Oozle's Indoor

F27 for these in my 3x3.
Alien Rift x4 1-gallon coco
Cherry Chem Soda F2 2-gallon coco

This one in the back has longer wispy pistils, already putting out frost, and is taller. During veg it had wrinkled leaves and I thought it was a PH/root issue… could be a stress reaction or maybe genetic, just a note.

CCS. As a grower, this one is my favorite out of the 3 I am running. The other 2 are in my 4x4.

Here is my next batch, popped and getting started. I’m switching over to soil and a more organic approach next grow or two. These are in Coast of Maine Stonington blend with some amendments. I didn’t go the seed starter route, so I’ll find out soon enough if the soil is too hot.

I have 5x Strawberry Temple (Bodhi), 2x Aliens and Milk fem (Strayfox), and 3x Rainbow Chip f2 (Exotic genetics).

I was lucky enough to find seeds I didn’t think I would ever find again. I ran the Rock Candy Kush (Alien Rock Candy x SFV OG bx) about 3 years ago and I paid 60$ a 5-pack… now I got them for $15 a pack. I grabbed 3.

That SFV OG bx was too good to pass up at $15 a pack also… not sure when I will get to those, but nice to have in the fridge for next year.

Alien Rock Candy I got from someone a few years back is one of my holy grail strains. I only smoked a couple ounces of it, but it made me laugh my ass off and feel great. Not many strains make me laugh and giggle.

I’m hoping to find something similar in these, so I will F2 them this summer. I’m hoping for at least 3 females and 3 males and I will pollinate the lowers and have some tops to smoke and 100’s of seeds.


I think that whole “you need to start seeds in a mellow mix” idea is bullshit. I’ve never done that, always planted seeds in the same soil mix that I veg and flower in and it’s always been fine.

Oh, man, I love weed like that. Hopefully those seeds will produce a few plants that smoke the same as last time.


thanks. Plus it is good to have a project to work towards.

Good to know about the seed starter stuff. I made this mix with a little less castings and insect frass because I was nervous.


Castings you don’t have to worry about at all. Insect frass you probably don’t, either. It’s stuff like guanos and blood meal, those amendments that’re “hot” that you may have to worry about. But even then, as long as you’ve “cooked” a mix that contains shit like that for a month or so, you can plant right into it.

I mixed up a batch of The Rev’s mix years ago, before I started using my current mix. His soil recipe includes things like composted steer manure, bat guano, blood meal, feather meal etc etc. That shit literally got hot; every time I’d turn it I’d stick my hand in it, just to feel and it was cooking for sure, super-warm to the touch. After about a month, I planted some seeds directly into it and they sprouted no problem, the plants grew great.

You’ll be fine.


Right on, thanks for the info. I’ve only done a 3-4 soil grows now, so it’s still a little new to me.


$15/pack?!? Sweet deal!

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4x Alien Rift (1 gallon coco)
1x Cherry Chem Soda (2 gallon coco)

Alien Rift:


Watering once a day and feeding about EC 1.4 Remo nutes, mostly following the feed chart.

I am very happy with how the Alien Rifts are looking. The tall one in the back with the longer pistils reminds me of one I grew a couple years back… its was real greasy, throwing out lots of frost, and stunk more then the rest.

I went ahead and did another seed order… 50% off (40$ a pack and free shipping, some of these sales are excellent. I am definitely done ordering seeds until at least 4/20 haha. I grabbed some Irie stuff. I am running low on fruity sativa leaning hybrid fem seeds (a little specific lol). I also soaked 2 Lemon Jeffery’s, and I will update those along with the rest of the babies in a couple weeks.

I’m eyeing those Nuketowns for the spring.

Thanks for reading and have a good holiday.


That made me audibly chuckle haha. It is specific, but that’s why we grow, right? To find exactly what we’re looking for?

That Frequency Shift sounds promising. I don’t know anything about it, but the genetics sound good, anyway, especially if you’re looking for some fruity-tasting stuff.

Also, plants look good! Haha.

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I haven’t really grown or smoked anything with the name Sour in it, but the golden goat stuff is normally stable and puts out some real fruity/tropical plants. The effects aren’t normally my favorite, but always taste and smell awesome. This is the kind of stuff I like to give friends and family who aren’t heavy smokers. They are normally surprised to find weed that isn’t gassy and skunky.

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Hahaha… Read: “I give this away because I don’t wanna smoke it.”

Did Irie reverse the Golden Goat clone or something? Sounds interesting, anyway. I haven’t smoke Golden Goat in years, but I do remember liking that one.


lmao. My wife actually got a message last night that her friend smoked the Arise x Golden Goat and they said they were on another planet after toking. I gave it to them a couple months ago and wanted more of it… too bad that was my last run of it.
Part of the problem was I grew 2 lemon jeffery’s last year and got 12 ounces off the 2 plants. I couldn’t go thru it all, but yea the effects are good but not my “favorite weed ever” category.

yea. He also did a back cross and made some reg seeds. I grew those out and they were ok, but I like the fem crosses better.
Most of his catalogue is with the Arise male which is golden goat x daybreaker OG. I think that’s what he used for the back cross. Anyways, the arise as the daddy puts out some good plants. He’s my go to breeder for fruity tasty bud that is stable and grows well.



Alien Rift x 4 - 1 gallon coco
Cherry Chem Soda - 2 gallon coco

Doing well in the 3x3. Some minor feed problems, but they are getting there. I think it’s simply from not watering frequently enough and the CCS is drying back a little too much.

Cherry Chem Soda:

Alien Rift:

My veg tent for my next batch are still babies. 4-5x Strawberry Temple (Temple x Strawberry Milk), 3x Rainbow Chip F2, 2x Aliens and Milk (Tahoe Alien x Angel’s Milk), and 2x Lemon Jeffery (Lemon Skunk x Golden Goat). Plus I am going to run 1 of the Pinball wizards and probably both Dragon Temples

I’ve been puffin on some Balefire this morning. I took a pic of the nugs, but it was all blurry and hurt my eyes. Now I have to get into the tents.


Did you find a clone or just flower? That’s one of my holy grails too

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Only flower. I am pretty sure the guy who I got it from grew it himself, not sure if it was from clone or seed, but I don’t have his info anymore… that was 6-7 years ago now.

I’m hoping to find something similar in those Rock Candy Kush seeds I picked up.

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Oh damn. It’s all good, I’ve been searching for years, I know it’s still out there but is held really tight I’m guessing. I’m pretty sure I saw Strayfox or someone making crosses with it. I actually found a guy who had a pack from like 10 years ago and basically gifted them too me, I tried to pop 5 but nothing, ima have to try something advanced to see if I can get the other 5 or so to pop :crossed_fingers:

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Right on. Good luck with the rest of the beans.
If you don’t find what you are looking for, I am planning on making some F2s with Rock Candy Kushes (Alien Rock Candy x SFV OG) this summer. If all goes well you are welcome to some.

Yea definitely let me know, I’ll be chucking some this summer too, I’d be down to trade too, I have a decent bit of sunra f2’s I made last season

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excellent. Sun Ra is I wanted for a while but always passed up at the seedbanks. I look forward to swapping some beans this fall.

F47 today.

The Cherry Chem Soda still has some nutrient problems. The run-off is close to my input. Over the last few days I started to add 50 ppm of epsom salts every other day. I cut out the cal-mag as per the feed schedule and since I’m not using the product that has the mag sulfate in it, epsom salts should work.

I’ll add the epsom salts for the next week and then 7 - 10 days before harvest cut them out. It’s still a little early but I’m thinking they have 2.5 - 3 weeks left, so a harvest around F67ish.



Here are the babies for the next grow. I should probably feed them some castings and the veg food I have.

Alien’s & Milk x2:

Rainbow Chip x3:

Strawberry Temple x4:

The couple seedlings I planted into solo’s I overwatered, so they are behind.

I can’t help myself and took some samples off my last harvest. :+1: :+1: so far, but I’ll wait for a proper dry before I make any comments… ohh the suspense.

My Alien Rifts and Cherry Chem Soda made the move 2 days ago into the big tent. The CCS started to foxtail on a couple nugs. They are at F52. I’m not sure if it was the change of lighting, the stress of the move, maybe I damaged some roots because I wasn’t the most gentle when I moved them… So I raised the light to 24" vs 19-20".

Here they are in the 4x4

Alien Rifts

Cherry Chem Soda