Paonia Purple Paralyzer seed run "CLOSED"

Shoot! Back in the day we would use a record album cover. The double albums. Works just like your frisbee deal but a little larger. The seeds collect in the fold crease. All bag weed had seed in it back then.


Great job @DougDawson, cant wait to get some, when do the fall box come out


So the lists at the top of the thread is everyone that is getting the seeds. Just want to double check before I start counting them out for putting in vials. :thinking:


The top two are the old list that didnā€™t get seed. Only those with flags were verified still wanting then.

The bottom two list are new and the 30 & 40 get them.

Did I get that right Doug?


Depends when the distributors get all the seeds that need to go out, last years fall box went out end of December last year through and January this year.


" All bag weed had seed in it back then."

lol - so did my first grow (hermmed)! Felt like it was 1983 all over again.
Iā€™m going to try to get through my last couple piles - about an oz leftā€¦


Hey @Shadey , @G-paS got it perfect. First 2 lists are the original list and second 2 lists are the new sign ups. I have tagged everyone on the first 2 lists a few times so if there is no flag than I suppose we can ignore them. So basically there are 4 lists to fill and only the ones with flags beside them. If you need anything from me just let me know.


Ok I will remove rhe non flagged Canadians from the list then, cheers man :+1:


Youā€™re the best, many thanks.


Doug has the ppp seeds been sent out to everyone !?

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They went to the distributors and will got to all those signed up in the fall box.


What is this fall box we speak of

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Aw man itā€™s the best. You sign up for seed runs and twice a year (spring box and fall box) youā€™ll get a bunch of seeds. The US traditionally uses Sebring as the distributor. Just gotta pay for shipping on his site once he get everything and those seeds will be on the way to ya! Thereā€™s some caveats (member trust level, sign up on each one) but itā€™s an excellent way to get quality genetics in the hands of many and overgrow the world!


Looks like I missed this one ā€¦so if Iā€™m on the list for the ppp seeds does that sign me up automatically lol

I think I might be in the same boat as you @Rabeats2093

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Indeed, I had only ran across the signup for the spring box.

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Hey all, there is no sign up for the Spring or Fall box. All seed run co-ops are sent to the distributors. Soon the seen runs that were received by Sebring will be prepped for the Fall box which is just an accumulation of all the runs sent in. If you signed up for a run like @LegsMahoney did on this PPP run you will get the fall box. If you sign up for runs going on now you will get the spring box. They just call them that because they need a name and are sent out in spring and fall. It will cost you around $2 per strain as a donation and the cost of shipping.


Awesome so Iā€™m already tagged in !


Thanks for clarifying that one @DougDawson i had no idea that was how all this went down. Is this how all seed runs that are distributed through Sebring or other distributors go down vs. ones like the box of chocolates where homie just sent them all out himself? Basically if a seed run goes through a distro itā€™ll be sent out as a part of the larger package ?


Yes indeed, I see you on the list.

Yes, exactly. The co-ops go through the distributors. They make money for the site and are sent out twice a year. Other stuff like the box of chocolates and the million other giveaways like misterbeeā€™s sept thing are just done by users. Also you will find that the co-ops are rare or preservation strains while the giveaways are a free for all. This is also easier on the growers pocket. While I have sent out hundreds and hundreds of envelopes of free seeds its on my time and my dime. Paying out of pocket for the co-op runs would be pretty expensive. After the cost of growing I would have to pay to ship to 200 people, this is just more than many can afford. Using the distributors means the grower doesnā€™t have to pay to ship and the site makes some coin at the same time. I love the idea which is why I sent the PPP to the distributors. Itā€™s a great OG tradition that we need to keep alive.