Orange Bud - where to buy?

I use 5" pots, and a simple 2 part bottled nutrient.
I’ve been growing hydro for years and only rarely go dirt… I’m looking into soil mixes, seems pretty foolproof :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I don’t plan on starting any of the new gen anytime soon, the plan is to s1 orange#1 and #10 and look through those, select the top 5% and s2 to find a cut to run full scale


Sounds like a plan. I’d be interested to follow if you plan to report it and of course wouldn’t mind to test those seeds :wink:

Im pretty bad at keeping a growlog, but I try!

The cuts are currently revegging

Orange, skunks(1993) from the same gentleman and bogs sour strawberry all are going to be selfed as part of this project :yum::ok_hand:

I’ll pop as many s1’s as I possibly can after my current stink or bust journal where I’m looking for the nastiest smelling weed.

Yeah if you think this orange line can fit the bill I’d be happy to send you seeds from the new gen or the first gen even or a mix of both, no problem

Send me a pm with a safe addy and I’ll send them your way within the next week.

I’m a bit backlogged on my envelope filling lol


Is this the fabled “Orange Bud”From Cali from the 70s I heard so much about?There was a guy on here that had some in a really old Bayer aspirin bottle the little glass ones with the metal rusty screw caps that had the word Orange on it and he said they were orange bud from the 70s if I’m not mistaken.Was wondering if these were those

I’m going to be doing a skunk seed run with my 3 best plants would you be open to a seed trade some time in the future in a couple months with some of that Orange skunk?Im collecting skunks and making crosses with the biggest and fastest I come across that complement each other instead of plain pollen chucking.That Orange bud would make a good cross to a Dominon skunk I think.Would make some monster buds

This ? This is what mine came in :slightly_smiling_face: don’t think they’re from the 70s tho hahah expires 1994


I’m always open to trades, this skunk may be off limits for now. I just started to work with it so yknow, I’ll let it free once I know what I’m sending to people…

Orange is all good tho

*I’m planning a skunk x orange once I s1 everything


@Mithridate youve got all the gems huh? :star_struck:

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Yup dat one haha

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Hahaha I guess one could say that :sweat_smile:

I really only have a small collection but I focused on very important building blocks and a few newschool strains I liked :+1:

No I understand you have to build that old stock back up.I’ve been told old beans need to be tended to until they get back on thier feet

What happened?

lol I hope you had at least a good burger :smiley:

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If you end up having some you’d like to trade just let me know! I’m sure I could find something that might interest you in my stuff :smiley:


Thank you for the heads-up.
RIP Jerry


I have about 10 female Blood Orange f2s starting to bud right now. All were f2’s I made from original Bodhi stock and his original mix was Aeric 77 Cali-o x Appalachia, the cali-o leaners are definitely straight up orange flavor, the chems taste like chem, and the middle obv- like a blend. See if you can find any of those…

Check on IG - ddeeezzz for pics


Just wanted to update, I pulled the trigger on the orange bud by Dutch passion and while I was at it I also ordered euforia. This was pretty much the first strain I grew indoors with massive, so stinky buds. I was so glad that my neighbours were all 100 years old and happy that I helped them so often :smiley:


i recieved the seeds yesterday including 2 freebees of their c-vibes strain which is mad scientist x voodoo.



i still have a few “california orange bud” from nirvana from 1996 that in recieved via nate.
they are regs, so i will try to repro them. a friend tried to pop some, but they did not show.
wish me luck, mates :wink:


hey santero! that sounds pretty good, would be cool if they germ and you find the right phenos. I’d be definitely interested. i have to admit that i was a bit annoyed yesterday why i didn’t actually order any regs. well, it is what it is. let’s see how they are first lol