Paonia Purple Paralyzer seed run "CLOSED"

Dear @DougDawson!! You’re simply one of a kind!!! Hats off to you sir!!! I remember a while back, talking to you and pondering whether I should embark on the pollen route, the PPP; and as an amazing brother, friend, full of human camaraderie!! You offered to send me the whole package, silver nitrate and the whole nine yards!!! I’m as humble as I’m floored!!! OGers like you, a ton of them here, truly make me feel like I’ve found a new family, don’t mean to be silly!! Had been going through some tough times, situations, learning to grow our dear plant here by constantly screwing up big time, at times catching myself completely emotional here, literally because I feel our universal common bond!! Have always been welcome here and can only thank you a million times!! You and a ton of other amazing OGers!!! As I told you, I thank you for the pollen, dearly, and the rest of it; yet I’ll only venture into it, and if, I get the experience to allow me to do a decent job, otherwise I won’t touch it!! :scream: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :flushed:
And I’ll be thanking you soon again!!! You rock DD!!!


Very cool bud. Glad the STS supplies made it, I always worry about that stuff. It makes the envelope thick and crunchy, lol, never know if it will catch some mail persons attention. When you get to it check out Sebrings site for how to make the STS.


As Doug said, check the info for making it, there is a procedure for adding in the ingredients to each other, but experience is the best teacher, so just get the instructions and try it out in small batches first.


Sorry about that @DougDawson . When I packaged and sent those to you, I didn’t consider how it would sit in the envelope. I really should’ve vac sealed it flat. Glad to see it made its way down there to @Abbbian :grinning:


I have sent out most of it short a couple packs for myself and it always seems to make it :slight_smile: Well apparently not to BERZERK but to everyone else.


Is that guy still around?
Always saw him in the giveaways. Don’t know if he got the stuff or whatever happened.


He is still around. I have sent seeds and pollen to him multiple times yet they never seem to arrive. Sent to a new address last time and still nothing apparently. All others I have sent to in Brazil have always received theirs. It’s unfortunate but can’t keep paying for postage and also providing seeds that don’t seem to make it to their destination. That last batch to the new address my still arrive so fingers crossed there.


Paonia Purple Paralyzer and the Dutch Passion - Durban Poison seeds are packed and ready for going in the Fall Box.


Thanks for performing your magic. By the way. Dragonblood Hashplant beans are scheduled for delivery to you on Saturday. A lot of them.


That’s fantastic news @Sebring , many thanks for pulling this all together again.


Very nice @Sebring thank you for your hard work buddy


@Sebring this is awesome to see I’ve heard so much about this strain over the years , rumored to be a very old afghani from the Hindu Kush mtns possibly a Mazar brought to Colorado by a local business owner who sourced the seeds himself on a trip to the region.
I hope all the strains from that lost seed run/member can somehow find there way back into the community.


I was on the original ppp run but never received the package will I qualify for a pack since we already paid and was on the original list ?


Hey @Papalag , I don’t see your name on the list anywhere. I copied the list from the original run to my run and also made a second, you are not on either? I have lot’s of PPP beans so I got you covered if you are after them but if you were expecting them in the fall box you may be disappointed.


I just got a warm fuzzy feeling from your statement @DougDawson
Definitely let me know when you start your giveaway for these.:v:


I may have it mixed up I may be thinking of the sour strawberry bog repo
Sorry for the confusion

The missing spring box :package:


No worries, if you do decide you want them let me know.


@sebring is the fallbox gonna be on diygreenlife or on here?

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Hey bud, give this a read. There is no spring and fall box to sign up for but rather just individual CO-OP runs. The following is how this works.
Someone does a CO-OP seed run.
They create a sign up list and users sign up. This is for TL2 and TL3 members.
When seeds are done they are shipped to Sebring for distribution. There is a distributor for each country. Sebring distributes to the USA and also to the distributors in each country.
Twice a year around spring and fall a box is put together with seeds from each CO-OP run that was sent in.
Those who signed up provide addresses and pay a $2 to $2.50 per strain donation (this amount is due for each individual sign up), depending on location, as well as pay for the shipping cost to have items shipped to them.
Once paid the distributor packages all strains you have signed up for and ships them to you. So there is no pre determined box to sign up for, the box is just all the runs you had already signed up for put into one package. If you have any questions let me know.


Sounds like a great way to do it😀