Pat Healy Grows & Nonsense

Yeah :+1: I can’t even remember my password, so I can only use it on my old phone :rofl::rofl:


This is exactly why I have 3 different phones I use cause passwords everywhere and I’m to chicken to have them in a password manager. 🤦:rofl::rofl:


My mind is, lol!



hell yeah thats whats up man, i got some dynasty stuff too. its been good. Cough is really dope stuff. i only had a few crosses with it, but that flavor is recognizeable, reminds me of NL and is like even stronger just really noticeable. i have a plant right now called Judo chops that has a lot of cough presence in it. it was freebies, its a good plant but i overwatered it and its massive and got a lil mad at me lol. everything else is fine i think its just too big. the cough seemed to have extremely strong branching and development too. really liked what i tried

salmon river og gotta be some fire too but havent grown it b4

thanks for tagging me i didnt even see that yet , i just scrolled by here and checked it out lol!

it could possibly be that topanga pure kush is the one im looking for, i think someone said thats the og build marshmallow metallic gas one im tryna find, might be the same as san diego pure kush too idk


There’s alot of opinions when it comes down to cali’s pure kushes. Whether some are s1’s and what not. Each are good in their own right. I would definitely try Lapk, Topanga and if your lucky to find the real Suge Knight cut at a decent price.


I have a close to Christmas birthday, was perfect as poor kid growing up (hahaha), but I tend to treat myself to something for my birthday and Christmas around the holidays and this year I’m treating myself with these if still in-stock:

It’s just an old personal thing and I have to eventually grow some of these packs out.


Figured I throw this up in here and see what type of info I get over the next three or so months before next harvest. So, where I live is always hot and humid. Without adding a powerful mini-split to an upstairs bedroom and all of that, I can’t keep a room or tent 60/60 consistently. No way for 17ish days. I was planning on just doing some form of hashing/washing or something along those lines this harvest, but I figured I’d get ideas from all of the clever folks on here first.

First, anyone have any fridge or DIY wine cooler type drying methods with instructions that have worked for you?

Secondly, if nothing comes up from the first question what’s the best way to process fresh weed, so I don’t even have to mess with the dry? Also, bubble is a little out of the question in my head, because it’s never cold here and doing bubble in the heat seems like it would be miserable. Plus, I’m then stuck with same problem drying the bubble, unless there’s some fridge method for that as well. Fresh frozen dry ice hash? @zephyr method? QWISO?

I have no clue, but I know I’m not messing with the hassle of trying to get a proper dry here again, so please help me out. Hahaha Any help or info will be greatly appreciated!! Thanks to all who take the time to read this and respond!!


The fresh frozen live resin honey oil is really easy. you can skip the drying process and the trim. you can go from harvest to smokeable hash in 2 days.

Just harvest and remove all the non-resinous material. freeze in large mason jars for 12 hours and you’re ready for the extraction process. You won’t have to worry about temperature or humidity for this method, the alcohol will evaporate at room temp with a fan blowing over it for ventilation.

Don’t make qwiso, whatever you do make sure all your ingredients are food grade and safe for human consumption. Isopropyl alcohol isn’t safe for medical use.


While a very cool environment helps with making bubble hash-primo bubble can still be made in hot humid environments.
Cold water and ice do all the work
And of course having excellent flower is the real secret…
Drying is the easiest part-simply put it into your freezer.
But do yourself a favor and check out @JoeCrowe thread here…

Man makes pretty decent hash(award winning) with all the science behind it.


Thanks for the info!! Pretty sure I’m doing your method this go around. I was going to ask about the health of all of these methods before I tried any for sure. I’ve always been creeped out by most extracts/concentrates after seeing the early days of people blasting in pvc tubes and whatnot. Haha

Do people press fresh frozen straight flower or hash it before pressing? I love live resin, or whatever the correct name is.


Thanks for the info!! I know it can be done for sure, but it’s too much of a pain in the ass when it’s hot and humid for me to mess with bubble.

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So the term live resin refers to the fact that the plant is extracted in its fresh ‘live’ form immediately after harvest and processed without heat, preserving the cannabinoids in their raw non-heat-activated form.

Personally I get improved medicinal effects from using live resin vaporized at relatively low temperature (around 500 degrees F).
I use the hash I make for dabbing with a low temperature e-nail.

Pressing refers to rosin, which is a mechanical extraction with a heated hydraulic press. I don’t really know anything about that, but @iamyou_youareme presses his own rosin and would be able to tell you more about that.

I think hash rosin is usually made by pressing the finished ice water hash to further refine it.


Yeah, I remember getting schooled on the difference between live resin and live rosin, but always forget. Haha I love the stuff where you press the bubble. I’ve done plenty of fresh frozen dry ice and bubble, but never messed with anything else.

What would the product I’d end up with your method be called? Live resin honey oil? I assume I can just dab, vape, or put some on joints/bowls the live resin honey?

What a dream skipping the drying and trimming would be!!!


Yeah, live resin honey oil.
(casually though I call everything hash, just easier)

And that’s exactly how I use it. dab with the enail, vaporize in a volcano with flower, put some on top of a bowl, or roll it into a joint.

(Just don’t put too much on a bowl or joint at once, or it’ll melt through the flower. some will get wasted and it gunks up the joint or piece.)

You can also eat it straight up if you need those raw cannabinoids medicinally, in the prop 215 california medical system this kind of stuff was often used for capsules or pre-dosed syringes for cancer patients.

Or infuse it into oil, butter, or honey for edibles. Or melt it back into alcohol for tincture.


So you freeze it in jars and then add ethanol and shake and strain and let the alcohol vapor off till you have resin? I am so doing this .


Yup that’s pretty much all there is to it


Thanks so much for this!!! I’ll be going through your thread when I harvest and following your guide. This is perfect for me. I have a Volcano too already. I’ll get a fancy e-nail setup now too I’m sure. Haha Thanks again!!


Would it be best for me to drive to GA and get bottles of Everclear 190 there for this method? Also, is there a particular size of jar that works best? Can you go too big or too small in that regard? @zephyr


190 will definitely work better. I used to use california 150 watered down everclear, it will definitely work. but the process is less finnicky and generally higher quality with 190. With less qater content, less clorophyll with get into your alcohol extraction, and it will evaporate faster and without leaving behind any additional water content from the everclear.

They make the 150 by diluting the 190, so using 150 and evaporating at room temp, you often end up with some residual water content.

also @Papalag has a more traditional RSO recipe evaporating with heat, he posted it in my thread a few days ago it’s the classic method. That would cook off any water content of the 150 everclear.


Sweet!! Thanks!! I’ll make the drive up there and catch a show, play some golf, or something to make it worth it.

Is RSO something you can dab or smoke? I thought that was the Rick Simpson Oil people eat for true medical benefits/problems and whatnot.