Oozle's Indoor

Another week has gone by.
Watering once a day, sometimes I skip a day. Remo nutes + armor si (every other feed) - EC 1.1-1.15 (550-580 PPMs) and PH 5.8ish.

Only 3 of 6 Pinball Wizards made it. 1 didn’t pop, 1 never developed roots after it popped in the starter plug, and the other I killed by dropping it and cracked the main stem. I gave it a week-10 days, but it never fully recovered.

1 of the Dragon Temples has some weird jagged fan leaves. Cool to see, but it is slow.

Cherry Chem Soda’s x5

Pinball Wizard x3

Dragon Temple x5

I picked up a clone I have in quarantine from a local dispensary this week, Super Silver Star. I figured it was a sign I should get it since I am doing other SSH crosses. Dispensary herb here is pretty bad, but I don’t think it’s the plants, more of how it is processed and grown.

I’m planning on transplanting the bigger plants soon. I will give the smaller plants a few more days to fill up the solos and then flower in 2-2.5 weeks.

Have a good week.


5 Dragon Temple (Doc D)
5 Cherry Chem Soda F2’s (Jaws)
3 Pinball Wizard (Bodhi)

Transplanted (10) most into 2 gallon bags.

Still feeding EC 1.1-1.2 PH 5.8-6.0. Remo nutrients + armor si and SLF-100 every few days.
Water - EC .1 (50 ppms)
Magnifical - EC .3 (140-150)
Micro - EC .3 (140-150)
Grow - EC .4-.5 (200-250)
Armor Si - EC .03 (about 10-20 ppms)

I haven’t checked for male/females yet. They are still young, most popped out of the starter plug Aug 22-23. I plan to give them a little defoliation and depending on how they look, flower soon.



Balefire (Oreoz x Plat Kush) Katsu - Back right in an earthbox
Ethiopian Flame x Sky Lotus - 1 earthbox, two 7-gallon containers

I turned down the light over the balefire, hopefully it will help with the light/heat stress.
I am still planning on about 2 more weeks left. Two of the plants will be harvested early, but the Balefire and the front left EF x SL should be done.

Back left EF x SL Earthbox

Front right EF x SL 7 gallon

Balefire, back right earthbox


Warms my heart to see your cooler bubbling again :sunglasses:

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You’ve got so many interesting things on the go! You must be hopping :rabbit2:

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well, sorry to say, but I had to put them down. :laughing:

I was a dope. I top watered them for some reason when I watered my coco plants a few times, plus being in that small container… anyways I got stem rot. All 3 plants. I should have transplanted them earlier. I still haven’t decided if I am going to give DWC another go this fall.

The positive side is I took this opportunity to use the space to quarantine the dispensary clone and I don’t have to wait for my big tent to start flowering this batch. So it isn’t all bad.



Balefire (Oreoz x Plat Kush) Katsu - Back right in an earthbox
Ethiopian Flame x Sky Lotus - 1 earthbox, two 7-gallon containers

I’m planning on harvesting them F60- F63. A touch early for the back left EF x SL, but the balefire and front left EF x SL will be ready. This grow was only supposed to be one or two plants and I don’t want to tie up my tent any longer for stuff throwing nanners. The balefire has been solid, no problems, just my crosses I made.

I am seeing some more foxtailing and having some heat problems, so I turned the light down some more and made some changes to how I vented my grow.


My plants in veg are doing well. I won’t bore anyone with some more veg pics (except for a couple). I will update it right before the flip to veg and I might make a separate journal for those, not sure yet.
I thought this was cool looking. At least 2 of the Cherry Chem Soda’s are purpling under the fan leaves already.

ccs.PNG ccs2.PNG


Those Cherry Chem Soda’s look cool! Interesting :thinking:

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5 Dragon Temple (Doc D)
4 Cherry Chem Soda F2’s (Jaws)
3 Pinball Wizard (Bodhi)

Feeding EC 1.3-1.4 PH 5.8-6.0. Remo nutrients + armor si and SLF-100 every few days.
Water - EC .1 (50 ppms)
Magnifical - EC .35 (170-190)
Micro - EC .35 (170-190)
Grow - EC .45-.55 (220-270)
Armor Si - EC .03 (about 10-20 ppms)

Some veg pics. I’m going to start flowering some of them in a few days and I will fill in the rest once they get a little larger.

Most of these are about 5 weeks from popping out of the starter plug.I want to transplant the couple bigger ones in the solo cups, but I don’t have any 2 gallon pots left so I will have to start watering them twice a day until I find a couple more males. The solo cups were tipped over this morning and attacked the alien rift babies. wayyy to dry.

In the 4x4:
3 of each strain.
Starting left to right from the top:
row 1: DT, CCS, DT.
row 2: DT, PBW, PBW
row 3: PBW, CCS, CCS.

3x3: 6 Alien Rifts, 1 Super Silver Star clone, 1 Guptilla Kush S1 made by a friend, 2 DT, 1 PBW,
and 1 CCS that I transplanted and is in the 4x4 pic now.

Dragon Temples. At least 1 of the big ones are female, I think 2 are.

Pinball Wizards. Moved this 1 to a 2-gallon.

Cherry Chem Soda F2’s. I culled 1 CCS male.

Once I get into the 2nd or 3rd week of flower I will probably start another journal just for those strains.


F6 today.

3 Dragon Temple (Doc D)
4 Cherry Chem Soda F2’s (Jaws)
2 Pinball Wizard (Bodhi)

So I have a good problem of too many females. I was planning for 6, but I have 9.
Only a couple pics today and next week once they get their stretch on I will defoliate and take individual pics.

Feeding EC 1.3-1.4 PH 5.8-6.0. Remo nutrients + armor si and SLF-100 every couple days.
Added remo astroflower day 3 at 1.25ml/gal. Still under 700 PPMs.

4x4: 3 Dragon Temples on the right
Left side starting from top left: CCS, 2 PBW, and bottom 2 are CCS. (1 CCS is in veg still)

I will probably cull 1 of the CCS’s and move another into my 3x3 to flower with the other CCS I have in veg still. I’ll figure it out in the next few days.

I’m puffing on some of the new stuff I grew. So far I am happy with how it turned out.
This is the front left Ethiopian Flame x Sky Lotus:


Congrats on having too many females! :wink:


Im doing my flower updates over on a new thread to keep it only my 4x4 tent.

I am planning to update my Alien Rifts here and whatever other seeds I decide to start in the next couple weeks.

Nothing much going on with the Alien Rifts (6).
Feeding about EC 1.2 - Remo nutrients 5ml/gal magcal, micro, grow. PH 5.8-6.0.
Transplanted into 1 gallons yesterday. Flower in 5-7 days. I will flower these in my 3x3 beside a Cherry Chem Soda F2 I still have in veg.

And the 4x4. F16 for these. Finally making their way through the net.
Dragon Temple (3) Right.
Cherry Chem Soda F2 (2) Front and back left.
Pinball Wizard (2) middle left.

I moved the updates for those to this thread: Oozle's Indoor: Dragon Temple (Doc D), Pinball Wizard (Bodhi), Cherry Chem Soda F2's (Jaws)


F7 for the Alien Rift and Cherry Chem Soda.

Looks like I have 4 females:2 males for the alien rifts.
They are being grown in 1 gallon coco. I will try to keep them small with a large defoliation F14ish. I don’t need a lot off of each plant, just enough for my wife to figure out which plant she likes the best to keep around for good. Alien Rift is her favorite strain and now I finally have the time, space and ability to keep a mother around for a while.

The Cherry Chem Soda is a left over from my 4x4 and I finally put it into flower. I wasn’t planning on flowering 3 cherry chem sodas, but this one looked so good I didn’t want to cull it. I’m trying to keep it to half of the 3x3.

I have 2- 135 watt quantum boards in here. I haven’t turned the 1 up all the way, soon.

Im feeding them EC 1.2-1.3 of remo nutrients. PH around 6.

Here are the clones of the Dragon Temples I have in flower. These plants might be the most vigorous I’ve ever grown. Even the clones are shooting up, like they are stuck in turbo.

And lastly here is the Super Silver Star clone I picked up from the dispensary 6-8 weeks back. I took some more clones and will probably reset her and run it after the alien rift and ccs run.

I repotted her from a 1 gallon about a week ago and the roots looked great, so I wanted to add that pic in :slight_smile:

I will plan to update this journal every 2 weeks or so. I am itching to pop some more seeds, but trying to hold off another 2 weeks so I don’t run into space issues.
Thanks for reading.


:open_mouth: You got clones from a dispensary? That’s amazing. Good selection?

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Some dispensaries started selling clones last year or so, I couldn’t believe it. The one near me has 2 strains once a month, so the selection is limited, but still awesome. I think there are other dispensaries that have a bigger selection. 35$ I figured why not give it try.


That’s incredible. God bless America :sweat_smile: We have nothing so progressive at our legal dispensaries in the great white north. Can’t go wrong for $35. I’m keen to see how these babies perform for you. :facepunch:

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Balefire (Oreoz x Plat Kush) - Katsu seeds

Here’s a quick smoke report and some nug shots of the Balefire.

My computer crashed last month, so I don’t have more specific grow info, but here are the basics:

Grown in an earthbox using Coast of Maine soil with amendments (Insect Frass, earthworm castings, rock dust, pumice, rice hulls, top fed fish bone meal). Harvested about F60.

Week 2-3 of flower I left for 4 days and she stretched like crazy in response to me raising the light. This plant loved light and grew right into it.

A lot of frosty and dense nugs. This is probably one of the frostiest plants I’ve ever grown. I heard the Oreoz was frosty, so paired with the plat kush… the results are what one would expect, extremely frosty colorful flowers.

Smell is vanilla, sour, gas, and some pine. Taste is vanilla and sour.

Effects are what I would consider an active day-time indica. Not a soaring high, but a feel good, pain relief, relaxing, but not sleepy high. It’s very good if I need to get things done but want to stay elevated. In contrast, my wife smokes this plant and goes right to sleep, so it’s a night time smoke for her.

Overall I enjoyed growing and smoking this strain. If I would have controlled the stretch, the plant would have looked much prettier. She also got hit with some pollen from a different plant herming… Luckily, I’ve only found a handful of seeds throughout the tent. I put this on the short list to grow again, so maybe this spring. It’s a fem, so it’s easy to fit 1 in.


That looks fire :fire: bro!


F18 for the Alien Rift and Cherry Chem Soda F2s.

The Aliens are in 1 gallon coco, the CCS is in a 2 gallon.
3x3 tent.
I cleaned the plants up F14.

Feeding EC 1.35ish. I will push the feed a little over EC 1.4 this week and see how they look.
Liquid Karma, SLF-100, and Silica today in their feed.

And the big tent:

I’m seeing a lot of salt buildup on the CCS bag. I wonder if that’s because it is drying back a little too much. I am watering once a day. I will see if adding the SLF-100 every other day helps.

Today is a great day as I will pop my next batch. I still haven’t decided what I am popping, but I am getting some new seeds today and make my decision after a few tokes.


I love batch-popping day! I look forward to your selections :eyes:

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