Paonia Purple Paralyzer seed run "CLOSED"

That’s really great to know man! I’ve been wanting to do some kind of seed run as wel but was put off by the idea of eating the cost for all that shipping like you said. Was basically just going to make the seeds and hold them to just toss out here and there on a whim, good to know that the co-op approach is an option. Also super cool to know the site gets some coin out of it, just more incentive in my mind. Thanks for walking us through that dude :v:t2:


@DougDawson direct me to the right place. I’ve not ever signed up for the spring or fall box so I’m clueless as to where to go lol

Ohh wait. Cause I’m siged up here I’ll be added to the fall box by the distributors?


When it is time. @sebring puts up a post with the strains that are in it. The link to the site will be in it. I think it was Doug that added links to the runs.

You just go to the site linked and pay for shipping and as stated $2 a strain.

:green_heart: :seedling:

EDIT; Just because it is called the fall box it can be actually be a winter box. :smile:


Haha OK. Awesome :ok_hand: Winter box :package: may warm me up …


It’s is basically “A Box of the Season”. :laughing:


So for you Canadians it looks like I will be the one preparing your Spring and Fall boxes as I am now the Canadian distributor for CO-OP runs. This will not really have an effect on you all but feel free to direct your questions regarding the Canadian boxes my way.


Did this ever go out in the US?


The seeds for all but Canada were received by Sebring. No boxes have been sent yet anywhere but will be happening soon.


Thanks @DougDawson for all the good info, This has always been a little hazy for me :grin:


I so wish I had some of the seeds, I was raised in Delta and had the pleasure of smoking a lot of P.p growing up. I live in the mountains of Arizona close to Mexico now so only Mexie weed here. I’d love to introduce the folks down here to it.


Welcome to OG @AceHigh

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Welcome to OG @AceHigh ! You might want to pop over to Introduce yourself thread. Join into conversations share your grows and build some trust.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Hi @AceHigh, welcome to OG! You’ll love it here! Please, go to the Introduce Yourself thread and do so!! Have fun!!

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Are you copying me!? @G-paS?:confused: :flushed: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Guess it’s the other way around! :grin: :rofl: :hugs: :rofl:

Introduce Yourself @OG (Part 1) - #3134 by Donnie Here @AceHigh!!


Thanks G, I just did that. As I said in my introduction, I have just done normal gardening around my yard, trees flowers and other vegitation. Ive always wanted to grow but figured id just screw it up lol. But after gardening for a whhile and helping a friend with his grow, I thought I should give it a try.


I’ve been Mia for awile but that’s awesome you got more of these made , always nice to see overgrow is still spreading the love far and wide :grin:


Welcome back @Heritagefarms. I was happy to do it. I see you were on the original sign up list so I added your country flag to your name. This will make sure you are not missed and get these in the fall box.


Been looking for these seeds in Colorado for some time. I’m sure they are in someones bottom drawer, forgotten about.

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Hundreds of folks will have these soon, hang around and get to know some folks. I am sure you will find some.


Glad to hear they will be availble soon, Im excited now lol

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