OTUG's Outdoor Odyssey!

Someone decided to wake and bake with a dab rig this morning :laughing: I love it! :metal:


Thank you @lefthandseeds, I’m hoping the Red Congolese x SSH finishes before the cold hits! I may end up building a structure to tarp and protect it from the cold nights in the end of October, if I have any strength left :laughing:

I thought of maybe covering and forcing it early to finish on time :thinking: but other challenges are taking precedent for the moment. I will roll the dice and hopefully the gods sway the odds in my favour :grin:


Looking forward to seeing what happens with that jungle cross. Hope it gets done in time …sounds pretty awesome. And hey next time mabbe you will have a little more to say and a few pics or something. :+1:


Have you tried yelling at it?


Such a nice jungle to have to endure ! Great pics by the way~


Thank you @DougDawson!! :grinning:

The seed run is coming along nicely. Hopefully the males reveal themselves soon, so I can isolate them and collect pollen asap to send to @anon71563794, as well as pollinate all the females.


@Herbie me too brother, the smoke from the one indoors I harvested was excellent! Smell and flavour were of spice and earth with nuances of turmeric and skunky undertones. Tasted and smoked great, just like some good old-school weed :star_struck:

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:joy: I didn’t even realize how big that last update really was until I posted it


A big thank you to everyone for all your comments and positivity!! I couldn’t imagine having a better crew by my side as we cross these uncharted waters.


Looking good my friend. There are always challenges along the way. When your learn how to control the weather let me know, Eh?


Uncharted? Hell cuz, just use the stars to navigate!


Nice trees !!!


Those are going to be monsters ! I’m sure you will adapt an overcome the setback the weather has dealt you , just know all of us are cheering you on~


i sense 6 ibs of tops in your future and a whole lot of bottoms for extracts


Dam @Oldtimerunderground your growing straight trees!! those beauties look absolutely stunning! that ain’t no jungle, more like the garden of Eden! just the thought of that Lavender x MAC has me drooling! two of my favorite strains from one of the few dispos i go to. i couldn’t even imagine a cross of the two! cant wait to see 'em all ready for harvest. definitely a little jealous :grin:


Thank you all for the comments everyone :grin: the trees are really big and beautiful.

@OldSchoolNewKid it feels like my own little garden of Eden.

The ones I flowered indoor were potent and fully frosted. Great smoke, top shelf. I normally wouldn’t grow strains like this outdoors but my wife requested it so she could have good supply. I might have to make some hash with it though :laughing: don’t tell her I said that :shushing_face: :joy:


The plants look amazing! I also love the dragonfly picture. :green_heart:

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OTUG’s !!! Those trees are spectacular! Mrs OTUG should make out pretty well! Your broken branch trumps my whole plant! Lol Love the narrative also!!!

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Thank you @morecatslesspeople, one day last year when I had the clothesline up the dragonflies were all lined up one morning on it. Almost every single one was a different colour and size, it was so cool.


That sounds amazing! Several years ago, I was in an apartment without washers and dryers, so I had to spend some time at the laundromat. This beautiful dragonfly flew inside one day, it was really big and loud. I am so glad to say I was able to escort it back outside.


Lol, thanks @4ftfarmer. Mrs. OTUG will definitely be well off, they’re all pretty much for her! :joy: she keeps telling me all the stuff she’s planning to make with it. Edibles, topicals, rosin, capsules, and of course a ton of smoke!! lol.

That broken branch was pretty big, but now I can barely tell the difference. I don’t think the plant even cared really, seemed like it almost laughed it off :laughing:

Glad you like my theme for this grow. This truly has been in Odyssey for me, in many, many ways. The time is near, and I will do everything in my power to make sure my wife and I have enough medicine to see us through until next harvest.

I just hope the plants don’t get pollinated again this year. That shit sucks! :joy: