Parttime's perpetual party time

I’ll just have most of these pots stacked in here until the flower tent wakes up because I have more space to fit them in there, but it looks so wild right now and it cracks me up.

“Listen PT, you’ve got a seed starting problem and ya gotta cool it”

“You’re tearing this family apart”

There are actually 7 plants in here now. I put some clones in there a couple of nights ago. I squeezed them in to fill in some gaps while I veg stuff to fill ‘er up.


Spirit Rider 3. Cold nighttime temps are showin’ on this baby.

Spirit Rider 2

Snowhigh’s chocolate Thai bx, f2’d by deadpanhead. I’m a longtime seed and seedling murderer but I’ve gotten in a groove and am confident that these four will survive so I can reveal them to og. I’m looking forward to seeing how these turn out. I can’t tell if the biggest one is a mutant or just growing strangely because it had kind of flopped over and I had just refused to let it die.

I have more Tiger King seedlings growing, and I have some Goji Rider from @wbSamadhi growing and they hate being overwatered so they’re stunted and pissed off but they’ll be alright. I have seedlings of Paralyzed Monster from @JohnnyPotseed and Purple Urkle from @Bobgrows going, and I’m looking forward to those. Paralyzed Monster sounds great, and I’ve heard Purple Urkle is a good pain relief and sleep aid strain, and that’s really the sort of thing I’m trying to focus my energy toward lately. Ass-kickers & cbd are what I’m gonna spend this year excitedly growing. And the occasional sativa that I probably won’t even like smoking, because I won’t get the chance to dislike 'em if I don’t grow them and try them! :wink:

I’m sprouting some Erdpurt because the terps sound awesome and it’s apparently cbd rich so if I hope I like it as much as I think I will. They were in my first seed order(December 2016) so I’ve wanted to grow them for a while. I like pretty pot, and this stuff has purple buds. I’m a simple guy.

I have limited space but I’m trying to work my way through some stuff so I can find the goodies. As it turns out, I can actually fit way more stuff in my garden than I previously believed, so I’ll be growing way more shit than I’ve ever had going. I’ve been loving having so much stuff going and having so many different stages of life. It’s really helping me stay excited about spending time in there. I kind of wish I had more plants that had gotten to veg larger, but it’s okay, I won’t run out of pot or anything. I just like having more stuff in my tent since I’m running the lights. It shouldn’t be too long until I’m putting stuff in there though.

I have a ton of veggies going and I think I started them too early because the last frost date is April 30th. WHOOPSIE DAISIES. Might have to put them outside of my tents and risk the cats munching on my tomatoes and peppers. I wish they’d understand when I tell them that I have like 4 or 5 catnip plants growing for them because I know how much they appreciate getting lit and chilling out.

I’ve started using a whiteboard to start keeping the different stages of growth organized so I can keep on top of things. It’s not totally necessary, but it makes things easier. Having a diagram of plant placement in my flower tent, and listing what’s in what size pots has been a treat to stare at during dark periods when I can’t stare at the plants themselves.

Anyway, anyone ever grow Oldtimer’s Haze?




Starting some seeds.

Oldtimer’s Haze
Lemon Pie
Harrow Velvet tobacco
Connecticut broadleaf tobacco
Black Sea Samsun tobacco
Orange king calendula
Lavender (like the actual herb)
Elephant dill

My erdpurt seeds had little tails and then only one broke above the surface, and that one doesn’t seem all that interested in surviving since it hasn’t even opened its cotyledons. I’m tempted to sprout a different pack in their stead, but I only have so much room! I do feel like once I move the veggies outside it’ll look like a ghost town in there, but it’ll be alright.


I’ve never seen one of these babies get this purple, and I’ve also never had one go this long. It’s already gone longer than 9 weeks and this is an 8 week plant. Pretty cold winter in the garden this year.

I have a couple Oldtimer’s haze sprouts coming up, a few Lemon Pie, and only one erdpurt survived after going in soil. Hard to update without repeating myself a bunch, since I’ll just keep saying how excited I am to grow some plants.

The Oldtimer’s haze is giving me a feeling of nervous excitement because I’ve wanted to grow it since my first seed order. My first attempt at growing it had died when I needed to unexpectedly leave town for a couple of days during the summer, and all of my plants were in 1gal pots and died on the vine.

Lemon Pie is just the craziest lemon I’ve ever had from a plant, and when I grew it before, my plant had an incredible feminine human musk, it damn near smelled like teen love (if you dated women as a teen at least)

Blows my mind how pot can make so many smells. And it’s pretty? Shiiiit.

Anyone ever get so high that they get fluttery guts and do some shivering?

I’m sitting here thinking of a time I was on a road trip with my ex, and I smoked a doob of “chemdawg” from a dispensary in Oregon, and got so high that I was shivering uncontrollably, and it kinda freaked out my gf. She was not a pot smoker, and took a teeny hit and ended up crying on the Airbnb kitchen floor. It’s been 5 years and I can’t stop thinking about that, because I don’t know if that was the real chem and it drives me nuts. The legal market name game makes me so crazy because of that. I could always drive up to MA and get some, but I truly hate doing that. At least I could get chem91 as grown by Mass G/Chemdog, which is so gnarly.

I could probably go through some sort of rigamarole and drop loot and secure a cut, but damn I’m just trying to find out if it’s the asskicker I’ve been afraid of for half a decade now haha. One of the coolest damn things about growing pot is that I’m able to try things that I’ve only been able to read about before. For example: I’m gonna grow a haze. That’s a whole different level of cool to me because it’s an educational grow. When someone says something has a haze taste, I have no idea what they’re talking about, and in like 6 months I’ll have an answer.


Today what I have to offer is a couple of bad pictures and me talking to myself. Here we go!

Can’t believe a nearly full tent can look this empty! One wave of plants is starting to show sex, so I’m getting to deal with them accordingly. I also took out the clones I had multiples of and put them in the flower tent because they were getting on the edge of starting to get really mad in the 1gal pots.

Spacing out the timing of starting seeds is a revolutionary concept; it’s working out really great. I think I need to tweak the timing and seed amounts, but this is letting me go through my seed backlog SO much faster than before. Not that I’m trying to exhaust my collection or anything, it’s just that I got the damn things so I could grow them and smoke them and whatnot.

Harvested the plant that was in the front a few days ago, and have been transplanting plants in there since. It’s starting to look like there’s some stuff growing in there.

I need to find a new cat-proof place to set up my cloner. I used to just put it in my veg tent, but now that I’ve started to jump headfirst into pheno hunting, it certainly won’t fit in there anymore.

Things will also get a lot easier when I’m not trying to deal with all the daaaaamn veggies I keep starting. I guess at least if I let veggies die from over/under watering, they weren’t an $80+ pack of seeds, but I also do want healthy plants so I can get a jump on the season. I’ve never been able to drag myself out of my depression well enough to properly start a garden in the spring, but that dirty dog’s got another thing coming this year. I’m ready for the extreme disappointment of dealing with a shitty veggie garden and relentless New England bugs.


All you need is seeds and beans, lots of them.

Select a mix of what you want to grow, and get lots of seeds, lots of them, and throw them all in the garden. Whether there’s grass growing there or not. Just throw a shitload of seeds around and stand back. Every single little plant is a win. And even if most of them don’t sprout, then they’re likely to sprout next year.

An outdoor garden is just about the most exciting thing ever when you’re depressed.
You don’t have to work hard or do anything to have a cool wild garden.
When it all starts growing abundantly, when it comes to harvesting, let the first plant, or fruit or vegetable of each species go to seed and let it be, those seeds will sprout later on, you’ll never ever have to spend money on seeds again, and the resistance, the genetics will become stronger each year, each generation.

In fact, let half of your harvest return to the soil for fertilization.
After a couple of years you’ll have the richest and most flavorful produce in town.
And all you need to do is sow and harvest the best, leave the rest.

On a sunny day, take a chair and sit your ass down in the middle of it.

And just watch closely…

Last year I had butterflies landing on my shoulder, my back, my hand…
Simple little things like that are very powerful, if you appreciate them.


I tend to just need a project to distract me from dwelling on my brain self-destructing, so this is the time of year where I get super into something. Sometimes it sticks. It’s how I got around to starting to grow pot in the first place.

Last year at this time, after a decade of fixating on the abstract concept of bespoke footwear, I started learning how to make boots.

I figure the best move (partly just so I have something to do and keep me engaged) is a two-pronged attack where I plan ahead of time and have established plants in containers, as well as just throwing stuff willy nilly in the yard.

I’ve tried broadcasting seeds, and I’m pretty sure birds just went and ate it all up afterward and I was disheartened. I need to find a local source of some straw that I can lay down, I’d love to just spread seeds and toss straw on top of all of it. Otherwise, the only real thing I wanna do is build a mound and do a traditional style three sisters garden. The symbiotic relationship between them is cool, and it makes it low maintenance. I have some giant corn that should be really cool to watch grow. I’ve been wanting to try messing with intentional

I’ve spent a lot of time standing outside because I smoked cigarettes for years, and I’ve noticed monarch butterflies in the past couple of years. There tends to be a whole shitload of milkweed running rampant in the neglected flowerbeds and fringes of my yard and I was fortunate enough to see the visitors.


I have a pair of cowboy boots just like that only the top half is a bit lighter yellow orange than yours, the stiching looks identical as well. I got mine in Florida when on vacation. I would like to darken up the orange yellow more to the tan colour.

Keep growing the milkweed, Monarchs are getting rarer like all butterflies, we get them here from late July to early October when they fly back to Mexico.

Plants are looking good :+1:


Heck yeah! I had gotten kind of a crappy leather dye when I was making them so the color ended up like that. The color had started scraping off of the lower parts while I was sewing on the soles; it was horrible. I ended up just using some light coats of black boot polish on the lower bits, and it darkened them up pretty nicely to where I was looking to get them.

I was so pleased when I realized I was seeing them and not just more of the Eastern Tiger Swallowtails that end up in my garden. My dad actually didn’t believe it until I got a picture, because they hadn’t been making it this far north for so long. It was just a weed that got neglected for years and then ended up paying off! :wink: There are also organizations that distribute milkweed seeds, which is great!



My city gives out flower seed mixes for free :slight_smile:
Great thing for schools to give to the kids as well.

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Yeah! I need to go to the library and see what kind of seeds they have on hand and see if they have anything I may not have already.

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Super cool. We get the black swallowtail around here. They made a meal out of our outdoor basil plants. Was super worth it to see that flock of butterfly’s at the end of their season. We also planted some milkweed this year. Hopefully we will start seeing a larger population of butterflys this year.


Better sow some vetch then, or hide yer brassica’s!


Outdoor gardening is usually my wife’s department. I know she has started a bunch of marigolds and also grows kale to entice the bugs thataway. I did commandeer a corner plot of the yard for my own outside crops this year though.


20 years a go I grew a wicked cross of Durban x afghani. I still remember it. Mild liquorice and good day time smoke. It was my going to work weed.


Those boots look awesome.


That sounds so good! I’m pretty sure that I’ve had a mistaken impression of sativa strains for years, and I’m realizing that what I’m really after right now is the sort of weed I was getting when I was younger, back when I lived in New Mexico. I loved weed, and then I moved to Connecticut and any weed I got my hands on would put me to sleep, so I stopped smoking for like a decade.

Thank you so much! It’s about time to start on another pair, I’m really looking forward to it but I’ve been putting it off because I’ve had other stuff going on, and I have a one-track mind when I have a project going haha


I’m a size 12 just so you know :+1: