant from a friend. He popped a couple seeds and this was his favorite. It grew well, nice branching, and stayed pretty happy throughout. The buds are on the smaller end, but frosty and sticky. It could have been the heat through summer contributing to the bud size.
Definitely worth the grow time/space. The taste is excellent, but I prefer something a little more motivating and thought provoking to smoke during the day.

I have weekly updates throughout this journal, so if you want more info, scroll up.

Thanks for reading


Sounds good, though, especially the way it tastes. I like those sorta artificial lemon/candied lemon flavors.

Haha, yeah, what’s going on there? I see two SIPs, one with the cover on and one with the living mulch. Are you doing an experiment? Like to see if maybe that plastic cover thing can be replaced with something a little more, uh, natural?


yes exactly.
I like the cover crop better so far.


Appreciate the smoke report on Sour Glow! Sounds like a decent smoke. About the cover crop…when do you plant that?


But don’t you have to replace the soil every grow with those SIPs? It can’t be a no-till-type situation in those things, right? I thought I’d read that, anyway.


3 weeks ago, maybe 4 tops. When I transplanted to the earthbox I added it. I just killed the plant though for room, so I’m going to let the cover crop rage a bit haha.

I replace about 25% of the earthbox each time and it’s all with reused soil that I amend and I reamend the rest of the soil in the earthbox with my normal mix (craft blend, compost, rice hulls if needed, etc.).

This is my my 5th run or so for each earthbox. So a 1/4 till not a no-till haha. I remove the stalk, but I leave most of the old plants root in there.

I’ll just mix the cover crop into my soil when I reuse it… kind of like a salad for the soil.

Different plants put out different root exudates which could have some benefits as well. Mainly it’s something I’m messing around with and see how it goes. I like the aesthetic so I might use the cover crop for the near future.


Yeah, no, it sounds good. That was one of the things when I was discussing SIPs on another thread a couple years ago, where I was wondering why you couldn’t just make it a no-till situation, but everybody was like,”No, you have to replace the soil every-other grow, max.” It didn’t make sense to me, but they were so adamant about it that I just decided I wouldn’t even look into those things.

I mean, if I’m gonna have a huge thing of soil in my tent, I don’t wanna have to be emptying it out and refilling it every grow or two, ya know? That seems crazy haha.


exactly how I feel. I do mix the soil up a bit though, but that’s just to get the compost through the box and replace some of the rice hulls that broke down through the grow.

The cover crop I’ll just bury in the soil and I’m sure a lot will pop up again. If it dies, just food for the soil I’ll replace it next grow.


F25 in the 4x4

This update will be about the 2 Ethiopian Banana x Colombian Red (CR) plants

Plant 1
Right at about 48", so about a 200% stretch so far. Started flower around 16".

Plant 2
A couple inches shorter (43-45").

The humidity’s been kind of high lately. It stays in the high 50’s and will go into the mid 60’s for a bit at night. I have my dehumidifier running and I’ll set it lower soon. I’ll be aiming for 50-55% humidity for the rest of flower… closer to 50 towards the end.
I’m removing fan leaves if they are on top of eachother and trying to make sure I can see through the plants. If I can see through them, that means air can circulate everywhere right… at least that’s my thought.

Otherwise everything is looking good. I am a little concerned the plants might get too close to the lights, but I’ll manage.