Parttime's perpetual party time

A month ago, I knocked my bong over and spilled swamp water on my rug. Today, I knocked it off my coffee table in exactly the same way, except for the part where I did not successfully catch it before it hit the ground.

What’re ya gonna do.

Oh and here are tiger king and spirit rider, just chuggin’ along.


That looked like an extensive bong I am sorry to say, my nerve damage in my neck causes me to drop things constantly.

My second Utillian vape in just over a year died 12 days ago, 3 weeks out of the original warranty. So I started a warranty process but the site TVape advised nothing would get replaced out of warranty so I cancelled the warranty replacement procedure.

I then ordered an Arrizer Air Solo 2 from Tools420 Vape, the next day Tvape’s customer service emailed me to say that they would replace the Utillian vape as I have had the 2 die so quickly with not much use, as I am a lightweight puffer lol.

So they both arrived yesterday in the post. I am keeping the Utillian as a spare, I prefer the Arizer anyway, should have got that to start with last year lol it seems a much better unit.


@Shadey Thankfully I had gotten it secondhand for 100 bucks a few years ago, and I more than got my money’s worth out of it! The problem is that I need to find a replacement and either save up or order something cheap from dhgate.

I had a big phase where I was on the quest for the perfect vape, and I ended up determining that I prefer to smoke my weed most of the time. I’ve heard really good things about Arizer products, and I was heavily lusting after the Air at one point! That’s rotten luck about your devices dying on you, but that’s great that the site you used took care of you like that! It’s always such a shame when there’s a situation where it feels like there should be a little bit of wiggle room, so it’s cool they made a judgment call like that.

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Aww man sorry about your luck!! Truly an awful feeling when the bong tips over let alone breaks! I switched to silicone even though it’s not as fancy as a percolator and made of plastic it doesn’t break the many times I’ve tipped it and very easy to clean!


@Cocobubble Thank you! I’m not nearly as bummed about it as I thought I would be, but cleaning up glass is always a lousy time. I have a roll-uh-bowl from when I was hiking a lot, but I never got that into it. I like it in theory, but I always collapse it like I’m trying to drink a milkshake through a straw whenever I try to clear the chamber.

I guess a big ol’ (16 or 18 inches) beaker bong only runs about 50 bucks on ebay right now, so I may have to grab one of those up sometime. There’s one I really like for 80, but we’ll see what I end up deciding!


I’ve posted this somewhere before but great for hiking:


@Foreigner That’s pretty rad! I love gadgets and whatnot.

That actually reminds me, I have an AC Greebs smoking steel so I can do gravity bongs. I might have to bust that thing out, because I have a little teeny bong that I’ve been using, and I like it but I can’t comfortably quickly smoke a bowl when I have things to do!


Adapt, improvise, overcome, reduce, reuse, recycle.


Haha. My man with the GB.


I think I need to get some new pots for my vegging plants. Fabric pots are phenomenal if you have space between them, but when they’re packed in there and touching, the capillary action seems to just have them all staying overly wet. My plants are doing the whole “I’m drowning” shtick and looking pretty horrible so I need to do some rehabbing on them and get them back on track. I’m just torturing them until they get preflowers and give up their secrets.

I just reached TL3 status last night, which is pretty sick. I didn’t expect that to happen for a little while. Doesn’t really affect me overall but I guess it does mean that I’ll be sticking around for a while. Only takes a couple months to create a lifestyle haha


I fell off around here because I underestimated my enemy(my brain).

I’ve been depressed as shit, as I tend to get in the springtime, and I tend to have stomach problems this time of year as well. Got some plants outside though. Now I have to leave town for 2 weeks and I’m sweating my plants surviving. I haven’t been as attentive as I should have been in the lead-up to this.


What’s up man? I was legit getting ready to put up the bat signal for you.


Haha I appreciate that. I’m around, or at least around-ish. I haven’t really had anything worth mentioning going on in my garden or life, but I put some veggies outside today.

I’m leaving town on Saturday to go visit family. It’s cool to see family, but selfishly I’m really stoked because they live really close to a few bootmaking-adjacent locations of interest for me, like if I stop being so bashful and reach out, I might be able to visit a bootmaker I really admire. It’s hard to keep myself from turning a family visit into a boot trip.

Stoked to be able to get back and have a renewed excitement for boots and start some routines to help my brain suck less haha


That’s awesome. There is nothing wrong with getting an extra layer of enjoyment on top of seeing family. Sounds like a win win to me. I hear that about the garden. I’m pretty much on cruise control right now. I think I have a defoliation coming up in about a week and then thats that. Just sitting on my hands lol

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I went and visited family and am back home, but coming up soon I’ll be needing to go out of town for an extended period(6 weeks, maybe longer) so I won’t be starting any more seeds for a while.

I started the full pack of Orange f3 seeds I’d gotten from @Mithridate , and to my embarrassment, only 3 seem to have survived this long. I wish I could blame my trip, but the others keeled over before I even left.

This picture is one of the orange fellas. I put them in my flower tent while I was out of town and I didn’t expect them to show sex. Whoops! I think 2/3 of them are males, but we’ll see.


I’m trying to get back into taking care of my garden. It turned out that I didn’t end up needing to go out of town, but I still got horribly depressed for the whole spring and summer that my plants have been suffering. Having a shit garden is embarrassing on a pot growing forum, so I’ve been scarce overall. Right now I have some plants in flower. Pretty into it.

I’ve been putting forth some efforts to get my brain on track. I keep thinking that I’m not supposed to feel like shit all the time, and it took me a while before I determined that I need to actually make some changes, otherwise I’m just choosing to continue to be unhappy. So I’ve started lifting weights, and I’ve gone back to school. I should be finishing up with my associate’s degree after the spring semester. I’ve had a hard time getting over the shame I feel over having dropped out multiple times now. I’m just trying to get all finished up with a bachelor’s degree so I can settle into a career.

Anyway, that’s about all I’m getting up to these days.

I’m starting some seeds soon. I’m trying to get more cool shit going so I can make some neato posts on here and smoke a whole bunch of good reefer.


Hey brother. Glad to see you back and taking charge of things. Don’t feel bad about the school thing. I like to joke with people that I’ve been in school for the past 22 years and I still only have 7 credits.


Hey thanks bud, I appreciate it! And it’s just weird to be around a bunch of 18 years olds. They’re total aliens to me because they’re full of all this hope, and they think that they’re all grown up but they’re still just kids with no life experience to help inform the shit they say. It’s a really wild thing to be around after not really dealing with teenagers for several years.


Lol. I totally remember what it was like to be 18 if I think hard enough. I’m trying to see if I can remember the exact moment I realized I wasn’t the center of the universe. That’ll be awesome to relive!

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At 18 I had graduated High school, was working full time married and had bought a Mobil home.

I have an almost 21 year old living in my basement working an minimum wage job. Absolutely no life skills. Playing games in all his spare time. Thing sure have changed.

:green_heart: :seedling: