Oozle's Indoor

Maybe I’ll listen to you guys and keep it around longer.
My main concern is I’m going to be out of town for a few days in August and I am trying to minimize the equipment I’m running and I don’t trust the person watching my place to water my plants .

I guess I could figure out some auto watering system or just go with blumats.

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Or just water the shit outta the plants before you leave, like with twice as much water as you normally would. Doesn’t have to be all at once, you could just water two days in a row or something right before you leave.

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Transplanted the babies into 1 gallons.

Katsu’s Balefire (Oreoz x Platinum Kush) in the white 1 gallon.
Ethiopian Flame x Sky Lotus in the black 1 gallons.

Stonington blend amended with earthworm castings, rice hulls, and insect frass. Added great white directly to the roots.

I watered in 1/2 teaspoon of Gnatrol and some liquid karma,


Week 3 veg (Day 28 since water hit seed).

Looks like they responded well to the transplant.

I’m planning on changing my light to the 135W quantum board sometime this week. I am using a 65W quantum board now.

Katsu Balefire (Oreoz x Plat Kush) x1
Ethiopian Flame V2 x Sky Lotus V2 x5



Arise x Golden Goat (Irie Genetics).

Leaves are starting to turn, harvest around the corner. I am thinking about 10-14 days left, I still have to look at the trichomes, but I took it down 70 days last run. I’ve started to fill the earthbox reservoir with about 50% water to increase the frequency of dry backs.

Smoking on some Ethiopian Flame I harvested back in Januaryish. It’s the same plant I made some seeds with. It’s real chill and relaxing and I am finding a some nice looking seeds I have to add to my stash.

The buds didn’t get as fat as my last run in a 7-gallon from seed. This plant does have a lot more bud sites, so maybe it’s that. Anyways, it’s still a beautiful smelly sticky plant, hopefully I can finish her out without any problems.


Arise x Golden Goat (Irie Genetics)


I’m thinking another 4-7 days.

I’m on the fence if I want to reveg this plant or use the earthbox for my next flower run. I need to decide soon.

Ethiopian Flame x Sky Lotus and Balefire (Katsu):

The tallest most vigorous plant out of the bunch is a female. I transplanted and topped the Balefire, which is feminized, and a female EF x SL into 3-gallons. They didn’t look super happy, probably my watering, so more aeration and a new soil mix should help.

I have some clones in the flower tent, so I’m hoping to know the sex of the other plants in the next few days. I’ll probably run one Earthbox and one or two 7-gallons. Maybe 2 earthboxes if I don’t reveg the Arise x Golden Goat.

Pics taken right after transplant and topping.




Harvested the Airse x Golden Goat last night. F68.

Week 5 of veg (about 6 weeks since water hit seed)
Ethiopian Flame x Sky Lotus
Balefire (Oreoz x Plat Kush) - Katsu

These are all still recovering from the over watering last week. I had some problems with my VPD being really low in my veg tent for the last couple weeks, 71-73F and 60-65% humidity… all this rain is keeping the sun hidden. I moved them all to my 4x4 where it is farther from the AC, so now they are at 77-80f and 50-60% humidity.

Some notes from the last week:
4 Females: 1 Male. Transplanted and topped 1 taller female and Balefire to a 3 gallon 6-7 days ago.
Stonington Blend with some amendments.
Watered some nutrients and Gnatrol: 2ml cal-mag, micro, grow in water container. Remo.
2 taller females which look like Ethiopian Flame dom. 1 sexed very early and has a strong funky smell.
2 shorter stockier plants. 1 Female and 1 male. sky lotus dom.
1 Female is taller, but has spots and was growing a little funky early.
Moved to 4x4. Light is HLG 240w at 90%. 30"

I am going to flower the Balefire and 1… maybe 2 of the Ethiopian x Sky Lotus. I am thinking of putting the plant with the spots (variegation?) into a 7-gallon and seeing what that turns out to be.


Ethiopian Flame x Sky lotus

Male on right

I’m going to give them a couple more days to recover, then move them into earthboxes, then flower 7-10 days after that.


Ethiopian Flame x Sky Lotus:
I culled the male and one female.
I know I said I was only flowering 1, but I was lucky enough to have so many females, why not run more.

So now I have 3 female Ethiopian Flame x Sky Lotus plants. Two in 7-gallon containers and one in an earthbox. This earthbox I am reusing after my last run. I removed about 4 gallons of soil, amended with some earth worm castings and insect frass, and filled it in with the new soil mix. Hopefully the soil has enough for another flower cycle, she looks hungry. I plan to do some top feeding throughout too.

The other earthbox has a Balefire in it. I added the removed soil from the old earthbox, so if those nematodes are still there, hoping they get transferred over.

My soil mix:
Stonington Blend - 75%
Pumice and Rice Hulls - 20%
Earthworm Castings, Rock Dust - 5%
Insect Frass.
Watered in SLF-100


Everything is looking much better this week.

Week 6 of veg:
Supercropped. I snapped one branch, so hoping the tape works if not I will have 2 new tops.
Watered in some bottle nutrients into one earthbox with the tall Ethiopian Flame x Sky Lotus. EC 1.0 + liquid karma. About 32 ounces and 12 ounces to balefire.

The back EF x SL still looks a bit hungry, but I want to see how it reacts after the feeding. I plant to top feed castings and fishbone meal late next week. The earthboxes I can load up more soil, so I don’t think she will be hungry for long… we’ll see.

Balefire in the middle. 3 Ethiopian Flame x Sky Lotuses.



I have blumats coming this week. I was thinking about buying them, then I saw the Build-a-soil youtube channel using them, so I listened to the sign. So I am waiting until I get them set up before I flip to flower.

Thanks for looking.


Healthy looking plants and nice flower throughout the thread! Good stuff!


thanks bud. These are finally turning the corner after my abuse.

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Your plants seems to have recovered nicely and are looking great! I just got some Blumats as well but I haven’t employed them yet. I’ll try them out on my next soil run. I’m keen to see how they perform.

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If you bought a kit, make sure it has a shut off valve. Mine didn’t come with any. A little frustrating because it says “Everything you will need…”, but every set up video uses 3 shut off valves. They aren’t cheap either, 10.50 per on Amazon, or I can get them on the blumat site, but $17 shipping, yikes.

Anyways, it seems cool, but I have to wait another week or so until I get the last part.

3 Ethiopian Flame x Sky Lotus plants - One in an Earthbox and two in 7-gallon containers
1 Balefire (Oreoz x Plat Kush) (Katsu) - Earthbox

Day 1 of flower today, they had their first night of 12/12 last night.

I installed a net mainly to help train them and keep the back left plant from getting too tall.
I added my other light, set at 24", and turned down. I am about 450-550 PPFD using an app on the phone. I will increase the light intensity in a few days.

Balefire back right:




Balefire (Oreoz x Plat Kush) Katsu - Back right in an earthbox
Ethiopian Flame x Sky Lotus - 1 earthbox, two 7-gallon containers

Yesterday I top fed fishbone meal and earthworm castings to all the containers. Added .5-1 gallons of additional soil. I also increased the light intensity. My PPFD app says 650-750. I will leave it there for a week and see how they react.

The back left EF x SL is really really lanky. They are all growing fast, filling up the scrog net nicely.
The Balefire is looking real solid, thick stems, nice and stocky.


F17 today.
Balefire (Oreoz x Plat Kush) Katsu - Back right in an earthbox
Ethiopian Flame x Sky Lotus - 1 earthbox, two 7-gallon containers

I went on a trip and left them for 4 full days/nights. I was very worried about the 7 gallon pots, but they looked great. The soil wasn’t hydrophobic, but another day and they would have been mad. Before I left I gave them a real heavy water about 2 hours before lights out.

I added a garbage bag to the top of each pot to keep moisture in, added a wicking system(?) that seemed to do ok. The ropes were still wet and looks like about 32 ounces are missing, so I’m thinking each plant got about 12 ounces… not bad.

The Balefire needed water and got tall. The EF x SL in the earthbox didn’t need to be topped off.

Lots of pics this week. I still have to clean them up a bit and top feed. I’ll try and do that tomorrow.


F17. The balefire in the back right shot up.

Front right EF x SL (7-gallon)

Front left EF x SL (7-gallon)

Back left EF x SL (in earthbox)

Balefire (earthbox)

Now I can start planning my next grows for the fall.


F18 today.

Fed the front two plants - 1 tbspn Fish bone meal (Coast of Maine), 1 tbspn insect frass (build-a-soil),1/4 cup castings. 5ml Liquid karma.

Did a large defoliation, cleaned them up. The front right EF x SL was the plant growing slow and had some discolored leaves early and now it has my favorite structure, stacking very nicely. The back left plant is a bleeder, that’s from the Ethiopian Flame of course. She doesn’t drink much either. I still haven’t had to top off the water reservoir, it’s been 5 days.

The Balefire had to be supercropped. Hopefully that will slow it down. I will raise the light in a day or two. The PPFD is 750-1k through the tent.


It’s been a while since I’ve checked in. The plants looks fantastic! I’m glad the Blumats are working out for you and were able to get away and come home to a thriving garden!

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Thanks for checking in. I actually didn’t set up the blumats because the set I ordered didn’t come with the shut-off valve and that didn’t come until 2 weeks later. I didn’t want to mess with the roots 2 weeks into flower and I didn’t have time to test it out before I was leaving on a trip.

I cut up a nylon rope hanger and part of a scrog net to wick water from the 1 gallon jug onto the soil. It didn’t water a lot. I think the garbage bag covering the pot did more. Plus my humidity was pretty high (60-72%) for a day or two while I was gone.


Fed the earthboxes.

2 tbspn fishbone meal, 1/3 cup castings, 1 tbspn frass, .5-1 gallon soil, and gnatrol.

Roots of the EF x SL in the earthbox.

I’m germinating my next grow I am planning on running in my 3x3. I will add pics next week as long as I don’t kill them first.