Orange Bud - where to buy?

Won’t be able to do anything for about a week (UN-scheduled In-Law visitors!!), but sitting on Cali-O and Blood Orange. Have to physically confirm the number of each on hand. Just sayin’, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Lol now the the orange people are gathered, let’s create the OG Orange Forrest :laughing:


Best of luck mate. 1996 was a good year :sunglasses:


@Mithridate thank you, brother.
they were from a pack of nirvana’s “california orange bud” 1993-release,
reproduced in 1996. i started 10 of the few dozen beans and 7 showed.
(after almost two weeks of wait, haha.)

one of them might still not make it, growing much slower than her siblings.
but i’m fairly sure that the other six will do the trick just fine. the two crinkled-
leaf plants have sparked my interest in particular. let’s see what they all do.


They were a bit slow to start but still that is some fantastic germination rates!

1993 release, that’s about the same age as my orange line. I have no clue what they actually are though.

I’m curious, were the seeds you started giant round and striped or on the small side and almost black ?

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they are not very small or dark, more “normal” sized and wihtout the
stripes / dots (?), cuz they are so old and it must’ve been rubbed away
since then, i guess … but a pic says more than me babbling (lol)

this is the rest of the beans i got :wink:

(and back into the seedfridge they go.)
*sound of a heavy lock * :grin: