OTUG's Outdoor Odyssey!

Indeed!! Wish I could do that too!! there is something almost magical about it!! Prohibition country is no fun!! :flushed: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I’m betting you’re right. Someday I’ll know that feeling.


Yeah… sounds nice. Hmm… 11 active Superfund sites within ~20 miles of me, 8 “recovered” ones removed from the list. Magic 8-ball, should I grow a plant well-known for its ability to uptake heavy metals and toxins in the ground outdoors even if it were ever to be legal? :wink:


Just cause it’s outside doesn’t mean it has to be in the local soil.


Otug, sorry if i missed it, but have you put up any budshots or smoke reports from your blockhead grows?

Those seeds are burning a hole in my seed bag lol.


Outdoor is magical! I know I’m in the minority around these parts but I certainly prefer it to indoor as long as the grower skill and care were equal for both. Of course poorly done inside or outside sucks but, something about the sun + natural stressors makes for a more nuanced terpene profile + a more nuanced high! To me people’s perception of good weed = rock hard, bright shiny nugs, is super sad.


@jessethestoner I’ve posted a few pics, here are the links to some of the posts

Smoke report and budshots coming soon :wink:


I couldn’t have said it any better myself @api312 :clap::grinning:


@api312 and @Oldtimerunderground, Well! We have tons of amazing growers here who turn out awesome results! And their plants never even saw the sun!! Now imagine these same ones trying their hands outdoors!!? Would be killing, learning curves considered!! By just contemplating how many millions of more interactions plants have with their environment, and knowing we’re able to reproduce a high percentage of that indoors; still it makes me wonder how many subtleties can’t even be accounted for when outdoors!? That has to have an impact on the final result!! Based on indoors OGers’ results, hard to say! But looking at those trees OTUG was growing, it makes me feel as in my childhood vacation days in the countryside!! Naturally speaking!! :hugs:


I was unaware of this but there was a movie in the 90s that was based on the cancer rate in TR from the drinking water or a river or something.


Erin Brockovich?


I first got my water filters about a month after the news broke that the military base near where I used to live had contaminated the drinking water with PFAs from fire extinguishers because they were too cheap to replace them for two decades, despite numerous reports blahblah… decided I’d rather not have that happen to me again, tracked down a halfway decent deal for a whole-house filter and coughed up the $200. That wasn’t even here, it’s obviously worse here. :angry:


No that was some other state. There’s been a few movies about cancer in the water supply here and there since so I can’t even find the movie I’m thinking of online. It would have been between 91 and 94 maybe. I saw it as a kid and only found out much later it was based on a town not far from me.

What do you mean it’s worse here? This is all news to me! :flushed: I don’t drink tap water anyway but still.


I mean they’re doing essentially the same thing, just lying and bribing each other slightly better so the story doesn’t get out. :stuck_out_tongue: That, or in theory, everybody is all squeaky clean and there’s no corruption in state government at all and everybody is paying attention to regulations and protecting the environment perfectly because the children are the future… dunno, you tell me what you’re inclined to believe. :wink:


Yeah I’m a realist but I hadn’t heard of anything wrong about any local town’s water supply having issues in the last 2 decades which is why I’m asking what you know that I don’t. Or are you just making the (fair) assumption?


Just assuming. I’d love to be wrong, but unfortunately it’s impossible to be proven wrong on this one… and the cost of being proven right is probably higher than the cost of a water filter every few years. Bonus, I don’t get buildup on my glasses anymore from the hard water… and my fertilizers consist of what’s in the fertilizer and that’s all, full stop.


@Slick1 , was it “A Civil Action”?


edit: I re-watched “Clarkson’s Farm” this month and this water supply conversation reminds me of when Jeremy checks his water filter after finding there’s A LOT of contaminants in the water he was using to drink:


(*Clean filter is on the LEFT and is WHITE… the old filter is in his other hand… :open_mouth: )

edit-edit: Our family spot up north, we had to close the original hand dug well. It was 30ft down and was fine for decades until cattle farming increased up river AND excessive fertilizer run off from the farms. The water got so bad it was boil before use TO CLEAN DISHES. :confused: So, 6 years ago we ended up paying out the ass for a 65 ft hole straight into bedrock as the bedrock would filter out all the shit.


No that came up when I was searching but it’s not what I’m thinking of. The movie I’m thinking of would have been early 90s. I keep mixing it up with The Client in my head cause it was that caliber of movie, just can’t place it.


Damn. Those kinds are often made for tv powerhouses that are nearly impossible to find.

I’ve been trying to find a copy of “Lifepod”, which is an adaptation of the older film “Lifeboat”, but in space. Dark and brutal with actors you still recognize. :+1:

Similarly is “To Cast a Deadly Spell”, which is an early HBO movie; often the ones I quest for (this one I have; it’s starring Fred Ward, Jullianna Moore, Clancy Brown, and David Warner in a word where everyone uses dark magic, only one private dick named Harry Philip Lovecraft refuses to apply the dark arts while on the case.)


It was an acclaimed theatrical movie like The Client. I can’t find anything so at this point I’m wondering if I’ve got a Mandela Effect going on.

Lifepod sounds like it could be interesting!