OTUG's Outdoor Odyssey!

Oh my! That would be a metric shit ton of seeds!!! Watch out for MrB! Lol


Damn yo, you could make a bracelet outta the tail on that thing! :astonished: Good for you on setting it free. My daughter let a moth escape the last time I brought her to pick up some pizza. She was telling the owner how she helped get the bug out of the pizzeria :laughing:


I have a friend that can no longer grow his little stash in his backyard. A neighboring farm went hemp🤦‍♂️ It appears to be a fem crop from what we can see. His stuff still has more useless seeds than bud anyways.

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One of the best sentences I’ve seen on Overgrow!

Mate you are a cunning linguist and a heck of a grower.


I like the hidden pun/double entendre in there too! lol ‘cunning linguist’ :sunglasses: :+1: :innocent:


I’ve always appreciated cunning stunts myself.

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Hey @Oldtimerunderground lol I know your outdoor girls make mine look sick but I don’t mind… yet! I just like seeing them gals of yours growing so pretty! When you get around to it, give us another glimpse, it’s been almost a week now and they should be hitting the telephone lines soon… :rofl: :sunglasses: :+1: :wink:


Hey uncle old-timer! I had to go out of town for a funeral. Thankfully it was in Colorado. We stayed a few extra days to play in the mountains. But I came back to some Durban poison seeds, and that mikado x blockhead! Thanks man! I got back and had some dead seedlings since it wan unexpected trip, so now I’ve got some room for those. Thanks buddy! Glad to be back, as there’s lots to catch up on around here. I didn’t open OG but once while I was gone. :green_heart::seedling::rhinoceros:

Here’s a cool mushroom we found in the mountains that had just emerged.


That would be a nightmare! I don’t know what I would do. Probably build a light dep greenhouse with decontamination room and stock up on a shit ton of HEPA filters :joy:


Your commendation gives me the utmost pride in my work. I appreciate you @Pedro_Bann, you sir, are the king of the underground!! :smiley:

That’s what she said :laughing: :innocent: oh, and my wife thinks I grow some ok bud too :rofl:


Hey Rhino_buddy, sorry to hear that brother and my condolences. Glad you were able to make the most out of the situation though :slightly_smiling_face: nothing better than some fun times outdoors with the wifey. Sorry to hear about the dead seedlings, everything happens for a reason though :grinning: now that you have some room, plant those beans!! Lol

I don’t know if I have that much willpower :laughing:

Is that a baby amanita muscaria??! Wow that’s so cool bro, never seen one of those in person!

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You always give me a good laugh @JohnnyPotseed, I’ve learned to make sure I put the coffee down before reading your posts :joy:


Ask, and you shall receive!! Nothing like a good request on our quest for the best!

Check out this fan on the Hellfire!

More pics of some other stuff :grin:

Can’t wait for some Spacemaster cucumbers If you look close on the pic above, someone’s hiding in the Red Congolese :wink:

Need to give them all a good spray tonight. As you can see from some of the pics, the pm has been running wild with the humidity we’ve been having lately. The Blockhead, Red Congolese, Purple Kush, and Black Garlic seem to be unaffected though, so far.

Have a great day everyone!! :grinning:


AWesome! Ok, I as wrong…they aren’t reaching the telephone lines…yet. Just up to the eves of the house!! :smile: :sunglasses: :+1:
That double set of leaves on the Hellfire is off the hook lol I’ve not seen that before, but I have seen a lot of aberrations in the ‘engineered’ strains, over time.


I keep waiting to see the pics where you string up a hammock between those trees you’re growing.


Lol, yeah they’re really reaching up. Especially the Afghani on the side of my shed there, which doesn’t receive any morning sunlight. I guess that’s no longer the case since it reached the roof :sweat_smile:


Impressive healthy grow .

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That’s not a bad idea :laughing: might even throw a pallet atop one of the skeletons post harvest and build a tree house for the boys or a dollhouse for the girls lol


Yeah! [quote=“Oldtimerunderground, post:192, topic:53032”]
baby amanita muscaria

At least that’s my assumption. I’m no expert.

Love the mantis in your plant. Eat those pests!


Thank you @gramps!! :slightly_smiling_face: looks like all the manure and compost shoveling paid off. The Bubbalato showing a bit of N deficiency, so I top dressed with a bit of compost and some soil I had kickin around.